Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1190: Harassing SMS

Chu Yuan fell asleep with my lips, and smiled silly, but there were tears in his eyes.

I know that this girl is actually full of grievances. She seems to be mischievous tonight, but she really ca n’t see me close to Dong Xiaoye, so she crawls into my bed in the middle of the night. She is playing in the guise of half-heartedness, half is emotional venting, half is looking for safety Feeling, worried that I'm new and tired of the old ...

I hate that I ca n’t give Chu Yuan 100% peace of mind, whether it is past or present, so whenever she feels uneasy, all I can do is to hold her tightly in her arms like this, I do n’t know if Chu Yuan will Reassure for this, but I know that I will feel at ease. The real touch from her body will make me feel a fulfilling psychologically, and then I can think like this selfishly: Ah, at this moment , She still belongs to me ...

When facing myself honestly, I do n’t deny that I had dreamed of having her all the time, but I do n’t think I would admit it in my life, because I ’ve always had this realization: If one day Chu Yuan grows up and wants to leave me When I go, I won't stay ...

I have no right to choose her, but I have an obligation to make her happy-as a man, as a brother, I should at least draw such a bottom line for myself.

As for whether or not I will once again fall below the bottom line of scum like Dong Xiaoye, to be honest, I am not confident, so now holding this girl, I can use last night ’s beast behavior warning and Restraint herself, and did not make any wretched acts on her lovely and seductive body in an orderly manner-at least I am a gentleman today, even if a hypocrite, but also a hypocrite without tearing off his mask ...

Thinking wildly, he was drowsy, but the mobile phone on the coffee table suddenly rang, which ruined my beautiful plan that Chu Yuan bit his lip to sleep in this way. What's more annoying is that this text message is not from Dongfang Mom The reply was sent by Shu nerd, just four words: return my shoes.

If I wasn't afraid to wake up Chu Yuan, I would just dial the phone back and start scolding, and repressed with anger: I ask the teacher, what time is it now? Even if you have the habit of sleeping in clothes, you cannot have the habit of sleeping in shoes?

Shu Tong's reply made me want to spit blood: The teacher didn't have the habit of sleeping in clothes and the quirk of wearing shoes to sleep, but the teacher was afraid that you would use the shoe to do something before going to bed.

Fortunately, the quality of the mobile phone has passed, otherwise the screen will be broken by me: you wo n’t sleep in the middle of the night, and you are too narcissistic, thinking that you are my sexual + fantasy object, or you want to burn yourself, take me as your **** + Fantasy object? !! Who in the world is more like a pervert? !!

I regret it when I sent the text message. Shu Tong is stupid, dull, and pure. He thinks that some small and clever town halls are actually in the range that people can see through at a glance. Ya is a slow, rough nerve. I am afraid I suddenly remembered it before going to bed. His shoe in the hands of a man with a dirty heart may become a tool for him to make some imagination before going to bed, so he desperately wants me to go back, although this straightforward expression is really not to me How polite, but if she can take care of so much, she will not be the Shu Tong I know. Her motive is very simple and honest. She doesn't believe me, but she is startled by her crazy fantasy. No This way, she ca n’t be practical, otherwise she will be stupid and pure, and she wo n’t tell me that kind of worry—she did n’t want me to return the shoes to her immediately, just for the purpose of warning. .

I've always been a cheap person, but this kind of cheapness has a premise, that is, you can be cheap, and you think I can be cheap, but if you think I'm cheap, you will bully me and humiliate me. I don't commit anyone. If anyone commits a crime, I will double it down-whether you hit me or scolded me. Therefore, I never give in on my fist or mouth. Fighting and fighting are regarded by me as a fight for maintaining personality and dignity. Therefore, I don't think that I say too much to Shu Tong's words, but I do n’t think it ’s too ugly. No need for this.

Anyway, Shu Tong is also a cousin of tassel, a teacher of Chu Yuan and Dongfang. It's a good idea to ask her to give her some face, let alone a big deal. I picked it so that Shu Tong's is easy to understand. My temper is definitely going to explode, I'm going to endlessly, am I asking for trouble?

There is a saying that it is better to fight with people who understand than to be unreasonable.

