Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 165: I have a girlfriend?

Chapter 165 I Have A Girlfriend?

Rao is a man whose skin is as thick as a city wall, and he can't help turning his face into red ears and red ears. The stepmother's soft chest without restraint hits me, and the feeling is still very delicate, "Mom, let me go!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, my hair is still wet, haha." The stepmother quickly got up, picked up the towel and wiped my face wet with her hair, but the body still leaned on my shoulder. .

How do I think my dear stepmother, like that Xiaoshu, has a missing muscle in his head ...

"Eat supper, all are good things," I opened the insulated box with a smile, and also used it to get rid of the sticky stepmother. "Caviar, fat foie gras, snails ... What these forgotten names Anyway, it ’s still hot, let ’s eat it quickly. If it is put into tomorrow, it may be broken. Oh, there ’s a bottle of Lafite in 1982. Yuanyuan, get two cups and let parents Try it. "

"Lafite in 1982?" The stepmother took the bottle and was surprised. "Xiao Nan, how can you buy such an expensive thing? Snail? Is this French cuisine?"

The old man turned his head fast, dug a spoonful of caviar and chewed, and asked, "Is the business with Xiao Guo done?"

"No, but it's almost tomorrow," I picked out a piece of meat from the snail shell with a special fork and handed it to my stepmother. I kept a low-key sneer and said, "Tonight, someone invited me, so I ordered two more. Pack the dishes back. "

The old man's life style is frugal and simple, he doesn't pay attention to food and clothing, and he doesn't like to splurge. If I said that I bought this thing myself, I don't know the price, otherwise he would have to spray the thousands in his mouth on my face.

Cowhide is not incapable of blowing, but some cowhide depends on who to blow with. I dare not cheek in front of the old man.

"Ahhhh!" The stepmother was like a puppy, and she said she took a fork in my hand, but she had a small mouth when I was feeding her, "It's delicious! Wow, it's delicious, Xiao Nan, these things Must not be cheap? "

I stopped slowly and did n’t stop, Chu Yuan, the aunt ’s grandmother, was so excited, she laughed and said, “Mom, you ca n’t guess how much I ate this night, hundreds of thousands of people!” I knew he was bad, but he still paid the bill obediently, huh, that look was funny at checkout. "

"Hundreds of thousands ?! Keke ..." The stepmother's drool almost sprayed onto my face.

The old man trembled with a frightened wrist, and his face suddenly sank. I was sweating coldly, but Chu Yuan regarded it as an interesting story, and he told the cause and effect again.

Although I don't usually like to talk, I suddenly realized that the eloquence of this girl Chu Chu was really not good. Under the emotional interpretation, even a serious old man couldn't help but laugh at her, and her stepmother laughed even more. Lie on me.

"Mom, if you say brother is too bad, it's too much of a whole person!" Chu Yuan said, but fortunately the expression of joy and misfortune is obviously not denying my behavior.

"Xiao Nan, you are a little too much," said the old man, and the fiery atmosphere suddenly reduced the temperature. "You are not afraid of revenge? Those rich people, how can you mess with it? Even if you have the general manager Mo behind you Should not be so brazen ... "

"Just you will kill the atmosphere," the stepmother said unwillingly. She put her arms on my shoulders and said proudly, "My son is much smarter than that kid. Does he dare to take revenge?"

Chu Yuan probably noticed that she said too much, and when he saw the old man pull down his face, he agreed with his stepmother and said, "That is, if he is smart, he won't be tricked by his brother, who is afraid of him!" How this sounded a little bit like scolding me what?

Of course you are not afraid. I secretly laughed bitterly. The old man was right, how could a rich man mess with him? Today I took advantage because I was prepared in advance and caught others off guard. The other day they came specifically for me. It was really not easy for me to fight.

The old man sighed with a bitter smile, "You guys, long hair, short sight ..."

The stepmother was stuffing foie gras in her mouth, and she said, "You are sexist! You are still in education!"

