The development of things is very different from my expectation. The force value is at least twice that of my Dong Xiaoye. There is no resistance at all. Except for the part of the woman's instincts, she will have a hint of subconsciousness when I touch sensitive parts of the body. Dodging, she didn't even have the idea of ​​even a little resistance.

Desire is like an endless ocean, breaststroke and butterfly freestyle. No matter how good your water is, you can only resist for a while, and you will eventually be swallowed up due to exhaustion.

Desire is like a beast in an iron cage, eager to return to the most primitive wild nature. Once it breaks out of its restraint, it will be overwhelming, and no one will be surrendered.

So this is what I am now—the beast that was locked in my heart was released by me. I was like a beast in estrus, and squeezed the beautiful prey captured in my arms against the door panel, and continued savagely and rudely. Infringement, the only remaining humanity is like a dry duck who has fallen into the sea in front of desire, and only one wave has sunk me. I know that behind the door panel is Chu Yuan, who must not have fallen asleep.

It ’s like the adventurer finally found the cave with the treasures after all the difficulties, knowing that there must be many dangerous traps, but he still could n’t stop his strong curiosity or resist the temptation of the thousands of treasures. The unknown and unknown trap, instead, became an additive to this enjoyment, and became a reason to continue adventure instead of giving up-Dong Xiaoye who is not resisting is not normal, and I am normal, and I become normal. After the adventurer looking for the fantasy cave, only a distance away from Chu Yuan, revealed the nature that has been repressed all the time. I bit the woman's soft earlobe and whispered with an evil tone from the bottom of my heart. : "Winter Xiaoye, today I, his + mother must be on you ..."

Dong Xiaoye's eyes are silky, and some provocations are a little scornful, "Don't you be afraid that Yuanyuan can hear you?"

I was not a hot head, but I was always hot since I walked out of the bathroom from Dongxiaoye naked **, bowing my head to cover a bud on her chest, suddenly biting with force, she snorted with pain, and gathered That made me feel a horrible expression, and I laughed evilly: "I'm afraid she can't hear it."

The desire for dullness has always been my pretentiousness, a crappy excuse for not being willing to live in the shadow of Chu Yuan, and choosing to escape from reality. At this moment, the winter night makes me not to face my true self, and then admits that I like to stimulate and enjoy Excitement, so I always like to provoke trouble and enjoy it. I was the one who knew this the most: I was always in trouble, but it did n’t fall from the sky and just hit my unlucky head, but I took the initiative to stand where it fell off. Only in this way can I 'passively' be the real me.

Hate trouble and excitement are not contradictory.

I'm crazy. If Dong Xiaoye is more of a physical temptation to me, Chu Yuan behind the door is psychological.

Dong Xiaoye is a strange treasure in the cave, Chu Yuan is the dangerous trap. I am not afraid, I want to challenge even though the remaining reason tells me this is wrong, but there is a voice in my heart that always dominates me. Body, and told me that reason is wrong, it will only let me continue to be mediocre, remorse and annoyed in hypocrisy, do you really want to give up this naked woman in your arms? Give up the opportunity to use her urge to leave her with you forever? Do n’t you want to challenge the girl behind you who has made you feel inferior for nearly ten years, intending to be kidnapped by her innocence and infatuation for a lifetime, because she has been using your coquettish means to stir up your love, so that your woman will only be in front of her Can I be 'Sister' instead of 'Sister-in-law'?

Various desires and selfishness disturbed my reason. Like a paper shredder, I cut the principles that I have always pursued into countless small pieces of paper, and then burned to the ashes by the hot and tender skin of Dong Xiaoye-so, All I have left is excitement, physical, and psychological.

Feeling that my body's soft winter night is moist enough, I have had two sexual experiences, but like a rookie eager to take off a virgin hat, my hands trembled with excitement, and it took me a long time to unlock the **** The belt, Mo Dongdong, I do n’t even believe it myself. When my hand did evil on her, I was so old and skilled. When I said I wanted to go to her, I was so confident and determined ... After that, I bit a lip and smiled, and my brother almost slammed into the door to die-she thought that I was deliberately excited and panicked, and wanted to use this small detail to highlight my care about her and her beauty to me. Her attraction is huge, and she is happy. By the way, she relieves her tension and fear of leaving her body ...

