Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1151: ] Option one, two, three

Option one: you wash first-ladies first, this is the etiquette of a gentleman, but also the most basic manner of a man.

Option two: I wash first-men are superior to women, and now the outside world is equal to men and women. Strongness is no longer the sole authority of men. When you come home and close the door, no more arrogance. So that's right.

It's impossible for Dong Xiaoye to know me if I have lived together for so long. It doesn't matter whether I choose one or two or she chooses me. I ’m more elegant. I ’m a multi-faceted value. In popular terms, it is both casual and easy-going. Roughly speaking, that is, we have the bottom of the Q spirit. For things that are too lazy to consider or not worthy of consideration, we can achieve spiritual self-anaesthesia through self-report, self-deprecation, self-deprecation, and self-explanation, and forget it. Behind my head, and I always do not like to care about women, especially because of such a trivial matter of bathing, but sister Hu still throws me such a question, which is a proof of hidden murder.

I seem to be able to hear the crackling radio waves in my head. This is a symptom that only appears when I feel a crisis. If you do n’t choose well, I do n’t think I ’ll be overwhelmed tonight ...

In my opinion, the option of “washing together” is both a joke and a trap. The reason why I say it is because I do n’t believe that the tiger sister who is bored all the way will have a joke and elegant leisure, so she must think Paralyzing me with a joke that looks like a joke, let me relax my vigilance, and then get smug ...

I bet, once my sperm got on the brain and said 'washing together', there will be a short punch and kick that will destroy my evil desires and wash my dirty, dirty and obscene soul ... but I must not When I realized that Sister Tiger was deliberately trying to find faults, I ran away with guilty guts, hid in the bathroom to take a shower, and confounded my thoughts. Otherwise, my end might be even worse-God knows if Chu Yuan will change the underwear and **** 'Handy' is in a conspicuous place where I can see at a glance? The only thing I can be sure of is that the girl definitely didn't take the changed clothes out of the bathroom. No matter I touched or didn't touch those clothes after entering the bathroom, the result was all stolen and captured. . Today is different from the past. In the past, Sister Hu did not care about these details because it was only when I had a pure sibling relationship with Chu Yuan, and the relationship was closer. There was not so much taboo in life and it was a normal category. This question is obviously noticeable. As a criminal policeman, doubt is the most basic professional skill. Now in the eyes of Sister Hu, some normal things in the past, when you look back, it may become abnormal. , Not to mention those things that are not normally normal, for example, the order of bathing, Chu Yuan will always be in front of me, for example, she never wears a small cover at home, but always likes to rely on unguarded In my arms, a pair of snow-white little feet are watching TV. Sister Tiger has a lot to think about, every time I will lower my eyebrows, whether I am watching Chu Yuan's feet or admiring the smelly girl Mouth following spring? For me, Sister Tiger has applied **** nail polish to all ten toes, and she cares for those little feet every night. She must be curious? Am I **** or a girl ...

"You go ahead, I have to make a bed." Between the electric light and the fire, I had already turned my mind, and took the only correct answer and the most natural performance to take the tiger sister's move, but the shirt was soaked with sweat and stuck to it On his back.

"Um." Sister Tiger's reaction was beyond my expectation. She got up quickly and went straight to the bathroom.

Is it that I'm so suspicious that Sister Tiger isn't trying to test me at all, but really playing with water? She was silent all the way, not because of my relationship with Chu Yuan, but because of a woman's sensibility, could not let go of Madam Duanmu's story? Did I miss a great opportunity just now? Although sister Hu and I did not usually do things intimately, they were not intimate enough to be able to take a shower together. The police organized the arrest of Sand Boat on the eve of the first operation. Line, Sister Tiger satisfied my ** in another way, and apologized for the promise. I will take care of it after the action, but I ca n’t tell what is going on. Since then, do n’t say anything further, just Even such an opportunity that night did not reappear. It was related to my guilt over tassel and I could not force the sister Tiger, but ashamed, my restraint in spirit was not enough to restrain me. Because of psychological and physical problems, it is not enough to check the behavior. Soy sauce and tofu are happening every day. Although Sister Tiger does n’t resist and resists, most of the time she takes the initiative to take care of her, but her clothes are getting more and more Difficult to take off, I do n’t mention the promise that day, she also pretended to seem to forget it. I even think that this girl, in addition to strictly guarding the final bottom line, has followed me in every possible way, that is, she knows and uses my personality, know I will always accommodate her, so Comfort me with the most compensatory ...

