Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1156: There is a cause and a cause

Dong Xiaoye asked again, "When did that fate start to like you? You should always know this, even if she didn't say it, she should have written it in her novel."

"When I was very young, at first I just felt that I and Xiao Zi were too close, hostile to her, but learned her everywhere. Slowly, as I got older, I understood what was going on, but like she said, She does n’t know why she likes me, but I consulted a psychologist. After analysis, she thinks that Yuanyuan's early love is caused by two reasons, one is her incomplete understanding of the incomplete family, and the other is It is from Xiaozi. "

"Incomplete understanding of the incomplete family?" This remark was lingering and more imaginary, but Dong Xiaoye's response was not as puzzling, but more like a maze, just like when suddenly solving a difficult problem, what did he get? The key tips are general, and the idea suddenly feels cheerful.

I stumbled and scolded myself for being confused--Although psychology also subdivided fields and disciplines, it was essentially studying human behavior and psychological processes. In this respect, Dong Xiaoye, a criminal policeman, was definitely half of it. As an expert, I turned to be near and went to consult with Xin Quji, but I neglected Sister Hu's professional expertise. I was too stupid. Imagine if I confessed that I would not have so much affection with her again. She is sad now ...

With this in mind, my guilt for Dong Xiaoye couldn't be further increased, and the diagnosis result of Xin Quji was revealed in one hundred and fifty, and she involuntarily put away her absolute identification with this reasoning, as if she said Xin Quji That's right, what Xin Quji said was correct. "The incomplete understanding of incomplete families means that Yuan Yuan's understanding of 'family' and 'new family' is incomplete. She and her stepmother depend on each other. So she thinks this is the complete family, because she has never met her father, nor her brother. The husband and wife relationship, father-daughter relationship, mother-child relationship and brother-sister relationship are all foreign to her. There is no concept. Suddenly Coming to a new environment just means that the habitual life has disappeared. 'Dad' and 'Brother' are just the codenames of two strangers. She will feel fear and anxiety, which is taken for granted. The only thing that can give her a sense of security. The stepmother was also snatched by two strangers. The apparently complete family, in her opinion, has become incomplete ... because my parents have grown up in complete families, they have no choice The understanding is complete and incomplete, so they ignore it. This common sense, fate is absent. Before the father and stepmother got married, she did n’t even have friends. The old man and stepmother just felt that she was too lonely. Suddenly getting married, this sudden change has the opposite effect, making it more difficult for Yuanyuan to integrate into the new life ... "

Dong Xiaoye nodded non-stop, shook his head when he heard it at the end, and said, "Your parents did n’t notice it at first, and ignored it. I can understand it, but after a long time, they ca n’t feel the fate and have n’t integrated into the new family Right? "

I smiled bitterly: "They can't feel it, even if they feel it, they won't take it seriously ..."

"Why?" Dong Xiaoye asked and answered, Wu Wu said: "Because of you!"

"Well," I said, "Because I accepted the new family as a" good son "and" good brother "at the first time, while my parents were pleased, it was natural to think that the new family is what we have. What you need, even if you are not used to it, it will only be temporary. Besides, she is young and timid and lonely from a young age. If she does n’t say it, even if she has n’t adapted for a year and a half, my stepmother wo n’t think strange..."

Dong Xiaoye yelled, "It's been a long time since you planted it. What's the" incomplete understanding of an incomplete family "? Isn't it just a sentence-she never considered you as an elder brother, because at all No one had told her what the 'brother' was! "

I felt that Sister Hu was scolding me in disguise, pretending not to hear it, and continued: "As for the second reason, it is because the stepmother no longer cares about her alone, making her feel insecure. My father is teaching again. Yes, it ’s usually serious and rigid. Do n’t talk about Yuanyuan, that ’s when I saw him, my heart trembled, so that Yuanyuan was n’t afraid of him, it ’s already harder and harder, so do n’t say accept him. She scared me to slap me. In fact, until today, she did n’t dare to talk back to the old man, so in the unfamiliar environment at the time, the only thing that could give her a sense of security, but only I was willing to accompany the smile and be good to her "Brother", but in her understanding, "Brother" and "Chunan" are just names, so she particularly excluded Xiao Zi, who is closer to me, and began to learn from her, imitate her, and ponder her When she gradually understood why Xiao Zi was close to me, she also understood why she did not like Xiao Zi to be close to me ... So although Yuan Yuan and Xiao Zi grew up together, the two people remained the same From God, we sit together could not find the topic, but also the first to know small purple edge to edge my feelings of some special people ... "

"When Ziyuan went to the United States, she was only 11 or 12 years old, right? So a young child knows what she likes?" Dong Xiaoye frowned. She only ushered in her first love at the age of 26. It is sad, how many flowers of the motherland have been ripened by the current dog blood drama idol drama? Late maturing women like her have become strangers from Mars. I thought about it and still did n’t tell her Chu ’s understanding of ‘like’ and ‘love’, lest it hurt her self-esteem even more.

But then again, am I more mature than Sister Hu? It's half a catty.

