Youth is intoxicating, either intoxicated or drunk.

At noon, with the strong recommendation of Lu Siqi, we came to a hot business barbecue restaurant near the school. It was nominally to celebrate the end of Chu Yuan's re-examination. In fact, we took this opportunity to thank the boy for his protection of Chu Yuan and the East. Flower messenger.

Shu Tong also came together. Pulled by Dong Xiaoye, Baister Hu felt that the presence of her teacher could conceal the atmosphere of being inactive because of herself. Shu Tong, who was always hostile to Sister Hu, agreed quickly, Somewhat surprised me. I thought she would quit on the grounds of work even if she didn't refute Sister Hu's face ... Since Bei + Jing came back, although I and Shu Tong often contacted by phone, she kept Avoid deliberately meeting with me. Even when I'm on the phone, I don't scold you like I used to hurt you. Basically, I just ask tassel and talk about Chu Yuan, even if occasionally I will actively open the topic and open a Half a vulgar joke, she did not endorse or scold me as boring as in the past, but immediately dragged the topic back and continued to be serious, skeptical, and tentative.

In short: our relationship is alienated.

I faintly think that this has something to do with what she said to me at the train station that day-she asked me, Xin Quji said that she liked me, do you believe it, how could I say it, she said, she did not believe it .. .

Dong Xiaoye's worry is superfluous. The atmosphere is not inactive because of her or Shu Tong. The two girls are not normal, but neither of them has a broken love. Lu Siqi is abnormal. As soon as he sat down, the cub called forty bottles of beer, and the cups were not needed, so I drew them one by one.

I also want to know, based on the volume of half a glass of pour, how can I hold this type of drinking that is both abusive and self-tortured? My face turned white with one bottle, and my lips went blue after five bottles went down. After drinking the fifteenth bottle, I had slipped under the table, and Lu Siqi stood on the chair, holding an empty wine bottle down, loving Cried, "Give me a glass of forgetfulness-I won't be sad for my whole life-even if I will be drunk-even if I will break my heart-I won't see me cry, you won't see me cry ... "

In fact, the only one in the entire restaurant who didn't see him cry was me under the table. I looked up and saw his jaw at most.

I did n’t know by myself whether I was holding the thigh of Chu Yuan sitting on my right, or the thigh of Shu Tong sitting on my left, my eyelids were heavy, I just wanted to sleep comfortably with a pillow I felt that someone was using the chopsticks to deliver the fried beef to my mouth, and I opened my mouth to eat, so I basically ate this meal under the table, like a dog mixed with the owner into the restaurant.

No one stopped Lu Siqi-Chu Yuan didn't, because she was the 'prime culprit', Lu Siqi was sad for her injury, she was no longer embarrassed and embarrassed, and it was hard to ask Lu Siqi to be quiet. She did n’t want to have this power; The girl wanted to be as chaotic as possible, so no one noticed her abnormality; what surprised me was that Shu Tong, a teacher, did not dissuade him, let Lu Siqi drunk and go crazy, as if everything around him had nothing to do with himself It seemed that I had not heard a word from her after eating a meal.

This girl is weird today, even stranger than Sister Hu and Chu Yuan.

Because Lu Siqi was born with a good voice, it attracted many passers-by passing by the window, so the staff of the autonomous restaurant did not come to persuade, and everyone now is fun and interesting, plus this type of cafeteria, picture This is a happy and lively one, so I can only hear the guests applauding loudly. It seems that here suddenly became Lv Siqi's singing scene. He was immersed in his sorrow, and did not notice the changes in the surrounding atmosphere. A puppet, like a bottle-by-bottle drink before, can sing the love song, and then sing the red song, the red song is finished, the nursery rhyme, and release the frustration of venting youth, until the sound of hissing is exhausted, with me I just slipped under the table ...

Xiao Luzi was drunk and unconscious, and wanted to send him home, but he didn't know exactly where his family lived, so he had to send him back to school and temporarily let him sleep and sober up on the bed in the duty room. The man in charge of the shift is a male teacher who teaches mathematics in the second year of high school. His surname is Xu, who is about the same age as Shu Tong. He wears glasses, is slightly fat, and is not handsome. Shu Tong said that this teacher Xu was very good at speaking, but even if I had a low EQ and a thick cloud of drunken head, I could easily see through. He was so good at speaking because the person who asked him was Shu Tong, otherwise he changed anything. A teacher would naturally ask Shu Tong why he condone the students to drink this virtue, instead of patting the **** and **** to ensure that the little Luzi is taken care of, will not let other teachers find out? Shu Tong didn't take Lu Siqi's drunkenness as a secret, but Mr. Xu couldn't hide his fantasies about turning it into a little secret shared by him and Shu Tong ... Love makes a person's IQ dive. He + Mom is accurate.

