Chapter 446: Trust

"Done?" Dongfang Niang was tired of talking like a toothpaste. When I asked, she only answered, "That's all? She didn't say when your mother would pick you up?" Zhen Nuo's reaction was too strange. Now, knowing that the East is in my house, why didn't she come to me to settle the bill?

It happened that the Asian goddess's God of God was burned to death by Chu Yuan's Cao Zhijing. She dropped the handle indignantly, turned her head and stared at me with resentment, as if she was killed by me. "Take me That was n’t misunderstood, thinking she cares more about me? It ’s extra gracious that I did n’t force me to go home immediately to admit her a review. ”

I increasingly feel that it is self-righteous and overwhelming to do the ideological work of her mother for Dongfang. The gap between their mother and daughter is far more severe than I expected. No wonder Dongfang believes me, but To make such a poor and naive request ...

I laughed at myself: "Don't worry about letting you live here, she trusts our siblings, shouldn't I be honored?"

"You can also think that she is looking down on you," Dongfang cheekily said to me: "I am a beautiful young woman in China and Tianxiang, and you are a big man in estrus, and she can rest assured that I live with you on the roof Next, isn't this plain looking at you? "

Chu Yuan heard the words, and the deliberately cheeky face finally couldn't hold up. He fluttered a laugh, but I didn't take the pout for granted. "Maybe your mother has confidence in you."

Dongfang froze, "What confidence does she have in me?"

"The young girl who is milky and dry and blind and confident, even a big man like me in estrus will not be interested ..."

"You—" Dongfang is like an irritated kitten, rounding her eyes, but unfortunately she has a bad personality, and her kung fu on the mouth is not against me, and my blushing flushed.

Chu Yuan couldn't stand it, "Brother, you're too much! Isn't the East beautiful ?! How can you say that to her ?!"

What did I say? I do n’t deny that I ’m blind and confident. I did n’t deny that she was beautiful, but I did n’t admit that she was attractive to me. I gave Chu Chu a glance. “If I say that my estrus man is interested in her, what would you think of me? ? "

Chu Yuan didn't even think about it. He opened his mouth and said, "Beast!"

I have a black line in my head ...

Chu Yuan also pondered that Weier was here, but she would never admit it wrongly, and added arrogantly: "But you are not even interested in such a beautiful girl as her, it can only prove that you are not as good as a beast!"

This is the theory again ...

"Anyway, in your eyes, I ’m either a beast or inferior to a beast. I do n’t care, whatever you say,” I coughed and expressed my expression. “Now that ’s serious business, Dongfang, since your mother is not pressing When you go home, does it mean that she is willing to talk to me? "

If you put aside Oriental ’s subjective understanding and take an objective look at Oriental ’s mother ’s attitude, this is actually a very good sign. Since she allowed Dongfang to stay in my house for a while, in a sense, it is a manifestation of her beginning to respect the Oriental will.

"I don't know, Zhen Nuo should have passed her on. Maybe she'll come to you tomorrow and fight with you, or you can just have a meal with Haibian. Maybe she won't listen to it. See What day can I spit with her and see what day you are willing to accept me ... Don't think I'm joking, she is such a character, everything depends on her mood, I can't control her mood, never It's all her mood controlling me. "

I didn't think Dongfang was joking, because when she said this, her eyes showed a kind of bitterness that didn't match her age, and that bitterness couldn't be expressed by people who hadn't experienced it.

Seeing me silent, Dongfang sighed, and said, "I said jokingly, how can I really be cheeky and live here for a lifetime? Just I think, she won't let it, she least likes to owe others, maybe I'm busy at work now, so I can't part with it. Don't worry, even if you don't want to see her, she will still appear in front of you. As a result, I have known for a long time that I have already prepared myself ... It's not early, I'm going to bed. "

The topic of 'Mom' has caused a very low mood in the East. It can be seen that she is pessimistic about whether her mother can change her original intention and no longer force her to study abroad.

"Brother Nan ..." The Dongfang who came to the door suddenly turned back, "You promised me, shouldn't you regret it?"

Her sharp eyes shot me uncomfortably, "No, of course not ..."

"That's good," Dongfang pressed her index finger on the thin two-page red lips, and smiled slyly and proudly: "If you repent, don't blame me for telling Yuanyuan all the bad things you have done ~ "

When I was drinking water, I was covering up my guilty conscience. When Dongfang said this, I almost poured water into my nose. In Chu Yuan's opinion, she pressed her lips with her index finger for 'mystery' or 'privacy', but I But I heard it, she was taking an accidental kiss and saying something while eating and fighting in the heavens and earth that night!

Threat? joke? This is not important. What is important is what the mother of the East thinks. She insists on studying abroad from the East for the future and future of the East, or does she simply impose her will on the East? If it is the former, I don't mind being a villain, but if it is the latter ...

"I'm good at talking." I said indifferently, but I was very firm, being a villain who repented, or going to grab a daughter with others ...

Dong Fang stunned, Xuan Er gathered a play, nodded heavily, "I believe you."

Although I really wanted to get into the cracks in the floor, I had to continue to pretend to emphasize my honesty and credibility.

"Brother, aren't you flirting with the East?" Seeing that the East closed the door, Chu Yuan threw away half of the battlefield, grabbed the cup in my hand, and asked me with a cold face, seeing what that means, if I nod, Immediately becomes a soup chicken.

"You do not believe?"

"I want to believe," Chu Yuan glanced carefully at the door, and pressed his voice to me, "But the request made by Dongfang is so naive and unrealistic. Fools know that it can't be done at all, you Is it a fool? "

I couldn't help laughing: "Since you know I can't do it, why should you force me to agree to her request?"

Chu Yuan turned and placed the water cup on the coffee table, then sat down next to me, turned his face and looked at me, and said quietly: "The East is not a fool. Even this naive request has been raised, showing how frustrated she is. How helpless, I know her too well. She knows better than anyone that you promised her, but she is perfunctory and appeasing her. She believes in you, but she is just doing the last resistance, as if she ca n’t swim. The person fell into the water and even if they knew that he was dead, he didn't want to give up, he would struggle desperately, hoping that there would be a miracle and someone would come to her ... "

In fact, I also felt that Dongfang didn't trust me, otherwise she just made a joke that threatened me, and saw Chu Yuan's sympathetic eye circles ruddy, and I unconsciously reached out and wanted to caress her head as usual, Before meeting her, she turned around suddenly, clasped my wrists with both hands, and begged me pitifully: "Brother, I beg you, even if you can't convince Aunt Ran, it's okay, at least, you have to Struggle like the East and let her see that you have done your best for her. Don't make her feel that the world is so ruthless, okay? "

After all, my daughter is someone ’s daughter, no matter it is Chu Yuan or Dong Xiaoye, the day when I fled from the East to my house, my heart is clear. No one of us can help her, including the East, including myself ... Standing on the side of Chu Yuan, forced me to keep the East for such a long time, she was just trying to make Dongfang and Chu Yuan get along for a few more days.

"Well, I will." I tried to retract my hand, but Chu Yuan held it tight.

"Really?" Chu Yuan drew a small nose, his nasal sound was heavy, and he didn't cry. "Okay, then I believe you. If you lie to me, I will sue Dad every day and say you bully me You know what I mean. "

I don't know any more, Jane is so terrified! This girl would not sue before the father for nothing. She must find a reason that is persuasive beforehand, and the process of finding her reason is the process of my sin.

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