Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 457: The struggle between "buddy" and "couple"

Chapter 457 The Tangle Between 'Brother' and 'Couple'

In the face of Dongxiaoye's light bulb that fell from the sky, I really couldn't help it. I looked helplessly at tassel, and bitterly said, "She hides me, and you also hide me? How can this be called 'dating'? Are you two meeting? "

Tassel pouted and laughed: "You don't remember how I told you yesterday? I met here at half past noon today. If you are late, I will make you look good ... this is your retribution."

I don't know if I should cry or laugh, "You recognized yesterday that I must be late today?"

"Can you tell me that since we both realized that I'm meeting you this weekend, have you not been late?"

Buddy blushed, "Most of the time, I was not late ..."

"Because most of the time, I went to your house and dragged you out of the bed," tassel rubbed her temples to show how desperate she was to me. "You guys aren't enough invested in anything, only Exceptions to sleep, falling asleep is like a dead pig, and you are not allowed to wake you up. You have n’t said it yourself. Yuanyuantian is not afraid to bully your tricks, but you dare not make you sleep. ?"

That's because I fell asleep once and mistakenly thought that I was still in class. Some classmate provokes me. My eyes didn't open was a yell. At that time, Chu Yuan was only ten years old and was frightened by my anger. Maybe it left a psychological shadow. Even now I dare not make me sleep ...

My reliance on tassel and alarm clock makes me have no confidence to refute, but murmured like a grieving woman: "Anyway, this retribution is too big, right?"

"You can be as if I don't exist," Dong Xiaoye got up and patted my shoulder, said with full of vigor: "Relax, Xiao Chuzi, I'm a professional bodyguard, my professionalism is superb, I will hide myself like air Existence will definitely not disturb your date with Susu. "

Your one-meter-seven head, a weight of one hundred pounds, and 36e's big breasts, look vertical and look like air! Most importantly, don't you know that you are beautiful? !! Even if I think you are air, passersby around? You ca n’t help pointing me while I look at you, right?

But then again, a man shopping with two beautiful girls ... I'm so vain, I actually think this is the so-called happy trouble.

"Then let's go," Tassel picked up the bunch of roses, and then picked up her bag. She couldn't make it to hold my arm, or she was embarrassed to hold me, "Lan Lan told Most brand clothing stores on the fourth floor of my mall are on sale. Let's go shopping. I haven't bought new clothes for a long time. "

I was hesitant to take the tassel's hand actively, and then listened to the policewoman who just said that she wanted to hide her sense of existence: "You two are not holding hands?"

Restraint is a layer of window paper, and unsophisticated people will break it. Winter night is the unsophisticated person.

Don't look at the fringed, outgoing and lively, but she is really shy. She used to be a buddy, and she had no worries about manually moving her feet or even sleeping together, but now she is inexplicably nervous even with inadvertent skin contact. This change I seem to understand but I cannot explain it clearly.

"Xiao Chuzi, why don't you understand the mind of the girl? Tassel is sorry, so you can't take the initiative?"

I want to take the initiative, but you've made it clear. Who is embarrassed to hold the tassels again? Isn't that admitting that I'm like a dull piece of wood, what do you say, what do I listen to, haven't my thoughts at all?

"No ... I ..." Tassel is the kind of person who is good at being active but unable to cope with the passive situation. He was ridiculed by Dong Xiaoye, and was suddenly a little embarrassed. Seeing Ya fired at me, he was busy making excuses for me. "That ... I have so many things, it's inconvenient."

