Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 416: Underworld feelings

Chapter 416: Underworld Feelings

The world is full of fish and dragons, rubbed services and hidden crimes abound. It is a well-known secret that the police can't be entertained without preparation. There is drug abuse and gambling in the KTV room downstairs. There are peony and drug sellers in this ballroom. Upstairs, the prostitutes are still riding on the men ...

I do n’t know who covered it, but this is the end of it. Our personal safety can never be guaranteed. I am not stupid. This step is absolutely unacceptable. "Okay, you let this kid Poke my eyes blind and I won't call the police, lest he remember my appearance and retaliate against me later. "

"This ..." Boss Feng knew that this was an excuse I did not want to compromise. Behind it was a bit of surprise and a bit of hatred. He also understood that there was no guarantee for his promise.

Just then, a familiar voice rang from behind the crowd, "Oh? That brother's tone is so big that even my people dare to move?"

Boss Feng looked so happy that Huang Mao was surprised and shouted, "Boss, save me!"

The fear on the faces of several girls was even more serious. Just looking at the group of black clothes busy giving way, they knew that the identity of the visitors was not simple, and most of them were triad leaders.

The young man in a white Zhongshan suit walked at a glance, with a clean and elegant appearance, but gave a feminine and ghostly feeling, making life less than half a good impression. He was followed by two strong men, who belong to the kind seen from the street, You ’ll avoid the kind of thing. The little Sun Xiao ’s scared features are crowded together, crying is not like crying, laughing is not like laughing, and horrifying like crazy sheep, so you can see that the youth in white is full of momentum .

We looked at each other at the same time, and at the same time we stunned. Murphy slammed behind me with a stunned and terrified look at the young man, his voice trembling violently, "Chunan, he ... he Yes..."

Seeing that Murphy, who had always been calm, was scared, Tassel and Ziyuan couldn't speak, and the fear on their faces couldn't help it.

On the contrary, I was calm. No wonder I think this yellow hair is a bit familiar, and we have seen it before, but at that time he was a follower and had long hair, so I didn't recognize him at a glance. ..

"Oh, boss Sang, you're finally here," Boss Feng said, as if he had met his dad, he hurried forward to rush forward. "This, this is too much trouble, you see, what should I do? End? "After that, he glanced at me sympathetically.

The young man in white threw most of the cigarettes on the ground, and twisted them with the tip of his shoe. Ignored Boss Feng, but said to me, "Would you like to poke his eyes blind?"

I didn't know how to answer, but nodded bitterly.

Huang Mao had a supporter, and his breath suddenly increased again. "Boss, look at how crazy this kid is! He who cares for his grandma can't let him go easily, otherwise how can we stand in Dongcheng in the future?"

It seemed that I had forgotten that the beer bottle in my hand was still on his throat. I was really going to die, at least I would pull him on the back ... the boy was drunk.

The young man in white waved his hand, motioned Huang Mao to shut up, Huang Mao was very obedient, turned his head proudly, and listened to the young man in white said lightly to the two strong bodyguards next to him: "Go, put his eyes on the beads dig it out."

The two strong men responded to me and came straight to me. Tassel, Murphy, and Ziyuan were terrified. The three girls didn't want to think about how their small body could compare with the big Han who weighed about 150 to 60 pounds. When I was squeezed lightly by someone else, I was knocked aside. Qin Lan was holding on to the lost Yao Waner. People were scared. Silly, Viagra yelled, "Grass your grandma, it's me who hit that grandson. I want to dig you and my eyes! "After all, but Viagra's legs, like his voice, are so trembling that he can't stand up at all. Others are upright, and that little courage can say such things. I don't want to make him a friend in vain.

"Boy, it's too late to beg for mercy now, what the **** did I say earlier? You can't offend me! I ... oh? What are you doing, my third, my ninth? I don't need your help, you Go and dig that grandson's eyes! "

The unexpected scene happened. The two big guys dragged Huangmao like a chick, but they didn't do anything to me, but bowed slightly. The politeness even exceeded my expectations. Sorry, this kid doesn't open his eyes and offends you a lot, and you must forgive me. "

One sentence, Brother Chu, even I was screamed. I knew they would not deal with me, but I didn't expect them to be so polite.

