Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 439: Leaving Beitian? (One)

Chapter 439 Leave Beitian? (One)

I am a gentleman, this girl loves to play, and I will accompany her to watch her look forward to my answer. I can't help but tease: "Since you call her sister, she is older than me and younger than me Not all my sisters. "

Yu Qiu stunned for a while before responding to the meaning in my words, and smiled and cursed with a red face: "Smelly boy, take advantage of me again!"

Seems like you're the first one to do this for me every time, right? Yu Qiu's words were easy to cause misunderstanding, Long Shan stared at me strangely, and Mo Yizhi embarrassed and smiled at the woman in white.

I do n’t know if the woman in white will get angry because of my joke with Yu Qiu, because she did n’t look at me from beginning to end, even when she passed by me, she just said a little to Yu Qiu, “Enough is enough No? If you do n’t play enough, you can stay and play. "

Yu Qiu was afraid to spit out her little tongue, and then caught up with the white woman who had not stopped, shouting: "Sister, I'm just kidding, don't get angry, wait for me."

I was so bored that Yu Qiu was not our smooth employee at all!

Long Shan went out to give someone away, Mo Yizhi shook his head and smiled bitterly at me, saying, "You kid, no big or little, it's the same as the girls outside. Do you know who Zheng Yuqiu is? Even her Do you dare to make fun of it? "

"I know," I sneered. "Well, your niece's sister."

"I ..." Mo Yi said, Xuan Er waved his hands weakly. "Forget it, anyway, she is not big, small, or slippery. This is a smell like you, say, find What's wrong with me? "

I was really curious about Yu Qiu's identity, but Mo Yizhi threw the question over, and I swallowed the question, and said what happened to Zhang Mingjie just downstairs.

When I finished speaking, Long Shan also came back. As soon as I entered the door, I heard Mo Yizhi laughing and said, "Well chopped, chopped well. Why don't it matter to him Zhang Mingjie? I see, Gong Fanlin Cut you, he did. "

Sure enough, this old fox had planned to lie to Zhang Mingjie from the beginning. I was quite dissatisfied with his two "chops well", "Chairman, I'm afraid you can't be convinced with this excuse? Zhang Mingjie has publicly supported me after all He has no reason to chop me ... "

"Why not?" Mo Yizhi put his face on his face, and said solemnly: "He supports you as the leader of the Thirteen-City Planning Team, just to approach you, paralyze you, and be frustrated by you on the love field. He is resentful. Since Earlier he could collude with Li Hongtao and a few slanderous designs to beat you. Why can't he revenge you in almost the same way this time? "

Mo Yizhi snapped this hat very resolutely. When he saw me frown, he sighed and smiled: "Xiao Chu, haven't I taught you long ago? There is nothing despicable or mean in the mall, he Zhang Mingjie helped you, It may not be kind, isn't it clear to you? "

"But I'm not used to scorning people ..."

"But you have never been soft to the enemy," Mo Yizhi walked to me, patted my shoulder, and said, "I appreciate you most, that's it, look farther away. This It ’s not yelling, but beware, it ’s not easy for Zhang Mingjie to join the Thirteen-City Plan, and it ’s not easy to kick him out. I would never do such a stupid thing as introducing a wolf into the room. ”

How does Mo Yizhi deal with things that don't concern me, I'm just a chess piece following the wave, "how should I deal with Zhang Mingjie?"

"You know how to deal with it, don't you? I don't need to teach you, Xiao Chu, you are not a chess piece. If you really consider yourself a chess piece, I hope you can be more conscious, at least so far, I I haven't mastered your grasp yet. Your personality like Gan Pingfan who is following the currents is a headache, huh, "Wait until I laugh at myself, Mo Yizhi continues:" Let me have time to prepare for this. "

"Ready? What are you ready for?"

Mo Yizhi and Long Shan looked at each other, and Long Shan replied, "After the cooperation with Miss Three is implemented, the Thirteen City Plan will start immediately. As one of the principals, your workplace must be changed. of..."

"Wait," I called off. "This is not the same as what I said at first. Chairman, you seem to have promised me. As long as the cooperation is implemented, I can resign and leave ..."

