Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1177: ] White clothes, white pants, long hair like satin

I know the strength of Sister Hu's hands, but it ’s not easy to grab the prisoner ’s hand, even if a young and strong guy like me is not so easy to get rid of it. Long straight hair can be easily done. It ’s not just to have strength. What's more, you must understand certain counter-grabbing skills-does the university have this course now? !!

Dong Xiaoye lifted her grabbed arm with her left hand, turned her shoulder heavily, and pushed her right hand against my chest, while turning her left leg with a swivel kick to the lower abdomen of long, straight hair that stretched out her arm to pull my arm. I didn't dodge, bowed down, and slammed my feet. Although I didn't catch me pushed away by Dongxiao Ye in time, I grabbed her ankle and kicked her support leg immediately. [.guanm.]

Sister Tiger seemed to have long eyes behind her head and did not look back. She had expected the opponent's tricks. She supported both sides of the door frame with both hands and jumped up in the air, such as a hawk with wings spread. On the long straight hair, I stepped back a few steps and finally opened up the distance from me-in such a narrow space, the two women struck out, and between the light and fire, I had not responded slowly, but I haven't reacted yet. What happened.

Regardless of the person who works with Dong Xiaoye, whether it is Qiu Meimei or Tianyou, I am probably not so surprised. The question is ... who is that long straight hair? !!

She is obviously not a college student, because she is not the same age, and combined with a birthday party, the family is extremely quiet, so Dong Xiaoye would doubt her, and the woman tried to drag me into the room, proving that her goal was me, and also proving that There must be an ambush in the room ...

"Take the fate-"

Dong Xiaoye forced his long straight hair back, but instead of withdrawing, he stepped into the room one step and shut me out!

Ah silly? I all guessed that there was an ambush in the room. Can't you guess? !! I immediately realized that Dong Xiaoye knew it! She wants to hold them by herself and give me time to flee Chu Yuan!

Someone who came out from the opposite door is not good for me. It proves that the enmity against the door and Tianyou have been settled. Is it the common generation who can settle them both? !!

"Winter Xiaoye, you + him + mother's-" Chu Yuan's safety is important, but I can't leave Sister Hu regardless. I still have a wine bottle as a weapon in her hand, but she is empty-handed!

The two floors of the house are locked. Chu Yuan is definitely safe for the time being. The only idiot is Dong Xiaoye who is dangerous! In a hurry, I also forgot to go home and get her pistol first, and then hit the door when I was fit. Unexpectedly, the door of the room was suddenly pulled open, and I plunged into a soft body-dude but slammed It ’s over, but the person I bumped into did n’t move, just like a ball of solid cotton, and my strength alone completely resolved my strength!

Two lumps of heavy meat pressed against the top of my brain, and I looked up—wow, so big ...

Take a step back, still looking up-wow, so tall ...

I have never seen such a tall woman in reality. I ridiculously thought that the two pieces of meat on her chest were bigger than my **** ...

"Classmate, you are developing so well ..." Although the reference is aside, her body proportions are quite well-shaped, and she doesn't look burly and plump, but in front of her only petite me is left, and she still feels like eating tofu. None, it seems that what I just touched is two **** of meat, not a woman's breast + room. The bland taste is almost the same as touching my **** ...

The Giant Girl was indifferent to my compliment. She looked like a mummy, but the response was very fast. I turned to run Ladong Xiaoye, but she caught my neck like a chick, and lifted my feet with one hand. Off the ground!

Don't say that my dictionary doesn't have the word 'Lovely Xiangyu'. Even if it does, the abnormal grip and arm strength can immediately make me forget that she is a woman-even if she is a woman, not a woman on earth, I would rather believe that Ya is a Super Saiyan who flew from the planet Vegeta in a circular spaceship to invade Earth! This terrifying strength is a female orangutan who turns into full moon! Too unrealistic and unscientific!

The more unrealistic and unscientific things are still behind-I pretended to be powerless to resist, or to be indecent or shameless to take pictures of her head as a wine bottle, she didn't shake her body at the same time as I hit her , Her right knee also rammed into my arms, before I felt the pain, the person ran across the air, in horror, I heard the wind whistle beside my ear, drowned Dong Xiaoye's scream, and then fell heavily on the floor Up, like a curling hand, continued to glide until something hit the back to stop the momentum.

This practical skill, this abnormal strength, sometimes restrained and sharp murderous-they are more dangerous experts than the boat of the sand, killing experts!

I rolled up and pointed at the giant girl, wanting to scold, but my throat was sweet, and I coughed up a blood, and then I fell apart, kneeling on the ground, covering my chest with a dry cough, and a strong sense of suffocation, Let my snot tears pour out of Harako out of control.

