Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 466: My Secret to the Star (5)

Chapter 466: The Secret Between Me And The Star (5)

Dong Xiaoye blushes more than blush? I clearly felt that the arm that was close to me exuded a burning temperature, and her skin seemed to be melting. At this time, the host again said, "Although Mr. Chu is very romantic because of dating, It's a pity that I missed the opportunity to have dinner with Feng Tsai, but they got the blessing from Feng Tsai. It is gratifying. This photo is really very memorable. The two must be saved. This is destined to become a segment. Great memories, huh, huh, then, we decided to draw again ... "

Without waiting for the host to finish his speech, the audience was in a state of jubilation. The organizers were generous. My withdrawal did not save any trouble for Wu Lefeng.

I was mumbling, the cheering ceased. It turned out that Wu Lefeng waved to everyone to be quiet. He apologized to the host and said to me, "If Mr. Chu's girlfriend doesn't mind, I can invite two people at the same time. Have dinner. "

Dong Xiaoye's eyes brightened suddenly, and the stars are not often seen. Eating with the stars is a rare opportunity, not to mention that the stars actively invite themselves? Sister Hu's heart was written on her face. Did she forget the most important thing? Today is my date with tassel. The two of us are men and women.

Wu Lefeng's move once again exceeded the expectations of the host. I also feel weird. It's just a show. It doesn't matter who you eat with? Why did he ask me? If I refuse again, wouldn't he be very shameless?

I'm a habit of thinking too much, especially for things I can't understand, so I was eager to see something from Wu Lefeng's face, and I suddenly realized that his and Aunt's eyes were gently glanced to the side, momentarily cold Frozen, another moment of tenderness like water, the two extreme feelings instantly changed, and I couldn't help but take a look, and followed his gaze, I saw two women-Tong Feifei, faced with frost , And frowning Murray.

Who is Wu Lefeng looking at? Obviously this has nothing to do with me, what I have to do now is how to deal with his invitation!

Go or not go? go with? When I think of tassel and Dong Xiaoye when they talk about Wu Lefeng's idiot, I am really reluctant to go? Wu Lefeng's invitations were rejected by me twice. I'm afraid it's difficult for him to step down? Does he have to come down to the stage? But Tassel and Dong Xiaoye are his fans. I treat their idols so much, they are afraid they will have opinions on me ...

The thought of tassel suddenly shocked me, and I turned my head subconsciously, my buddy sweating and falling down, and the tassel that had just gone to the bathroom did not know when he had returned. He was sitting expressionless on the seat. Watching me and Dongxiao Ye.

Dong Xiaoye was next to me. Naturally, I felt the trembling of my body and turned to see the tassel. I couldn't help but whispered a cry, hiding behind me in shame ... It's no wonder that the light bulb is still But addictive, simply usurped me directly as my girlfriend, so dominate the dove to occupy the nest, are you worthy of tassel? If I were to sew orderly, I would have to go in ...

If I think about it, I can clearly understand that Dong Xiaoye is innocent, and I am unforgivable. I have no way to confess my relationship with Dong Xiaoye in front of the camera! Where am I lucky? I am clearly doomed!

"Mr. Chu? Mr. Chu?" Wu Lefeng hesitated to answer me and whispered to me twice.

I was taken aback. When I returned to my heart, I calmed down a lot, my heart didn't panic, my legs didn't tremble, and I had the confidence to speak. So far, I still care about how lucky it works? The thing is, I want to make tassel always remember this day, and I can never forget what happened to our first date.

"Can you add another person?"

"What?" Wu Lefeng froze for a moment, thinking that I had to make an inch, and there was a hint of unhappiness in his eyes, but he was superb in acting and covered up the past with a great smile, and said with a smile: "Who?"

I pointed at the tassel in the auditorium and said, "My girlfriend."

"Who ?!" Rao is the one who has had the movie emperor, and now he can't help but look at Dongxiaoye next to me, and look at the tassel that I reach for my finger, a face that can't be trusted: "Your girlfriend?"

