After buying the computer, we went back to Chu Yuan's school and found Sima Yang waiting here at a chess tea house near the school.

Sima Yang has been here for a long time. He chose a quiet corner and played chess with himself. A pot of Pu'er was almost out of color. He asked for a pot again. He skillfully poured a cup for us. Then he shook his head and smiled: "Today I not only served the brothers Chu, but also completely worshipped President Mo. To be honest, although I admired President Mo's ability to show his work, I have never been optimistic about her and Zhang Mingjie. The big reason is that Zhang Mingjie is too good at acting. He is by no means a decent and careful person like Deputy Zhang, but he knows how to disguise himself and is sharp and introverted. By contrast, Mo is too selfish, ya It is said that it is sharp and exposed, and disdains the smoothness that people in the mall rely on for survival, a little more unnecessary pride, and a little less necessary city government. As the saying goes, it is an ideal ambition Shu nerd, who ca n’t play the fight Conspiracy and conspiracy. The rules of the workplace tell the truth is a relationship between competition and elimination-I want to go up, you have to go up, then there must be someone stepped on, this time, step on another person to climb When you go, it is often the person who sees himself and his opponents clearly. It is the so-called confidant and the other. You disdain to understand the opponent and calculate the opponent. In the end, you are understood by the opponent and calculated by the opponent. The total impression given by Mo is Too proud, this is why many people at the top of the company admit that she is not optimistic about her, because whether at work, in life, in the mall, or in love, a person's arrogant capital is not stubbornly rising after setbacks. Experience, that is, ignorance that has never experienced real setbacks, and always lives in good times, so this kind of person is strong in appearance and usually weak in heart, but he has n’t noticed it, so it ’s harder to fall down Climbing up is also a common feature of the latter. Oh, I ’m not afraid that you do n’t like to listen to Brother Chu. I always thought that Mo always belonged to the latter, but today she surprised me. The emotional frustration did not let her collapse. Instead, she returned. I can cooperate with you in acting and it is so realistic ... I served it, I really did it, I have to admit, I used to look down on her so much, thinking of Madam Duanmu and Dragon The book is still in the office to persuade her, I could not help but laugh, it really is excel rather than blue-ah. "

I also served Sima Yang. His analysis of Murphy is accurate. If we must pick a mistake, it is that although Murphy and I are acting,-whether I leave with blushing eyes, Or was she left in the office with blushing and red eyes, not acting ...

I took a sip of tea, and I still do n’t like the taste of Pu'er. I frowned slightly and said, "Mrs. Duanmu is in the company?"

Sima Yang nodded and folded up the chess pieces one by one. The action was very slow. It seemed to intentionally show the endgame he set down. "He came with Master Duanmu. He had been drinking tea in Zhang Dong's office before. , Waiting for your reply. "

"How did the two of them get together?" I said to myself, as if out of curiosity and not taken seriously, but I kept watching Sima Yang's expression changes all the time-Zhang Li knew about Sima Yang Sima Yang values ​​this, but he is also a smart man who knows how to judge the situation and is eager to show his talents, so I was given the opportunity to draw him over. The age of death for those who know themselves is already Gone are the days of death and life. However, once Madam Duanmu really assists in tension, will Sima Yang betray him? After all, the reason why Sima Yang was able to make this determination was because he saw the determination of Lao Mo to cut the grass.

At present, the killer in my hand is at most sending Zhang Mingjie to prison, but he cannot pull down the foundation of tension, the only weakness of tension, or the debt of more than one billion that saw him die. Once the debt is exposed and the evidence is conclusive, as long as the cause of this debt is investigated, his misappropriation of public funds will be made known to the world, but if the person he asked for help was Madam Duanmu, and Madam Duanmu agreed to help? You should know that Zheng Xuedong and Zhang Li have no deadly grudges. Whether it is out of 20 years of friendship or some kind of interest exchange, or the balance structure that continues to restrict Feng Chang's power, what Zheng Xuedong has is an excuse to help him. But there was no reason to kill him.

If so, I do n’t think Sima Yang will betray tension. This result is undoubtedly the worst for me, but it is precisely why I value Sima Yang—knowing the current affairs at a critical moment, and not being loyal to the gratitude. .

So when I left the company, I immediately told him the truth of the drama off the board, and asked him to find a chance to leave the company and come to this place to meet me, but I deliberately calm down and was late, using a slow and unhurried attitude to show off my depth.

I want to create an illusion for Sima Yang, an illusion that everything is under my control, which will make him more confident in me, at least to ensure that he will continue to swing for a while while weighing the advantages and disadvantages, As long as I have a showdown with Zhang Li and Mrs. Duanmu, he is too late to turn around, and then he can only die for me ...