"Forget it, don't have the same general knowledge as you ..." The old man took the stepmother and shook his head and said to me: "Xiao Nan, after all, pay attention to it, don't be so ostentatious, small wisdom is not equal to great wisdom, remember, To be a person, you need to be restrained and understand how to converge. "

I listened to being taught, "Well, I remember."

The old man nodded with satisfaction, took the cup brought by Chu Yuan, poured a glass of red wine, and after mourning, Mum muttered in disapproval, while laughing and saying: "But this time it was justified, after all, for the sake of That cousin Cheng Cheng, and also a teacher of Yuanyuan, huh, speaking, and I am also traveling ... "

Speaking of tassel, the stepmother suddenly came to the spirit, "Yeah Xiao Nan, you worked so hard to help Xiao Cheng, are you with her ... hey, you know what mom means?"

"What a real laugh you have."

"Go, how do you say your mother?" The stepmother pointed my finger at my head, and deliberately said, "Say, are you two getting better?"

My old face blushed, "How can ..."

"Yu Xuan, don't tell me blindly if you don't know," the old man narrowed his eyes and said to his stepmother, "Xiao Nan already has a girlfriend ..."



The stepmother and Chu Yuan were almost in the same voice. Seeing her stepmother staring at her in amazement, Chu Yuan blushed and said to the old man, "You're telling the truth. I live with him, why don't I know he has a girlfriend ?!" "

I still had a bite of ‘brother’ just now, and now it ’s ‘he, he’. I can see that this stinky girl ’s rejection of tassel.

"It's a policewoman. That girl is okay. I don't have the coquettishness of these young girls now, but they are unpretentious and straightforward. They have a righteousness on their bodies. They look beautiful and look small. Let's stand with us. It ’s a good match, ”said the old man, who had a choice, when his son was a fan of me, and his tone changed, with a bit of regret:“ Of course, Xiao Cheng is also good, tall and handsome, but ... the character is a bit more lively, not very suitable for Xiao Nan ... "

I almost roared out, but the tigress on Dongxiaoye was ‘lively’ a hundred times more than tassel, and ... she was n’t my girlfriend at all!

"Female police officer? When did you meet, why don't I know?" The stepmother was jealous and asked the old man in her mouth, but her hands were stubbornly stubborn. Chu Yuan's fault really inherited her genetic factor. ..

"Last year, Xiao Nan went to school to find me. The girl drove him to the police car and had a meal together ... It is the children's personal affairs to fall in love, and I'm not you women who love to chew. Do you want to show off everywhere? "The old man didn't blink when he talked nonsense, so he didn't mention it to his mother because he didn't know anything about it! He knew the character of his stepmother, and once he showed a little wind, in most cases the stepmother would force him to see someone.

On the contrary, it was Chu Yuan, knowing that the woman the father said was after Xiaoxiao Ye, the little hand that secretly reached behind me and held the tender meat in my waist was loose.

"Who is the woman who loves to chew the tongue?" The stepmother scolded the old man, then looked at me horizontally, "Xiao Nan, do you really have a girlfriend?" The expression was very fierce, but the eyes glowed with joy and expectation. .

"No, the policewoman and I are just ordinary friends. If you don't believe you can ask the fate, she has also seen it."

Chu Yuan nodded and said, "Yes." Chu Yuan had a problem peeking at my cell phone, so she knew very well that Dong Xiaoye and I had almost never been in contact, of course, it could not be a couple relationship.

The old man said nothing, looking at Chu Yuan's eyes seemed to say: What do children understand? But she was worried about her stepmother. She didn't talk anymore, and she started to eat.

The stepmother was still reluctant, and while she was picking snail beef to eat, she smiled at me: "Xiao Nan, you are the oldest. It's time to get married. I think Xiao Cheng is good. The conditions are good in all aspects. Come on ... "

The words of my stepmother came to my heart, and I could n’t even say why I laughed like a fool, my mother was like a child, and my stepmother likes tassels. This attitude made me feel inexplicably happy, but I heard Chu Yuan frown. "Mom, my brother is only twenty-three. Where is he big? Why do you start a family so early?"

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