"Yes, my girlfriend."

"Which one?"

"Tassel!" I saw the tassel drill down under the seat, picked up the microphone and shouted, "Feng Tsai, please have dinner, will you go?" I asked Wu Lefeng to agree to disagree, and knocked the words first, then thought, He is a big name, and he shouldn't be so stingy with me, otherwise people thought he was afraid I would eat him poorly.

It ’s exploded, this time it ’s called exploded nest, not to mention the audience ’s agitation, even the film creators on the stage began to talk to each other. Only the director ’s nonsense, a pair of small eyes overflowing, I can probably guess his **** I was an accident, but my ridiculous accident created a more interesting topic for his movie premiere. How much is it helpful for the promotion of the film?

Amazing? I feel the same way, the dating of the three people is not normal, anyway, it is already abnormal, simply let it change to the end. What happened to me and Dong Xiaoye is tassel knowing, we do n’t need to know us People explain, but I want to let everyone who knows us know that tassel is my girlfriend!

I want to tell everyone aloud that we are no longer buddies, we are couples!

Maybe this crazy, man-like romantic woman can't stand it. The first thing after the tassel has no place to hide after stepping on the stage is to step on me severely, almost ashamedly with a crying voice and scolding me: "Are you crazy?"

"I live forever. If I didn't go crazy last time, wouldn't it be alive?" I agree with what the host just said. Today, it will become a memory that we will never forget. Today, it is the first to be remembered. An appointment.

Dong Xiaoye is a beauty, tassel is also a beauty, a lively and handsome, a gentle and elegant (the illusion created by the dress), no matter who they are, they are not inferior to Tong Feifei or Murui's beauty. When they are too nervous While holding my arm to the right, I even heard the screeching screams from the audience.

Envy, not just their envy, I envy my current self, holding each other by the left and right, why not?

The quality of the host was too poor, and the thinking reaction of the three of us easily eroded the thinking ability. I was distracted and looked at two beautiful women with similar styles and similar personalities around me. The two girls could not stand his rich content. Gaze, hiding behind me at the same time, the shyness and stubbornness, the other asphyxiated, and in the absence of anyone to manage the order, the venue involuntarily restored its quietness.

In the eyes of Wu Lefeng, there was no host anymore. He reconfirmed to me with uncertainty, pointed to tassel first, and asked, "Mr. Chu, this is ..."

"My girlfriend."

He nodded suddenly and pointed at Dong Xiaoye again, "Then this is ..."

I didn't dare to watch Dong Xiaoye, and bit my head and said, "I'm also my girlfriend."

"Big marriage-" I don't know who was in the audience, and whispered this extremely sensitive word. Although the voice was not loud, it was passed into everyone's ears in the extraordinary silence. I thought Wu Lefeng would be angry, But he didn't, neither Murray, they just looked at me more surprised.

Am I getting married? I was upset, but I didn't express my emotions on my face, but just said to the audience lightly, "We are not married."

The law only stipulates that no bigamy is allowed, but it does not stipulate that a man cannot have two women at the same time. I know the people below are definitely not convinced. I do n’t think that marriage is not an excuse for fancy. But is there any relationship between you and me?

I don't care how others condemn me for being morally vulgar. Anyway, Dong Xiaoye and I are not real couples. Of course, if the other person around me is not her but Murphy, it is another matter.

Wu Lefeng gathered surprise, asked a little curiously and expectantly: "I wonder if this lady would like to accept my invitation with Mr. Chu."

Liu Su Liushen has no master, and I do n’t know if it was caused by the atmosphere, or because her idol was the questioner, and she took a careful look at me before whispering to Wu Lefeng: "I listen to him."

Wu Lefeng smiled and nodded, and directed his eyes at me again, his eyes were full of expectations.

I really don't understand why he is so enthusiastic or even enthusiastic about me, but I have no reason to refuse, "Thank you Feng Tsai, this is our honor."

Calling a man who is almost ten years older than me ‘Aberdeen’, I ’m shivering, it ’s not easy to be a fan ...

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