"Of course, but you also said that cooperation is to be implemented, what is it?" Mo Yizhi said: "Miss Three is not a fool. If our market reform does not achieve the desired effect, others will always Anyone can withdraw this plan. She did say that she would make the cooperation plan cheap to the company that owns you, but it ’s not enough to eat. In the final analysis, it depends on the company ’s energy. Otherwise, you can only accept her kindness, but not It's a little better for her. "

Mo Yizhi's words are brilliant. Min Rou said that the three women would give me the cooperation plan in order to pay me back, but this is business, not child care. How easy is that? If my side is not able to eat her plan, I can only count it as a disappointment to her, and to put it bluntly, it is she who puts out a few words out of thin air and returns the kindness owed to me ... The evaluation is absolutely correct. The three misses are authentic businessmen.

"Is she interested in cooperating with Feng Chang already?" I guessed with a certain tone: "It's my kindness to say anything, but by the way speculation on this plan."

"I have this meaning," Mo Yizhi also said that Miss San had the intention to cooperate with Feng Chang, or that what she said to repay me was really just a way of speculation. "What she was thinking, few people I can figure it out, but she is a person who must do what she says. Since she has spoken, she will definitely do it, so I was really afraid that you would resign. You just have to jump to a small company. It was dug by Li Xinghui or Liu's family, and Feng Chang was suspended. "

"I see, I stay, Feng Chang is also very hanging, right?" I smiled bitterly: "If it was Miss Three who meant that I was responsible for this plan, then she obviously didn't plan to cooperate with Feng Chang from the beginning. Chairman It ’s only been a year since I graduated from college. Do you think I can carry such a heavy burden? "

"No one can take care of the future of a company, so I will pay you," Mo Yizhi stared at me with an elder's eyes, and said solemnly: "Maybe Miss Three really thinks so, but it is not necessarily, but When I heard her say that I want you to take charge of this cooperation plan, I was proud of her, because she looked down on you, Xiao Chu, you have the ability, talent, and lack, just grinding and experience, this is not what it is Is it a good opportunity? When such an opportunity is in front of you, you still need to consider? Missing it may be a turn in life. Maybe you wo n’t really regret it in the future, but think about it. How many people in the world are struggling to find it, but their lives are exhausted, but even a small opportunity is not available? You are so extravagant, do n’t you feel blushed? Do n’t you feel guilty? ”

"Chairman, it's hard to touch me with your remarks, don't you think it's a bit of a grandiose?" If Mo Yizhi's excitement is a raging flame, then I'm like a pot of cold water with icy frost, He couldn't make me boil, I would just pour him out, "You just say it, Miss Three lets you use me, you have no choice but to see it, you have to use it, or it's over? Why is it so verbose?"

I'm not so easily swayed by the one-sided enthusiastic young man. The reason why Mo Yi held me and said that Bacheng was worried that I wouldn't play hard, so that the three ladies who sent out "good intentions" would have the opportunity to take back the "goodness". I am not confident, but the fact. After all, I am a young man who has graduated from college for only one year and does not have any trustworthy capital.

The mischief merchant of the third lady, using "human feelings" to tell Mo Yizhi to reuse me, it is not a good idea to fight in her heart. It seems that she and Mo Yizhi are also intriguing, not as united and friendly as the surface .

Mo Yizhi was uncovered by me. I was so surprised that I forgot to control the expression. It was tantamount to confirming my guess. It was futile to know that I could justify again. I cried awkwardly. The request does not prevent me from appreciating you ... "

You appreciate me, but you wo n’t reuse me, just like I admire you, but I wo n’t trust you, “I ’m not sure, so I wo n’t say good words, say you do n’t believe it, I do n’t believe it myself, and be honest In fact, I hate the role you arranged for me. Now I already have a feeling of being violated by you and being planned by you. It is disgusting, but since I promised you to help Fifi get the cooperation with Miss Three, then I will I will do my best, no matter what the idea of ​​Miss Three is, the cooperation with Feng Chang is true or false, even if there is only one percent hope, I will not give up, this is not for anyone, but pure For myself, as a man, I don't want to leave any trace of regret, so as not to regret it in the future. "

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