Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1175: ] She is a woman

"Don't pretend," Lu Siqi's gaze turned back to Dong Xiaoye again, touching his chin, a look of an under-flat expert, "Last time I saw her, she was still an unopened original, you dare say it wasn't you who pushed you down Did she? "

I was inexplicably nervous, "Can you see?"

Lu Siqi looked at me like an idiot. "Nonsense, do you live together. Are there any other men besides you who have the chance to overthrow her?"

"I didn't ask you this!" I didn't bother to admit or deny that I was the culprit who overthrew Sister Hu. "I was asking you, is she a virgin, how do you tell?"

Lü Siqi slashed and looked disdainfully. "You don't even have this ability, so you're embarrassed to be a fancy guy?"

"Hurry up!" I still threw a fist in his head, "Is it seen in her walking posture?"

The next day, the scourge of Ziyuan caused Ziyan to cover up with a sprained foot. Therefore, as a thief, I deliberately observed the winter night when I went downstairs this morning. I was afraid of the company and was experienced by Ziyuan. It can be seen that it may be different from person to person. Sister Tiger is not as unnatural to walk as Ziyuan. She even climbed back to the fourth floor with Qiu Meimei, plus Ziyuan didn't go to work today. I feel in my heart. Can I not be surprised if I don't want to be called out by Lu Siqi at this time? Even a sixteen-seven hairy boy can see it, who else can't see it? !!

"As a man with ideals, the day I started growing hair, I set a goal for myself. After the plump wings, for the first time, I must do it with the virgin ..."

I said coldly: "You watch my sister say this again, believe it or not, I poke you blind?"

"I didn't-do n’t insult me. I like Chu Yuan right now, but I did n’t know I would be so depraved when I was a kid. I ca n’t help but fall in love with a loli-type girl who has no chest and no ass. The dream is to knock down a mature and **** beauty like Sister Dong ...

Lu Siqi fell a dog and mud, Chu Yuan and Dong Xiaoye heard and looked back. I have lifted him up, "Why so careless, the road is so flat and you can fall, remember, this is the lesson, don't I ca n’t. If you ca n’t drink, do n’t drink, or it may not be as simple as falling down, you know? ”

"I know ... I know ..." Lu Siqi couldn't resist the murderous look in my eyes, and answered, in fact, he was lory for a long time, but he was dissatisfied that I had done something that was sorry to Chu Yuan, and dared to be angry and afraid to speak, so Using self-satisfaction as an insinuation, the twists and turns hurt me, and when I saw that I was really angry and also moved my hand, he was immediately timid, and quickly patted the shoes on the buttocks, and answered honestly: "I didn't walk from her The posture can see ... "

"No?" I frowned, and I didn't realize I was a bit off the point. "Why don't you keep staring at her? What are you looking at?"

Lu Siqi scratched her head and smiled, "I did n’t see it from her walking posture, but after seeing it, I went to see her, so I saw everything. Brother Chu, don't you think that Dong Dong is particularly feminine now?" If you do n’t know her, just walk behind her. Do you believe she can lay you down with three punches and two feet? ”

I stared at Dong Xiaoye's enchanting back, unconsciously fascinated, and murmured: "Why wear high heels ..."

"Not the same," Lu Siqi shook her head, "When I saw her before, I knew that she was the kind of woman with a strong temperament. Whether she wore high heels or not, they were all types of me who did not dare to harass. I felt more watching her. Her eyes will be stunned, but now I do n’t have that feeling. I dare to stare at her all the time. I think she just suddenly turned around and found that I was looking at her. She would n’t treat me like that. Horse, the difference between before and after being tamed, so to be precise, I saw her like a young girl who just broke her virginity today, only to know that she used to be an old virgin who hated marriage ... "

I put up with it, didn't beat him, "you said for a long time that it is your own feelings, can you say something specific that I can understand?" I only care about this point.

"Specifically ... she looks like a woman."

"She was a woman!"

Seeing that I raised my fist again, Lu Siqi covered her head with one hand and her buttocks with one hand and said, "You have to ask, I said you can't be angry ..."