Frankly speaking, Shu Tong and this male teacher surnamed Xu seemed quite appropriate. At the same time, she did not have a sense of disobedience when he was standing with Liu Xiaosheng who was overly handsome and overconfident. Lu Siqi praised Shu Tong as stupid, stupid, and pure. What she was talking about was the classical and traditional Chinese woman temperament in her body, but her intellectuality and sensibility were not in harmony with the world, so her other half should be talented but not mean. This kind of man, too ambitious or too savvy man, is not suitable for her.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but whispered in her ear with Jiujin: "What do you say you go on a blind date? Isn't this teacher just fine? I also have a special feeling for you, so why not consider it? You see that he is not very conspicuous in his dress. I tell you that from top to bottom, it is a famous brand. There are thousands of light clothes. The watch may cost tens of thousands. Even if it is not a rich man, the conditions in the family are not bad. Maybe it is the portal of scholarship. Looking for such a boyfriend, isn't it better to have face? The most rare thing is that he is restrained. "

Shu Tong narrowed his eyes and made a special fake laugh twice. "I don't know if he has any special feelings for me, but I know that all the teachers in the school know that his father works in the provincial education department, and his mother. His grandfather teaches at Peking University, his grandma graduates from Tsinghua University, and his grandfather is an intellectual. His family is indeed a scholarly portal, and his family is in good condition. But does this have anything to do with me? Is he restrained? I should brag about your humor, or remind you that if you drink too much, say a few words and be dumb, it's better than making you laugh at you. "

I was uninterested and smiled awkwardly. Shu Tong gave me a glance and stopped talking.

Let me know that this teacher Xu is unrecognizable, or he is himself.

He should also be convinced that the gossips circulating in the school that I am a 'rich family son' and Shu Tong's 'Eun Ai Ai' were kind to me on the surface, and even a little stupid, when they sent me out, they fooled me into drunkenness, I deliberately stretched my feet and didn't want to be clumsy. I just fell into Shu Tong's arms waiting for him to say a few words to him outside the door-my face was sticking to her chest + breasts, a familiar taste. Into the nasal cavity, it reminded me of tassel, which is a faint jasmine fragrance, but this touch makes me extremely strange ...

I was amazed that Shu Nei usually did not show up, but she really had a good figure, and hurriedly retreated. This girl is not upset today. Even if she is unintentional and persecuted, I do n’t doubt she will live. Tear me, do n’t want Shu Tong just to slap me, and then take advantage of the opportunity to mix my arms, and once again give me the amazing fullness and swaying perfect elasticity she hides under the wide fat T-shirt, my dull head has not been thought After Weier came, I heard Teacher Xiaoshu say to the mellow temperament teacher with a sweet but helpless voice: "Ms. Xu, Lu Siqi will trouble you, this guy (referring to me) is drunk, I will send him home first Rest, we will pick up Lu Siqi again in the evening. "

"Ah ... ah." Teacher Xu answered vaguely, his eyes kept staring at my arm that squeezed Shu Tong's breasts, as if to turn his gaze into a sharp knife and cut it off my shoulder. Come down.

"Then we leave first."

"Mr. Shu, this ... this is ... you ..." Teacher Xu shouted at Shu Tong, pointing at me with a bit of hope, pointing at her.

"He?" Shu Tong glanced at me. The tender and tender two eyebrows were like two high-voltage lines. I was numb and shocked. "He is my boyfriend, huh, isn't it better than Teacher Meng they said?" Is he handsome? "

"Handsome, handsome ... haha, you guys are so good ..."

I can't bear to see his sour face twisted because of disobedience.

Tianzhi Shu Tong sang which one, in her eyes, I didn't see the ease or relief of hitting Teacher Xu to death and completely getting rid of the entanglement, I only saw a kind of intense revenge— — It turned out to be me.

I like to watch Chu Yuan and Sister Tiger secretly. The two girls did not react excessively to Shu Tong's lies and her intimate behavior with me. It was probably because the drama of our fake couple was not good or malicious at Miss Three. With the blending of it, the acting is too big and too realistic. Whether these two girls, or tassel, Murphy or Xiaozi, are not immune to this, but they are trapped in the play and have not been rid of it. At that time, the role of the influence, after all, this drama has not finished singing, how to end, no one of us thought of it ...

The indifferent reaction between Chu Yuan and Sister Hu gave Shu Tong the embarrassment of self-interest that I had just asked. Naturally, I immediately realized that my **** and **** were being oiled by me, and the tenderness of my face was burning red. Chu Yuan and Tiger My sister's "knowledge" also made her unable to push me away. She only allowed me to be gentle ... Is it self-serving?

I received a call from Murphy on the way and cancelled my plan to go home to sleep in the afternoon. It ’s no surprise that Sima Yang came to the investment department to find me again. It ’s no surprise that my lion opened his mouth and bit the Zhang family father and son. They must Bargaining, the news is now tight, and before they have to use the dangerous **** of Sand Boat, they must try other ways to solve the problem.

Yesterday I invited me to eat roast duck. I didn't appreciate it. Today I will continue to invite ... What puzzles me is that it is not Sima Yang who invited the invitation, but Duanmu Liushui.

This product turned out to invite me to dinner together at night!

[PS: It ’s late. Sorry, I hurt my paw yesterday and lifted off a small piece of meat. It started to bleed, and it did n’t interfere with the code. Today I got scarred, the wound was red and swollen, and the right index finger became very awkward It can hardly be used, so the code is extremely slow, everyone understands. 】


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