I was ready to answer the phone and was bombed by Shu Tong ’s ears, but the mobile phone did n’t ring. It took me a while to receive another text message from her. The wrong word was very calm: you really are n’t that kind of change. + State?

No! !! !! ——Two words, I used three exclamation marks to emphasize.

About two or three minutes later, her text message came again: If I were, wouldn't I count on doing the tassel thing?

I was speechless, looked at Chu Yuan, who was sleeping like a heavy pig in my arms, surprised in secret: Is this the real sleepwalking situation of Mo Feishu Tong now? !!

The phone rings again, it seems that I didn't understand it, it is a supplementary note: I mean, don't people often say that they have some thoughts and nocturnals? I often dream of you recently ...

I thought about it here, and looked back, but it was not the taste at all: I often dream of you recently ... doing something special and **** to me in dreams, am I sorry for tassel?

I reply: I think the person you are sorry for is me ...

I suspect that Shu Tong didn't read my reply before I sent it out, and her text message came back, which is still a supplement to the previous one: You bully me in my dreams, but I don't hold back, don't feel wronged, and return I ’m a little happy, it ’s as if I like you to me, and it ’s as if I just like you. I ’m not doing something I ’m sorry about tassel?

I asked the question lightly: How did I bully you?

Shu Tong froze for a long time and replied: I dreamed of you hit me, scolded me, made me kneel in front of you, tied me with a rope, pulled me with a whip, and stepped on my head with my feet ...

Did I hang you up, let you ride on a horse, light a red candle and drip you? !! I have always paid attention to shaping the image of Da Gege, a gentle and considerate neighbor. !! Can you substitute such a sensational and sexually abusive scene in front of a woman as a sullen man who feels like he's sullen and soft? Are you shaking m? !!

There are too many vomiting points, my fingers can bear it, but the mobile phone screen may not be able to bear it, so I only asked one question: your purity is just like clothes, which are taken off during the day and at night, right?

I'm just dumb again, and at this time I also reacted. Of the people on the other end of the phone, most likely not Shu Tong himself! This is not like what a character like Shu Tong can say!

who is it? Tassel? It's quite possible-Grandma Aunt Cheng slept for the whole day and couldn't sleep like a bun at night. It's normal to have fun, and this is indeed her style. Although she has recently competed with Murphy, she has learned to be a birdie and a birdie. Zhuang Xianhui learns noble and elegant according to people. Compared with the past, she has converged a lot. Her outgoing personality was originally her favorite prank. In the college era, bottomless jokes are commonplace. She really needs to be upset. She can wear underwear. Give me a large-scale show, of course, there is a premise, after getting drunk to a certain depth ...

Although Grandma Cheng did not have the experience of being rudely treated by me like Ziyuan and Sister Hu, she may be the person who knows the tendency in my heart the most. On the one hand, it is because of Chu Zi ’s great personality in the past five years after Xiao Zi ’s departure. Change, there is such a arrogant and powerful sister torture me all day long. If I am not suppressed, it is not normal. On the other hand, more than 80% of the adult bed action movies that my buddies have contacted during my lifetime, more than 80% are Granny Cheng. Help me find it ...

I guess Grandma Cheng drank excitement again at night, otherwise she would not make such ambiguous jokes with her boyfriend under the guise of her cousin, probably because Shu Tong is leaving tomorrow. Perseverance and sadness, tassels are optimistic and strong on the surface, but fragile and slender inside.

I didn't raise my suspicion because I was afraid that if it was really Grandma Cheng's mischief, she would sober up and ponder afterwards-why do I know that the text message was not sent by Shu Tong? Why do I know Shu Tong so well?

Although Shu Tong and I are pretending to be lovers, those who believe the truth are no longer in the minority. Who knows what tassel thinks? I have a clear conscience about the relationship with Shu Tong, but the problem is that Dong Xiaoye and I have become a fake drama, and it is inevitable that we will substitute our guilty conscience into similar problems, and ... this fake drama even cheated Xin Quji Non-mainstream experts, saying it has no effect on me, is certainly not the truth ...

After half an hour, I received another text message from Shu Tong's mobile phone. Like the first text message, it was short and clear: at 5:30 tomorrow morning, South Station.

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