Dong Xiaoye looked at the exaggerated bouquet in her arms and stunned, suddenly laughing and pointing at my nose, "You idiot, you? You send flowers at noon shopping? Haven't bought anything yet, add this first Freshman cumbersome, have your head been squeezed by the door? Fool, to send flowers, you should have seen a movie at night, sent her home, and took it downstairs to her house. Maybe she was happy, As soon as I was touched, the wolf was introduced into the room ~, Xiao Chuzi, I retracted the preface. What are you thinking so much, you are just lacking in mind! Hahahaha, laugh at me, haha— "

Even if the dude's face is really bulged by the city walls, it is now broken by Dong Xiaoye. Yeah makes sense. Sending flowers before shopping, not only does not have a mood, but also adds a burden. I said why I always feel that the atmosphere is wrong. My flowers didn't move like I expected, on this occasion, it's almost nondescript!

Experience, this is a tragedy caused by inexperience! No wonder Viagra often says ‘want to have a successful love, you need a staff who is willing to be a listener’. It turns out that it ’s not an excuse for me to complain, but the truth accumulated through experience!

The onlookers are clear, the authorities are fascinated, one person is short and the two are long, is this the truth?

Faint, but we ca n’t admit that we are faint, it ’s funny enough, we ca n’t be tasseled anymore, so the first thing to do is to stop Dong Xiaoye ’s bitter mouth, “Do n’t you say you want to be air? So much air ?! "

"You—" Dong Xiaoye was dumbfounded by me, a pair of danfeng eyes almost burst into flames, "Okay, I don't speak, fringing, take me to hold it for you, you two go hand in hand, I am Follow me, rest assured, it won't be too close to you, as long as you don't turn around often, you can't see me. "

This girl just talked and laughed. Suddenly, she had a scum on her face, and her mood changed so quickly that I felt a little bit confused. She should know that I wasn't serious. Why is it so true to me? It feels like ...

Dong Xiaoye's emotions came fast and quickly, and the state of the air was maintained for less than thirty minutes. Her position and I unknowingly changed, and the two girls picked clothes and tried clothes in the discount clothing store. And me? Sitting like a statue on a chair outside the locker room, depressed alone.

Holding hands between couples seems to be a common thing, but for me and tassel, it is a bit uncomfortable, not only because Dong Xiaoye is behind him, the main reason is our own.

We have been together for almost five years like 'buddies'. We are too familiar with each other. Intimate contact has long been no longer fresh, because the relationship between us has matured and matured to the point where we have not even noticed it. Get along like an old wife and wife.

The first thing Tassel came to the company every day was to put my feet on my thigh, and asked me to massage her for a joke; whenever she was drunk, I would inevitably assume the responsibility of sending her home. ; She would break into my room just like entering her own room, and pull me out of the bed with only one pair of underwear; on the days when she was sick and taking leave, I would go to help her with meals and clothes, and underwear exception...

The relationship is already so close to us, what is it to take a little hand? Not much, but deliberately holding hands is completely different. This feeling ... to make a less metaphorical metaphor, just like a pair of brothers and sisters in reality are actors, but they took the same play, want Play as a couple in the play, and there will be passionate sections ...

Fakeness is frightening, as if holding hands is deliberately emphasizing our relationship.

We are familiar with the way of 'brothers', but we are unfamiliar with the way of 'couples'. We are familiar with the strangers. It is too awkward. In the past, shopping was always tassel pulling me, now she must keep and I have the same pace, this is not her style, nor the rhythm I am used to.

We all have a feeling of being **** by the words 'couple relationship'. These four words actually make us uncomfortable, and we always feel that we are not acting like ourselves.

Tassel has a frank personality and doesn't like hypocrisy, so she quickly broke this awkward atmosphere.

Pulling Dongxiaoye to shop and using me as a contractor, the fringe is my familiar tassel, the familiar way of getting along, but we do n’t think it ’s right, dating, is this the way it is? What's the difference between this and peacetime? !!

But ... the average couple on a date does n’t bring a light bulb like Dong Xiaoye?

Hey ... the current situation is completely a date with tassel and Dong Xiaoye, as if I was superfluous.

But the two girls obviously don't think so. From their point of view, I still have some uses. For example, every time they change a set of clothes, they will ask me for their opinions.

I am dating for the first time, but I am not the first time to buy clothes with the opposite sex.

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