"Now thinking about things when I was a kid, I think I'm slow and horrible. Xiao Zi's sober temperament and a little bit of a joke can not be played, but when you come to my house, you must sit next to me for dinner and sleep only for me. In the room, the feet are washed with a basin. You stepped on me and I stepped on you. These are clearly made for the fate, but I can't detect it, and I always complain to the fate. Because of mischief against Xiaozi, I was scolded and cry, how much she sued, how many chicken feathers and cripples I suffered, but now think about it, Xiaozi ’s big fate is six or seven years old. If she does n’t want a trick, where is the fate? I can get her? Even if there are so many nasty girls, there are so many ideas and you can't prevent them all at once ... "

"Xue Ziyuan didn't make a move, why would you scold Yuan Yuan, you do n’t scold Yuan Yuan, how did Yuan Yuan sue, how could you be beaten if she didn't sue? Would you hate her if you weren't beaten? Do you hate her, naturally It ’s in favor of the person you do n’t hate, ”Dong Xiaoye hummed indifferently.“ I ’m sorry for the radish and biting dogs do n’t bark. Go to your investment department and ask, who does n’t know what Xue Ziyuan is not fuel efficient? The lamp in front of you is called a well-behaved and gentle, waiting for you to turn around, she is Murphy ’s biggest bitter child. With a few words, Murphy can be angry and throw quick-effects to save her heart, Murphy is also self-sustaining, originally I bought the medicine for tassel, and I ate it myself. Otherwise, tassel was soft, and every time Ziyuan helped her out, she eventually turned into a courtship for Murphy. Murphy was afraid she would be mad. Xue Ziyuan dared to die. Is it so unbridled to deal with Murphy, is it Miss Min Rousan's confidence in her? I do n’t see any relationship, Mo Yizhi buys it, but Murphy does not eat this set, she just touched Murphy ’s temper, so she chose Mo Fei and tassel join the battle when they quarrel, after all, you and Su Cai is righteous. She must be right when she helps Tassel. Murphy is full of arrogance. How could she complain about her situation when she was pinched? She always wanted to grasp Xue Ziyuan's handle, but Xue Ziyuan just did n’t give it. Such an opportunity, no matter how provocative and provocative Murphy is, she just isn't fooled. Why do people like me who ca n’t afford to stay in your office all day feel bored? It ’s because she plays the Three Kingdoms every day and returns to Murphy. Is n’t Murphy stupid? There are n’t a few smarter women around her, so take a step back and say, if Xue Ziyuan is really that simple, you wo n’t even know why she came back today, why help Miss San and Min Rou They do things? You said that you did n’t ask if you were afraid of her, but in the final analysis, was n’t it because she knew you so well that you would n’t embarrass her? ”

Ziyuan is a black-bellied princess. I do n’t know. People who are close to Zhu and those who are close to Mo are black. I have many eyes and her mother has a lot of eyes. Can she not be long-sighted? What's more important is that she has been fighting with her from a small to a big Chu Yuan, and she is also a ghost spirit, but she has not been conscious of being turned around by her. Now when she talks about all kinds of pranks when she was a kid, she also has a cocky nose. I just hate that I do n’t have a long tail behind my butt, and I think that I have only taken advantage and never lost ... I mean, you do n’t let you know, this is the highest level of pranks. Asters simple? No matter what kind of interest relationship she has with Miss Three, she can make the arrogant woman above the top fancy, even if it is just a use, it is enough to prove that Ziyuan is not simple. You must know that Bei Tian is willing to be willing to be her. The people who used it went to the sea, but so far, few people have seen the super narcissist who deliberately deified himself.

But I don't care about it. I just know that no matter how simple Xiao Zi is, what she wants is always the same as mine. It's enough to have the simplest life.

"I always thought that Ziyuan's attitude towards Yuanyuan was not grand enough. Now she finally understands why. When she came back, she knew that five years ago, Yuanyuan had torn her letter left to you, so you lost contact with her. Instead of you severing the connection with her, you must have lost your lungs. Whether or not Yuanyuan is intentional, she has reason to think that it is intentional, because she knows that Yuanyuan likes you and hates her ... "

An unintentional sentence by Sister Tiger made me fight a cold war, "What are you talking about?"

Sister Hu looked at me and said blankly, "I said, Xue Ziyuan is terrible. After Li Xinghui's incident, she told me that I haven't contacted you in the past five years, although there are many reasons. But the main reason is that I still have n’t received your reply, thinking that you rejected her ... After she came back to know the truth, how much hatred she felt and how wronged she was? If you are still alone, it ’s fine for five years. Not only did you make a good girlfriend like tassel, but you were also entangled by Murphy, and there were potential threats such as Xiao Dongfang and Xiao Yike, and you were destined to break the letter. Acceptable, but what if you do n’t want to contact Xue Ziyuan? As long as you are a normal person, you will have such suspicions at the time, but you think back, when Xue Ziyuan just returned, Yuan Yuan pointed her nose. Scold her, how did she react? She didn't justify herself for a moment! At that time, you were not sure that Yuanyuan liked you? But she knew it, but didn't mention a word ... There's so much hidden in the girl's belly. Change me, no, change Any one person, I am afraid that time will stand up and confront edge margin, asked her if she is not jealous himself, wishing myself disappear, only to deliberately tear up that letter ... "

I hurried: "Yuan Yuan never read that letter, how could it be intentionally torn."

"The key is that Xue Ziyuan doesn't believe Yuan Yuan hasn't seen the letter. If she doesn't believe it at all? Think again. She and Yuan Yuan can still look good even though they are divorced. Is she too scary? Anyway, if I were to say it, I would feel that Yuan Yuan lost his temper, just to hide the real reason that I had torn the letter ... "

Having said that, in fact, Sister Tiger has been dragged by curiosity, and I am seriously digressing, but after hearing her, I still couldn't help it ...

[Ps: I haven't slept for two days. I checked the manuscript after finishing the code. It's too sleepy, so I won't check it carefully. . . 】

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