Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1149: ] Bureau? In the middle of the game?

What is the motivation behind Zheng Xuedong's retention as a "tender"? Is it just because I look like Mo Yan and my character, and the emotional status quo between me and Murphy is also very similar to Mo Yan and her past, and thus touched something in her heart? Obviously not, at least not only ... Eli is the logic of businessmen, and it is an instinctive habit that successful businessmen cannot strip. Zheng Xuedong, as the third largest shareholder of Fengchang, does not participate in high-level management like a wild crane. Over the past 20 years, management has always restricted or even controlled the battle of tension and tension. The thoughts and efforts she spends can be seen. It is definitely not the word 'success' that can be summarized and described. She is older than Mo Mo A more savvy businessman, but this is not reflected in the vested interests, but the state, this state is not only a long-term vision of the company's stability and development, as well as a means of planning and operational planning, but also a clear understanding of their capabilities .

Mo Yizhi and tension are two extreme representatives of the merchant type. The former attaches importance to development and therefore dares to take risks, while the latter attaches importance to stability. Therefore, he is diligent in management. Different styles are created, good at attacking and defending, each with its own strengths. There are more than one path to becoming a successful person. All the gamblers who bet against the treasure will succeed, and the solid accumulation of one step at a time will succeed, and all successful merchants In fact, none of the autobiography is a product of result theory-any successful person will be praised, and any loser will have no say.

Zheng Xuedong's mastery is not longer than Mo Zhang's, but her character—she belongs to a woman who will never overestimate her strength, but will never underestimate her ability. For goals that may not be pursued She is not adventurous, but she will not be paranoid and demanding. She will maximize the vested interests within her own control, just as she is in the wind today.

Except for the fool, I am afraid that only ghosts will believe her ghost words-she is really just hurt by leaving Fengchang management? Pull it down, this is the Mo that has become a ghost, and I am afraid I do n’t believe it, otherwise how can I explain that she has always used the Duanmu family ’s foundation in the south to restrict Mozhang relationship? How can we explain that in today's Mo Zhang's take-up of power, there are still neutral forces in the high-levels who have a certain right to speak, and these people obey her Zheng Xuedongyan? Don't say that Zheng Xuedong has been working hard, not forgetting his old feelings, and has been paving the way for Murphy to repair the bridge one day. I believe she can't forget Murphy, but can anyone tell me that since she intends to pave the way for Murphy With Murphy as the competition object, he is cultivating Duanmu flowing water. What is the picture?

Regardless of the inevitable connection between her purpose of cultivating Duanmu Liushui and the fact that she has never really stayed away from the wind, just looking at the surface, this move behind her will have more advantages than disadvantages to Feng Chang and to her personally. Of course, she sacrificed a certain amount of wealth, but imagine that if she stayed in the high level of Fengchang and existed directly in the vortex of Mozhang disputes, could she survive to this day? You know, the biggest killer she can restrict Mozhang's relationship is that she only wants the appearance of high-level stability. Her selflessness and her indifferent attitude towards power and interests have become her neither confronting Mozhang nor joining them. The most reasonable excuse of any camp, in other words, it is precisely because she does not have any actual threat or direct threat to Lao Mo Lao Zhang, so that the two materials can focus more on fighting each other, even if they can not win her, dare not easily Offended her, so that she has the stability of Feng Chang and her transcendental status and influence in the high ranks of Feng Chang. That is to say, the long-term seemingly delicate relationship between Mo Zhang is actually a deliberate attempt by Zheng Xuedong. The inevitable after carving is precisely her "indifferent fame and fortune" and "no desire and no desire", in exchange for the largest and safest business space for her, making her discourse weight more than the old ink, image reputation over the old Zhang, but It will not be the target of public criticism ... Zheng Xuedong knows that it is impossible for him to bring down Lao Zhang and Lao Mo at the same time, and helping any one of them to move the other will only make himself the next one. This, simply sit back and watch the tigers sit on the mountain, and see who is weak, help anyone, and who is too strong, suppress it, anyway, the complementary role of Mozhang, while survival is good for the company. As a shareholder, the company Isn't interest just her interest? She gave away the favor, and also made the two tigers never be able to tell the difference, and had no time to swallow herself ... she may not be an absolute winner, but she will never become a loser, so as a result, she will All winners.