That's right, it's dead to me. I'm so struggling to fight for Sima Yang, not for Lao Mo. I care so much now whether he will shake the determination to betray tension, because in my layout for the future, he is Sima Yang. It is an extremely important piece.

"A hand talk?"

"It's very watery and don't dare to show ugliness."

"Me too, don't be humble."

"I'm really a layman." It doesn't matter if you usually win or lose, but you can't do it today. I want to ensure that I have a psychological advantage over him. I can't let him suppress me in any way. The game of chess is definitely not a layman. Is it not like a tassel, or an amateur chess player, just because of my smelly chess basket? Not to mention that there is no odds, the odds are no more than 80%, I will not accompany him.

"Recreation and entertainment, how can there be insiders and amateurs?" Sima Yang just intentionally, pushed the box containing the sunspots, and smiled: "You go black first, I let you two sons."

Sima Yang's persistence made me startled in my heart. When I talked about this, I said that I didn't want to lose. He insisted on playing against me. It was no longer provocative. It was more like a temptation.

I do n’t know the intention of Sima Yang ’s temptation, but I ’m definitely not going to follow his rhythm, but before I refuse anymore, I have already reached out with a pair of hands to take over the chess box, and said lightly: “Be the first to let the child no."

I looked at me suddenly, it was winter night!

Sima Yang was also surprised, "This ... isn't it right?"

"It's not appropriate," Sister Tiger said, "I'll let you two sons, let's get started." The voice and chess pieces fell at the same time, and then looked at Sima Yang, a pair of Danfeng eyes implied.

The motive of this girl is very simple, that is, she can't watch Sima Yang forcing me to "show ugliness", but will she play chess?

Sima Yang couldn't stop the cat-mouse-like eyes of Dongxiaoye, and he was busy dropping a white child. Before the hand left the chessboard, Sister Tiger chased down a child. It seemed that he wanted to play fast chess. In the end, Sima Yang was a man. Subtle injuries to his self-esteem, where would he show weakness on the board? The two of them are like flying, let alone chatting. The two laymen and me, Chu Yuan, were just dazzled and dizzy, but they still had to think and make decisions in a short period of time. Such tension It feels like the air has stopped flowing, but it is like a battlefield where guns and bullets rain, the smoke is permeating and the heat wave is tumbling.

At first I thought that Dong Xiaoye was playing smart, so the comparison was not chess strength at all, but to see who went wrong first. I used to play chess with tassel, but it ’s not practical at all. , Limiting the time for thinking, although it can limit the strength of the other party, but is it not so for yourself? Originally not as good as others, chaos, and the possibility of making mistakes is much higher than the other. However, as the number of chess pieces on the chessboard increased, Sima Yang's sweat on his forehead also increased. I began to realize that this was not the case. Every time Sima Yang fell, the thinking time was increasing, from the first few seconds. To ten seconds, and then to tens of seconds, in contrast to the winter night, still calm and calm, at most ten seconds will be settled, but the lower the more calm.

I suddenly realized that Sima Yang was passive only because he made a mistake. Like me, he mistakenly thought that Dong Xiaoye was just playing with cleverness, and then despised her!

Sure enough, Sima Yang completely collapsed when the game reached the middle of the game, giving up and losing.

Dong Xiaoye took the tea cup handed to her by Chu Yuan, stunned, and asked Sima Yang: "Can't you lose? Or another one?"

Sima Yang closed her eyes and seemed to be thinking about the chess game she just had, then opened her eyes and answered, "I'm an amateur five."

Dong Xiaoye said, "I have four at nine, five at eleven, and six at fourteen."

I was taken aback-no wonder this girl has a strong ability to reason logically. She is like a master of Go like tassel!

Chu Yuan was excited, "Sister Xiaoye, then you should be able to win the tassel?"

Dong Xiaoye laughed without saying a word, neither surprised nor excited, glanced at the chessboard, but a bit disgusted, I immediately realized that playing chess might not be the hobby of Sister Hu, but it was forced by her father Sex education.

Sima Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head. "No wonder, no wonder, fourteen years old is already an amateur six ..."

"Are you paying it?"

"No, no," Sima Yang waved his hand and refused. "Holding the determination to win, but wanting to go to the next set of unquestionable losers, it is too stupid, you say, brother Chu?"

There is something in the goods, I laughed: "Brother Sima, let's talk straight."

Sima Yang sighed, seemingly relieved, and finally made some kind of determination, saying: "I hinted that Brother Chu, don't play against me, if you still play against me, you won't be lucky to win. , I think, even if I have something, I do n’t have the courage to tell you straight ... "

I praised in my heart: I really did not read the wrong person, he was an absolute talent, and he said these words to prove that all the thoughts in my heart were seen by him ...


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