Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 419: Xu Heng and his dad ...? !!

Chapter 419 Xu Heng and the Fairy His Father ...? !!

Xu Heng? This name is like a bomb. I am tinnitus bursting. I can feel the muscles on my face stiff like iron for a moment. I am surprised or afraid. I ca n’t say clearly, but my voice is already shaking. "Who do you say?"

"Xu Heng," Dong Xiaoye closed the window, for fear that her words would drift to the ears of others with the wind, and pressed her voice to me: "You are also a party. It ’s okay to tell you this. Xu Heng anonymously sent Send a report letter to the city bureau. The content of the report is Long Xiaotian's illegal competition, extortion, bribery, and criminal acts and criminal evidence involving many criminals. You all know people with a simple identity background. "

"But what does this have to do with Sang Yingjie? Does he also have a relationship with the Long family?"

"It's not him, it's his boss," Dong Xiaoye said with a serious expression. "Instead of being related, it's better to talk about it. Sang Yingjie's boss bleached for real estate business many years ago, but he has always been excluded by the Long family. Four years ago, the government approved a piece of land in Xiaolangshan in the south of the city. Because of various preferential policies, this land was very sought after. At that time, Long's had already invested in the development plan of Qianlong Mountain Villa. It stands to reason that there is no ability to eat this land. The land was blocked, but in the end the land was still marked by Long Xiaotian. At that time, everyone suspected that there might be illegal operations in this process. However, due to the background of Long Xiaotian, most of them dared not to say anything. The boss of Sang Yingjie had accumulated grievances with Long Xiaotian. In this anger, he brought the relevant leaders of Long Xiaotian and the Land Resources Bureau to the court. After a lot of sensation, because of insufficient evidence, Sang Yingjie's boss lost the case and was bitten back. He slandered others for their reputation, lost a sum of money, and published a public apology. It was a loss of face. Just now Long Xiaotian was unreasonable. In order to show that he was covering the sky in Beitian City, he began to retaliate against Sang Yingjie's boss, not only in the mall, but also secretly retaliating against his dark forces. Long Xiaotian He is not a man on the underworld, but he has excellent relationships with the heads and minds of many gangs on the underworld, so he is said to be very senior. He urged these underworld gangs to unite to suppress Sang Yingjie's boss, annex his territory and business, They forced their forces into the eastern part of the city ... "

I was a little confused, "According to you, Sang Yingjie and his boss should be very wrong, and their relationship with the Dragon family is inexorable. You don't pay attention to those who are treacherous with the Dragon family, but stare at you. What are they doing? "Perhaps it was Aiwu and Wu's psychological troubles. Sang Yingjie's boss should be Xiao Fairy's father, so she knew it was not a good person, but she was still a little bit towards him.

"Because he and the Dragon family are intolerant, we will focus on him," Dong Xiaoye asked in return: "You don't want to think about it, the Dragon family has collapsed, and the black forces related to the Dragon family have also been planted. The biggest Who will be the beneficiary? "

I was startled, "You mean ... the Xu Heng case was planned by him?" Xiao Yike's dad was pouring **** in his head? !! The fairy doesn't have a mother. If he is locked in again, what will the fairy do? !! I don't know why, a scene suddenly appeared in my mind-a fairy sitting on the street on the street in a well-dressed costume, a small face was dirty, a pair of big eyes were aura, the petite body was blown by the cold wind Shivering, a tattered porcelain bowl was set beside the naked little feet, but he refused to beg because of stubbornly biting his purple lips, and the bowl was always empty ...

"I didn't say that, but I didn't rule out the possibility, even if it might be only one percent, this is the principle of police handling cases."

Dong Xiaoye's words interrupted my horrible fantasy in time. I turned around and realized that my back was actually wet by cold sweat.

"Don't fool me. The case of Xu Heng is so big and involves many people. The investigation and evidence collection work must be urgent. You ca n’t assign people to pay attention to Sang Yingjie for a one percent chance." It ’s about Xiao Yike. My brain has become very aura.

Just catching up with a red light, Dong Xiaoye turned to look at me side by side, until the green light turned on and the wheels turned again, she sighed with a smile: "You know how we work ..."