"What Brother Chu? Where did Brother Chu come from? Brother three, have your head kicked by a donkey?" Huang Mao shouted, "Isn't the boss asking you to dig out his eyes?"

The third sighed at him and didn't speak. The old nine snorted coldly. "The boss is going to dig your eyes. Mom, what else can you do besides eating, drinking, gambling, and smoking? come out?"

"Dig my eyes ..." Huang Mao was unbelievable, and even more frightened, "Why ?! Boss, I ... what am I doing wrong ?!"

"I still don't know if you are blind. What's the use of your pair of eyeballs? Offend people for me?" Sang Yingjie pointed at me and said to Huang Mao: "While you can see Liang now, look again, Who is that?"

Huang Mao was thrown to the ground by the big man. He crawled around and opened his eyes widened with alcohol. After a while, he lost his voice: "It's you! You're the one whose name is Chu-"

I'm ashamed, because before Sang Yingjie appeared, I didn't recognize this Huangmao was the pup who had gone to Wu Xueqing's house to take debts, and the oldest and the oldest were the first time I went out with Murphy. Two strong men in conflict with one outside the door of a bathing center in Dafengmen.

Sang Yingjie snatched a metal bat from a black suit while Huang Mao turned around. When Huang Mao recognized me, he didn't greet him. He slashed with a stick and Huang Mao screamed Sang Yingjie fell silent, Sang Yingjie didn't say a word, just smashed it down with a stick, each stick used enough energy to feed, that Sven expression and violent behavior were combined in a complicated way, The viewers were all frightened. They were a group of fierce black clothes, and they were frightened and frightened, let alone those behind the guests who watched it lively.

Several girls covered their mouths without exception, covering their small mouths for fear that they would scream.

I was also dumbfounded, is this an authentic underworld? It ’s cruel to start, cruel enough ...

Huang Mao ’s screams gradually disappeared, eventually being overwhelmed by Sang Yingjie ’s heavy breathing, until Huang Mao passed out, tired and panting, he threw away the bat, as if nothing was wrong, took the towel handed by Lao Jiu, While wiping his hands, he smiled at me: "Mr. Chu, I have already learned this kid, look at my face, can't I ... stop chasing him? After all, after seven years with me, it's a dog, how much is still Something emotional ... "

Seeing the shocking blood stains left on the ground when Huang Mao was dragged away like a dead pig, I really didn't see any emotion between the two of them ... It is estimated that this stick would be eaten, and it would not die Semi-disabled ...

My throat is dry, this Sang Yingjie is just a farm animal ...

"Brother Sang is polite. It wouldn't be a big deal at all. If he recognized you early, this kind of unpleasantness would probably not have happened." Compared to Huang Mao's uncle, Sang Yingjie's smile was even more Makes me shudder.

"No," Sang Yingjie solemnly said, "Just because he is my person, I can't spare him lightly."

Sang Yingjie didn't explain the reason. I can clearly feel the curiosity and surprise in people's eyes. They are speculating about my background, including clearly knowing that I am an ordinary small class girl and colleagues ...

Black men, look at me, I look at you, and suddenly bow collectively, shouting in unison: "Brother Chu, I'm sorry, how offended are we?

Such a sentence can be so neat, I seriously doubt whether they often beat the wrong people ...

Sang Yingjie nodded with satisfaction, letting a lot of black clothes breathe a sigh of relief, and then saw him turn his face and said: "Boss Feng, this time, I will make the old nine responsible for this. Today you lost here, all Count it on my account, now you immediately send a car and take some of Mr. Chu's friends to the hospital for treatment, and the cost will be recorded on my account. "

"No, no," boss Feng quickly said, "Boss Sang, I also have responsibility for this. I don't know if this little brother is ... is ... is your friend, and the loss is what I deserve, medical expenses, etc. You should also be responsible for me. You take Xiao Wang ’s plague **** out of me, and I ’m already grateful. Do n’t you know, the kid is relying on your reputation, and he does n’t play anything at all, just him. Mom knows to eat for nothing ... "

This boss Feng is indeed a businessman. Seeing the wind made the rudder's ability quite remarkable, he pushed the responsibility to the Huangmao, probably realized that Sang Yingjie didn't like to hear his complaints, he smiled, stopped talking, and personally Raise Viagra them, and just keep paying for it.

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