Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 117: Naturally cute?

Chapter 117 Stay Natural?

Khaki casual pants, paired with a simple white shirt, a pair of canvas sneakers on the feet, simple to wear, but gives a refreshing sunny feeling, cuffs rolled up, revealing two white arms, if not for With several textbooks, I must think that this girl is just a high school senior.

"excuse me, you are..."

"Brother, this is Teacher Shu I said to you," Chu Yuan glanced at the young teacher timidly. "Mr. Shu, he is my brother."

Is she really the teacher Shu who was shaped into a horrible old witch by Chu Yuan and the pity of the East? !! Depressed, I held out my hand and said, "Hello, Teacher Shu."

The teacher named Shu probably didn't expect that the parents called by Chu Yuan turned out to be my brother? It seems a bit wrong, see me say hello, hurry up and take a few steps, and say, "Hello, just call me Shu Tong, what's your surname ... hey ~!"

The woman only looked at me, and for a moment did not notice a deviation in the direction of advance. She stumbled on the leg of a nearby chair, exclaimed, her body was out of balance, she flew off her teaching materials, and asked for help. I grabbed it and reached the table, but I didn't hold it in the panic. As a result, I could not avoid the bad luck of falling down, and I also wrote the book tea cup on the colleague's desk to the concrete floor ...

Fuck, I finally know why she knocked over Chu Yuan's desk for no reason ... too rash? Does this woman have no cerebellum? Why is there no balance? !!

Chu Yuan also felt angry and funny. I glanced at her angrily before going to help the teacher named Shu Tong pick up things together.

"This is awful. This cup seems to be a birthday present from Teacher Cao's daughter. She won't scold me, right? Ah, Meng's lecture notes got wet! What should I do? An apology is useless Right? God, why am I so stupid? "

You are stupid enough, I laughed secretly, this teacher Shu is really interesting, thoughtlessly, seeing me squatting to help, she busy: "Oh, don't need your help, sit down, I'll be right away . "

"It's okay." I smiled, and put the books I picked up on the table.

Mr. Shu no longer gave in, and scratched his head awkwardly, and repeated the mentally disabled question just now, "May I have your surname?"

I froze for a while, and smiled, "Free your surname Chu, Chu Nan."

She glanced at Chu Yuan, surprised, "You are also Chu?"

I grass! Not only does he not have a cerebellum, the brain is not healthy! I couldn't help but finally laughed out loud, "Yeah, so coincident, I'm also Chu."

Chu Yuan's face was pink and shy and reminded: "Mr. Shu, he is my brother, my surname is Chu, and of course he is also Chu!"

Mr. Shu froze, the powder face suddenly turned red thoroughly, and when you looked close, it looked like a layer of red silk moistened with water. It was tender and smooth, moisturized and smooth, without losing the makeup and skin. Chu Yuan is comparable.

"Ah, sorry, I'm a bit confused, haha, haha ​​..."

Not a bit, but too confused ...

"Mr. Chu, please sit down." After I cleared out the tea cup fragments on the ground, Shu Tong hurriedly asked me to sit down. This guy just put the broom and dustpan out of use. He actually picked the glass stubble with his hands and it hurt his fingers. Clumsy woman, it's the first time I've grown so big, "What would you like to drink? Tea, coffee, or a drink? Oh, sorry, I only have plain water ..."

I sweat ...

"You're welcome, I'm not thirsty." If I hadn't seen her slow, I would probably think that this woman's politeness was deliberately playing me, how should I describe her? In fashion terms ... natural?

Shu Tong was also a little embarrassed. Chu Yuan put a band-aid on her. She twitched her fingers and smiled awkwardly: "I made you laugh, I'm very stupid."

"No, when everyone is sloppy, huh, huh." You are definitely the most sloppy person I have ever met!

"Well, I originally had classes in this class. I went to the classroom to explain the students for self-study. I knew you were here, so ... haha, I'm so anxious. I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's okay, I just arrived," the courtesy returned to the courtesy, which has been delayed for an hour, and I directly cut into the theme, "Mr. Shu, Chu Yuan's question ..."

"Oh, sorry, sorry," Shu Tong, who realized he was too verbose, coughed, as if lifting a layer of mask, his expression suddenly became serious, "I think, Mr. Chu should already know why I asked you to come School? "

Chu Yuan blushed suddenly, unable to lift her head in shame, slipped behind me, and didn't dare to sit down. I smiled, "I know, because Yuan Yuan's schoolbag contains something unsuitable for viewing at this age. "

Shu Tong's two eyebrows frowned together, and then spread out, "Mr. Chu know?"

I knew she must be wondering why I was so calm, and nodded, "I know."

Shu Tonghan said: "Don't you think this is a problem? Chu Yuan's classmate is only sixteen years old and is still a minor."

It is the first time my dear sister has been said to be a child without refuting it. It is my turn to frown this time, and Shu Tong seems a little excited. From this, it seems that she is not only concerned about Chu Yuan. To a certain degree, there are also some subjective factors in it. "Of course this is a problem, so I already criticized her severely yesterday."

Shu Tong was looking at Chu Yuan up and down, Chu Yuan was uncomfortable with her look, could not help but take a step towards me, timidly pinching my sleeves with fingers, like a coquettish child seeking protection, Shu Tong's face was cold for another three points. "Just criticism?"

I don't like to hear these words, "What does Mr. Yi Shu mean?" Ya's want to make me beat my sister?

Shu Tong busyly said: "No, don't get me wrong. I think that parents should pay enough attention to Chu Yuan's mistakes. After all, this is related to her future growth, especially for her good learning and sample. Student, I think that something that might affect her learning should not appear in her life, not to mention, the kind of ... the kind of unhealthy and unclean thing. "

In the end, it ’s a young woman. When she talks about that kind of thing, not only she can't hide her disgust, her face is even more transparent, but I still agree with what she said, “Mr. Shu is right, so I have scolded her severely ... "

"Scolding does not solve the problem fundamentally. IMHO, I don't think Mr. Chu seems to pay much attention to this problem."

I stunned, "What does Teacher Shu say?"

Shu Tong solemnly said: "Criticism and scolding are often just venting my anger. From the dependence Chu Chuan now shows on Mr. Chu, I can only draw two results ..."

rely? I looked at Chu Yuan in doubt, only to find out that this girl really regarded the teacher as a beast of flood, hiding behind me, a protected comfort and comfort appeared on my face, and I glared at the smelly girl dissatisfied. At a glance, he asked Shu Tong with a smile: "What are the two results?"

"First, after you scolded Chu Yuan, your anger has subsided, and there is no deeper worry or thinking about her problems. Second, Chu Yuan acknowledged your mistake and decided to reflect on it, so you feel relieved She will not make today's mistakes again. Maybe you haven't noticed that giving your child too much trust is a manifestation of doting. Such doting may ruin a child's future. "

Shu Tong's ingenuity now stands in stark contrast to the clumsiness just now, just like two people, and these two inferences make me wonder, come to think about it carefully, I did, as she said, scolded, and the anger disappeared And believe that Chu Yuan will not commit again ...

I put away my heart for this dastardly woman, and asked sincerely, "The opinion of Teacher Yi Shu?"

When Chu Yuan heard me ask such a question, she suddenly panicked, and touched behind me with a small hand, and struck me lightly. It seemed to warn me not to fall into Shu Tong's point of view and rhythm. I just want to hear Shu Tong's opinions. After all, when it comes to educating Chu Yuan, I'm just a layman. This may be a good learning opportunity.

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