Lü Qiqi coughed and said, "Last time I met, the two you saw each other's eyes was that you wanted to see her, and she wanted to see you, too. Hungry and thirsty in your eyes, see you today, neither of you Who ever looked away, but more like a pair of adulterers and prostitutes ... "

I lifted my legs and shivered. Lü Siqi was well prepared and ran away ...

My atmosphere is nothing but a camouflage of fierce intimidation-is the change of Sister Tiger really so obvious?

Looking at the slender back in front, I swallowed, and I couldn't help but suddenly felt the three words coming out of my throat with a dry cough: "It's true ..."

At this moment, in her eyes, she no longer looks like a hot glass of spirits, making me pure desire to indulge in madness, but more like a cup of Earl Grey's afternoon tea, elegant and fragrant, sweet and mellow. For a slow taste.

She is no longer strong, she is so elegant ...

Yes, she is a woman and belongs to my little woman.


There was also a gift in the trunk of the car for Lu Siqi's parents.

Lu Siqi has a strong self-esteem and sees devotion. Although he received praise, flowers, pennants and even countless love letters, he did not flutter, but instead was hit by a knife, and was pursued by Lin Yunan three or five streets. I was ashamed of hiding in a public toilet and calling for help, so I refused to accept my thanks, and refused to visit me, thanking his parents.

I appreciate his self-knowledge, self-reflection and self-improvement, so I don't insist. I happened to send him home today, and the same is true of visiting him under the guise of coincidence.

Lu Siqi Naken believes that I stuffed a trunk, but just 'by the way' came to the door to greet me, but at the gate of the community, he refused to lead us upstairs, saying that we can go up to drink tea, but we have to put things in the car, winter Xiao Ye couldn't stand his ink, and two hand-knife cuts, Lu Siqi obediently led the way.

I guess he must be beginning to doubt his feelings-Dong Xiaoye is still unhappy, and the Dong Xiaoye will be embarrassing ...

Lu Siqi's parents happened to be at home. Lu Siqi had said before that Dongfang Niang had hurt someone for Chu Yuan. Lu Siqi was an eyewitness. In order to seal his mouth, Dongfang Mom didn't know how to buy the relationship and promoted his father. From then on, he easily got a good salary. Come or not-

The house of the Lu family is very large, and it is not something that the average working class can support. But Lu Father saw that he was an honest and honest man who abides by his duties. He was enthusiastic but not good at speaking. After talking with him, he felt that He had a vague idea, poor logic, and rarely took the initiative to ask questions. The answer was often a donkey's lips and a horse's mouth. Apart from being modest, he was polite. He repeatedly said like a wheel. I only mentioned that Lu Siqi was trying to grab a cell phone for Chu Yuan. When he was stabbed, his expression changed a bit. He severely criticized his son for a few moments, criticizing him for impulse and recklessness, and he was not proud of the courage of his son to stand up, and made people feel that it was A middle-aged man who is afraid of things, avoids things, and does not dare to cause trouble, but also proves that he has no city, and combined with him, he has returned home from work less than six o'clock. At this time, the landline and table at home The mobile phone on the phone never sounded, and even in the high position, there were no signs of social entertainment. It was unbelievable-how such a clumsy man climbed to today's position , Live in such a big house?

The best way to reflect this is when I mentioned the East, Father Lu's expression of awe and awe. I originally thought that the trouble was caused by the young lady's skin, and Chu Yuan and Lu Siqi were both involved by her. Then I have the obligation to thank and apologize to the Lu family for her. By the way, I can also ask some things about the Oriental mother. It ’s okay to mention it. In this regard, Lu Da and Lu Ma did n’t even dare to say more, and knew that they kept saying, “Do n’t dare not dare to be, it ’s our honor to be able to do something for President Ran” or What's wrong with the lady at school, despite making Xiaoqi 'yunyun', let Lu Siqi, who was aside from the apple, blushed and disdain.

I just realized that Lu Siqi didn't want me to thank the door because of this-I declined their invitation to stay for dinner. When I left Lu's house, Lu's father Lu mother nearly carried the gift I brought downstairs and gave me a car. Here, it's not that I don't accept my gratitude, but I dare not accept it, which shows how nb exists in their hearts.

The Lu family and his party went to a mind, but there is still a mind left-the mysterious value of the Oriental mother is almost comparable to that of the three ladies who like to make fun of mystery ...

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