I said lightly: "What I understand is not your work style, but your workload. Every time you call Lin Zhi, he will be hung up in less than one minute every time. It is enough to imagine that he is busy every second. Now. "

Dong Xiaoye was a little surprised, "Did you even notice these small details?"

I do n’t think so. The surface is unfathomable, but my heart is screaming shame. I ’m a normal and healthy man with three girls at home, often wearing tank tops and shorts with bare arms, thighs and navel eyes before my eyes. One is my sister, and the other is my sister's age. Seeing that they always have a feeling of crime, they naturally follow Dongxiaoye often. Moreover, her hot body is not that two little girls can By comparison, with her careless personality, sitting or sitting or standing, there is often a scene of spring leaks ...

I ca n’t say that I ’m killed, so I pay close attention to you because you wear less. It ’s so tempting. It does n’t matter if you beat me. You can cover it up afterwards. Would n’t my life become boring? ?

Dong Xiaoye, who knows my unconscious thoughts, flutters a flush of blush, and Bacheng thinks that I always pay attention to what she means. She is half-truly, half-false, and shame is true. I ’m not Did she implicitly admit she was attractive? But that is also an undeniable fact ...

Dong Xiaoye coughed as if to hide something, then continued: "Yes, the police can't pay attention to them for such a small possibility, but I definitely don't mean to scare you and make you less like people like Sang Yingjie I only said so intentionally. Although the situation in Beitian City was chaotic after the outbreak of the Xu Heng case, everyone in Sang Yingjie was honest and did not touch the fish in the muddy water, but the police had doubts about them and there was no basis. I said the police Staring at them now is not an exaggeration. "

I instinctively asked, "What is the basis for the police?"

Dong Xiaoye said without hesitation: "First, the off-road motorcycle police that Xu Heng rode when he escaped from Qianlong Manor had been found. It was in the courtyard of a rented private house in Xindong Village, Chengdong. According to the landlord, The tenant's appearance is very similar to Xu Heng, but the Lin team has been squatting for four days. The tenant has not appeared. It seems that some wind has been heard and it has flashed ... "

Xu Heng is dead? Actually stayed in Beitian City without leaving? A sudden flash of light flashed through my head, "That's it! The police determined that Xu Heng did not leave Beitian City, so you forest team told you to protect me as much as possible, didn't you? The day you slept, he scolded you for dog blood Shower, is it also for this reason? "

"Who slept late, did I stay up late, do I feel better during the day?" Dong Xiaoye blushed, but did not deny. "I only learned that day. My task is to protect you. The investigation does not allow me to interfere." What you just said is not right. The Lin team rushed to hang up with me every time, not only because he was busy with work, but more importantly because I kept asking him about the progress of his case. He didn't want to tell me ... "

I almost asked Dong Zhiyue why Lin Zhi refused to tell her the progress of the case. Suddenly thinking that Dong Xiaoye's task was to protect me personally, I swallowed the problem back to my stomach. What Thaksin can't believe is the relationship between Dong Xiaoye and me ...

"But just because Xu Heng is hiding in the east of the city, you suspect that he has something to do with Sang Yingjie's boss. This is too far-fetched, right?"

"Of course more than that," Dong Xiaoye finally hesitated this time, but he paused and said to me, "I shouldn't have told you this, but I can trust you, so you must not say it."

I nodded, but did not notice that Dong Xiaoye said the following words, in fact, there was a certain awareness or determination.

"Xu Heng's firearms and explosives have been found. They were sold to him by a Kaishan stone factory in the eastern suburbs of the city, nicknamed the black robe. The black robe was sentenced three years ago for illegally holding a firearm. He was sentenced to two years in prison, but the police have not caught evidence of him selling a gun. Given his cautious personality, we infer that he is unlikely to sell his gun to a stranger, so we suspect he should have a deal with Xu Heng. There is a middleman. As for whether this middleman is related to Sang Yingjie or his boss, we have not yet confirmed. Now the black robe has run away. Before he caught him, everything was only a theoretical guess, but it was hidden after combining with Xu Heng. In Chengdong, the guns and explosives that he got from Chengdong beforehand can still be concluded that he must have been active in Chengdong for a long time before he went to be a gardener in the Long family ... "Dong Xiaoye paused Don, said: "Things are grouped together, and people are grouped. Do you understand this?"

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