Where can I be so gentle and considerate? I'm ashamed because I was really excited and nervous. The two previous warmings with Xiao Zi happened under the action of drugs. As sober and proactive with women as now, I am really the first once!

Even at this time, I felt that the abnormal winter night that I had violated had a bottom line and a conspiracy, until I lifted one of her thighs and then entered the body without hesitation ...

The only thing blocking me is her virgin + girl + membrane ...

All the messy thoughts in her mind became blank in the painful cry that Dong Xiaoye had prepared for a long time ago. Maybe it was because I was too impatient and rude because of lack of experience. She first bit her lower lip and then bit her own. Forearm, this woman who has never been afraid of pain was crying. Yes, she was crying. Her tight brows had a sorrow that was not gentle enough to me, but more of it was patience and a kind I could not understand. Pride, her eyes shone with two colors, surprise and joy, then wrapped in tears, and with the sweat on her forehead rolled down, she stared at my eyes, especially emphasizing these two colors, so that I can clearly realize that her provocation to my dangers and her resistance to my violations are by no means impulse, but decisive and firm.

Tears will make any woman weak, beautiful, and pathetic, and Dong Xiaoye is no exception. She, who is usually sturdy and like a tiger, now looks like an injured timid kitten, her whole body is shaking trembling, and she bears pain. It makes my desire to be more prosperous when I am in love. I can feel the bodybuilding thigh pinched under the armpit, the muscles are tight and tight, and I can also feel that the other leg she supports is actually not used. With a little effort, all her center of gravity is under my armpit and the door panel behind her. If Chu Yuan inside comes over to twist the door handle now, then we will remain 100% naked + naked + naked now. You and me There is your posture in it, but it just changes from standing upright to the horizontal plane to being exposed to the smelly girl ’s eyelids parallel to the horizontal plane—I ca n’t imagine what would happen if that happened, but I know if it happened After that scene, the elder brother that she saw disappointing and disappointing her was his true face.

God knows if this is the reason I ’m habitually searching for my uncle, I only know that what I am doing is what I want to do, even if I regret it is too late, then it is better to make a mistake in the end, so I am in a short still After that, I threw away this thoughtfulness and started to move ...

After proactively seducing me, Dongxiao Ye suddenly held her back, no longer teasing or provoking, and did not dare to make a sound. After several weak attempts to imply that I changed places but was ignored by my own incomprehension, she stopped biting. I bit my shoulder instead of my own arm, making the strong woman feel timid and the sturdy woman unable to resist. This sense of accomplishment made me feel more excited and more energetic. She endured the voice in her throat, and The catering of her physical betrayal is the most powerful aphrodisiac for me ...

Under the bright light, the two hot bodies wet with sweat were so boldly exposed to the air, the shameless friction shook, the sound of physical shock and the man's heavy gasping and the woman's moaning were restrained, making the stuffy In the living room, there is a strong sense of sensuality and extravagance, which is very fragrant, full of nasal cavity and full of lungs. It is the smell of Dongxiaoye, but I can't tell whether it is the smell of her lips or the overflowing from her Sweat.

She was like a flower, so she was picked by me who didn't understand the elegance, and let me seize her fragrance.

The door panel was slippery because of her sweat. Although she refused to groan, the friction between the back and the door panel still made a 'squeak' sound, and we all know that Chu Yuan, who has not slept yet, at this moment, Maybe just standing a few centimeters from us ...

[PS: An annual leave has not been updated, so everyone has been waiting for a long time, some scum is ashamed. . .

PS2: Regarding the update, I still dare not give you any promise in the future. I can only try to make one change a day. If I have time and energy, I will try to make more. . .

PS3: There will be a chapter later. . . 】


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