"Chu Nan——" Dong Xiaoye was anxious, like a wild beast, picked up a wooden chair beside her and threw it into her long straight hair that confronted her, and while the wine spilled into the giant girl's eyes, she strode forward and pressed her hands She held her head, jumped a flying knee, and leaned on the giant girl's chin. The giant girl's huge body leaned back, but Dong Xiaoye didn't give her the chance to fall to the ground, her toes fell to the ground, and her knees were chasing. Hit, this time hitting her lower abdomen. The giant girl who was about to fall hurts. Shrimp shrinks and walks back two steps, hits the door. Dong Xiaoye has turned and leaned into her arms, holding her. One arm slammed and threw a giant girl who was more than two meters tall and weighed twice as little as herself and threw it away from her shoulder!

Sister Tiger knows that Giant is powerful and has the advantage of tall legs. She does not take advantage of the opportunity to cook her first. She must be herself after a while. Therefore, this series of attacks is determined and brutal. People have a butterfly-like flowery elegant beauty, if lifting heavy weight, is this the realm?

"Be careful--" I had no time to be surprised before I shouted two words, and then there was another cough. From small to large, large and small, I have said that I have done hundreds of games. Although the principle of "fight and run" is pursued, there are definitely many times when people are forced into desperate hands-on and killed like dead dogs. I can only claim that I have the merit of being tenacious, but this is the first time that I ca n’t even be beaten without a chance of resistance! What makes me harder to accept is that the opponent is actually a woman! But the most unacceptable thing is that I actually rely on a woman to protect me!

The long straight hair succeeded in sneaking a shot and knocked Tiger Sister down, and she was falling beside the Giant Girl. The Giant Girl's body was not generally strong and the response was not ordinary quick. To capture Sister Tiger's wrist, she must rely on her weight to stand up. The absolute superiority of holding down Tiger Sister, but Tiger Sister did not work hard with her, taking the vest as a fulcrum, the body spinning like a gyro for half a turn, with full strength, kicking on the giant woman's chin.

With two heavy blows, the same position, the giant woman's ability to resist the attack can no longer be eaten, two teeth were stiffened, and the blood was sprayed on the floor, but she was also stiff enough, covering her mouth and hurting Rolling, but could not bear to exhale painfully.

"You die!" Long straight hair didn't expect such a terrible tiger sister, neither of them hit the bargain, and became so angry that before the sister tiger got up, she threw her legs to her neck, which was completely fatal. The killing trick-of course, from the moment I was thrown into the air, it was already clear that this was not the usual prank show for birthday parties.

This is a life-threatening fight!

When I get up, I want to throw my hair straight. My chest hurts a lot. I'm an expert in fights, but on the battlefield, I am at most an amateur, so I do n’t have the luxury of defeating my long straight hair. I only I was thinking that even if I could block this foot for Dong Xiaoye, give her two seconds, even if I got up in a second, but I somehow fell a dog to eat shit—I'm sure I have both feet Yes, but my right foot just failed to get out!

Regarding the pain in the door, I looked up and saw Sister Tiger's arms blocking the wicked leg of long straight hair. I used strength and strength to roll over and swept to the support legs of long straight hair. Long straight hair could be retreated. Open, but I was afraid to give Sister Tiger a chance to get up, force one leg, jump and dodge, fast response, beautiful action connection, once Sister Tiger used this trick, she would shine the entire back on her, but Sister Tiger Zhigao has a good hand, and his hands are handsome. People can't help but applaud-the sweeping legs are just a trick. She is trying to seduce her straight hair and jump up. At this time, she is standing sideways, holding her hands on the ground and legs Crossed and wrapped the long straight hair of the calf, turned back and turned, the long straight hair exclaimed, the whole person was stirred down by Sister Tiger in the air, and fell straight to the ground-her chest was more than me There were two more **** of meat, and it was definitely more painful to fall than me. When she hugged her chest, she was already handsome and turned.

Seeing that she was safe and sound, instead of clamoring, I was left with nothing but hatred for herself, but Sister Hu's expression was not relaxed, but she was more alert and dignified. She stared behind me and asked coldly: " Who the **** are you? "

"Hee." A chuckling sounded behind me, terrifying me to be scared--

There are even long straight hair and giant girl companions in the room! And it was just behind me, and I didn't even notice her breath!

My trousers were dragged, no wonder I would fall somehow, and I turned back abruptly, but couldn't help but hold myself-behind me was a couch leaning against the window, and a woman was sitting on the couch , Her white clothes and white pants, long hair like satin, a face under the moonlight, beautiful breathtaking ...

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