Dong Xiaoye is a straightforward and simple person. He has always been the one who says what he wants and what he does, but only this thing has kept me from understanding. I am partial and hypocritical. , I'm sorry to ask.

"Little Sister ..."

"Why? Change your mind? Want to wash it together?" Dong Xiaoye stopped at the bathroom door, turned around, smiled proudly and charmingly, the pair of soft and white like tofu made, but can split the tiles A small hand, a waist, and an elbow supporting the door frame, close to the cheek, pinching the orchid fingers forcibly, the two slender beautiful legs slightly crossed in front of and behind, with their chests and hips bent, the body bent into a large s-shape This coquettish virtue is not suitable for her, but it is really pretty and sexy.

"No ..." I walked over to God, secretly calling for calmness and calmness, not to mention that ** will make this girl look down, and I'm sorry for tassel, besides, Chu Yuan will not sleep yet ... No, Brother shouldn't have that kind of thought right now, are there any strange things happening tonight? Dongfang mom, Mrs. Duanmu, I haven't figured it out ...

"You forgot to change your clothes," I said quickly.

"Huh?" Dong Xiaoye froze and laughed. She reminded Chu Yuan just now, but now she made the same mistake.

When Dong Xiaoye came out of the room and put on her changing pajamas, I was laying my foldable bed. I wondered whether she intentionally or unintentionally asked, "The East has already come home. Do you still sleep in the living room?"

I was guilty and didn't look back. I was laying on the mat with my buttocks, foolishly confused, and said, "Where do I sleep in the living room without sleeping?"

"Sleep your big bed with Yuanyuan."

Sister Tiger seemed to say it casually. The tone was not abnormal, but the more normal she was, the more I felt the word 'big bed' popping out of her mouth. I do n’t know if she suspected me or not. The relationship with Chu Yuan, I do not know whether I should continue to hide, or confess immediately.

I didn't squeak silently, Dongxiao Ye slowly entered the bathroom, closed the door smoothly, I turned around and fell to the bed. It seems that Sister Hu really didn't doubt me and Chu Yuan ...

I ca n’t tell if I ’m relieved or my guilt is deeper and my psychological burden is heavier. Before I sighed, I saw that the bathroom door was opened with a slit, had taken off her shirt, and Dong Xiaoye, wearing only underwear, leaned out. I faced me, who had been avoiding her eyes all night. Even if I was guilty again, it wasn't good to look away now, and I saw her expressionless and said, "Chu Nan, Duanmu ... no, yes Zheng Xuedong, do you remember her evaluation of you? "

"Evaluate?" I didn't respond.

"Not frank, but fairly honest," Dong Xiaoye said, "I think she was right. If I asked you just now, why don't you sleep with Yuan Yuan in your big bed, and you answer me right away, and I will definitely Give your boss an earscraper. "

Sister Hu still doubted my relationship with Chu Yuan! I was embarrassed, ashamed, blamed, and I do n’t know what kind of expression to face her, "Why? Do you think I would lie to you?" By saying this, it was equivalent to confirming her suspicion, I know, but I still do. said.

Dong Xiaoye shook his head and said very confidently: "You won't lie to me. If you just opened your mouth, I believe you are 100% frank about you and your fate."

Her trust in me cannot calm the fear and anxiety in my heart at the moment, but I am more puzzled, "I confess, do you still falter me?"

Dong Xiaoye nodded, very serious and very serious, "Frankness is more terrible than a lie, because you lie to me, you must keep me, but if it is frank, no matter how sincere your attitude is, there is no way to change it. of."

"What is it?"

Dong Xiaoye stared into my eyes, saying one word at a time, saying: "You only have to think about it for one night, and you are ready to lose my mentality-if I have only such a little weight in your heart, you say me Shouldn't you have strangled you? "

[Ps: Vomiting is too much, and my throat is speechless. . . 】

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