Could this result be just a series of luck plus coincidence? The probability is really too low-the result is the evolution of the process, and there must be a lot of chances and uncertainties in the process. Whoever has that luck can avoid all the uncertainties in the process and make all chances happen Your own advantage? impossible! Then the result must be guided by man!

Zheng Xuedong said that she was a crazy woman who loved it. At first glance, she felt that it was such a thing that she could n’t bear to think about it. If she was really crazy, she should be desperate to be with Mo, and not worry. Mo also embarrassed, didn't think about Murphy's future, didn't care how others talked, didn't he? Otherwise, she did something crazy like Mo Yi and drunk, and she would not run away. She should let Mo Yi pay for her madness, instead of paying for it herself, wouldn't she?

The reason why her madness is not thorough enough is that there is always an insurmountable bottom line, because she cannot completely throw away her rational instinct at any time. I think this is something she regrets to this day.

Jiangshan is easy to change, and it is difficult to change nature, not to mention a woman who uses 'rationality' as her weapon of survival, a businesswoman, for herself, for the people she likes, the bottom line that she can't cross, because of me today Tearing? If she is so susceptible, can she keep this secret secret for twenty years, and even her sister under a tile can hide it?

I don't believe it!

It can be said that it was precisely because she finally revealed to me this overwhelmingly emotional, that made me 100% sure that all her words and deeds tonight are rational and designed to achieve some purpose .. .

What makes me curious and disturbing now is that she used this secret to 'abduct' me, for what purpose?

If she only cares about Murphy, it makes me worry, she ca n’t leave Beitian, no matter what, but if Murphy is just a guise, and she stays with me for Zheng Yuqiu, then there is no way to not worry ...

Although Zheng Xuedong is a smooth person, I personally prefer to divide her into Miss Zheng Yuqiu's camp. I have a very close relationship with Zheng Yuqiu. I do n’t know if she has an idea for me, but Miss San is to me. I have an idea, but it ’s 10,000 percent. The reason why I want to leave the wind, in addition to Murphy, I do n’t want to be the thread puppet of the arrogant mother-in-law who likes to play tricks and mysteries. Was all this secretly planned by her ...

It's because Miss Three's ambassador Zheng Yuqiu used Madam Duanmu, or Madam Duanmu and Miss Three Zheng Yuqiu have been colluding. There is not much difference between the bureau and the middle of the bureau. It ’s just like playing cats and mice, and controlling me to the extent that she can control me to play with me. Then tonight, she really hit her in the dead spot ...

Buddies now understand why Duanmu Liushui would rather be regarded as mentally handicapped, rather than working for Zheng Yuqiu, I'm afraid it's not just self-esteem that is difficult to accept. It ’s definitely a way to get together. Miss Zheng and Miss Three are definitely the same. Thinking about Miss Three ’s whole person's method makes people shudder ...

I couldn't help fighting a cold war-if Zheng Yuqiu had a bad impression on me, it was for Mrs. Duanmu to be able to 'tenderly' leave me in Beitian to stay in the wind, then it means that as early as Mrs. Duanmu Before I came to Beitian, I had fallen into the suit set by Miss Three ... The first to instill in me the impression that Zheng Yuqiu was interesting to me, but Min Rou! That is to say, those who mixed my feelings from a love triangle to a love triangle, at that time had already predicted my choice, and tried to stop me, making it difficult for me ...

On the other hand, if Zheng Yuqiu's affection for me is true, it can prove that Madam Duanmu ‘kidnapped’ me and has nothing to do with Miss Three ...

Is it necessary for me to verify it?

I have already seen how Miss Three plays with people. I'm not afraid that she will play with me, but I must not let her unreasonably hurt people around me because she plays with me.

Things like Xiao Zi, I never want to happen again ...

[Ps: Happy New Year ~]

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