Chapter 487 Night Banquet (1)

"Nannan, drink porridge, you have an injured arm, otherwise, shall I feed you?"

"I can drink it myself!" I snorted coldly, took the bowl three times and pulled the porridge into the stomach, making the attentive tassels look awkward.

"Brother, you fritters. You have an injured arm. Otherwise, can I feed you?"

"I can eat it myself!" I snorted again and again, three of them stuffed a whole churros into their mouths, and Chu Yuan, who had come across, sat back down again, grieving, took a small bite and wanted to pass I eat churros.

"Brother Nan, don't hold your back, hurry up and drink some saliva."

"I myself ... uh ~, cough, don't you hand me the cup ?! Uh ~"

"Don't drink if you have the ability ..." Chu Yuan and Tassel rarely tacitly whispered in unison.

"You guys still think about it ?!" I pressed down the bad breath, put down the water glass, and pointed at the nose stuffed with paper balls. After a mess, you have been very polite without me, you still don't allow me to have a temper ?! "

Dong Xiaoye, who was red-faced and red-faced, quietly persuaded: "That, Xiao Chuzi, don't blame them, it's my fault ..."

"What do you think? Isn't it your fault? Is it my fault?" I exclaimed: "You say that you are a woman, how can you sleep so badly? Just say the sofa is small, and you won't fall off Right? Also, if you sleep cold, you can turn off the air conditioner? You are a snake? Have a dish on me? "

Fortunately, Sister Tiger no longer remembers the bold behavior of being drunk last night, otherwise which round would I count her? At this moment she was so ashamed that her head was almost hidden in the porridge bowl.

These stinky girls seem to have forgotten who is the head of the family. The tiger does not show its power. It really is a cat, and the punch and kick are all fortunate. Fortunately, I see blood on the nose, otherwise I must die! Dong Xiaoye, the culprit, held me tight, let alone fight back, making it difficult for me to hold my head. Sleeping can sleep like her, making people have to wonder if she really sleeps or pretends to sleep-she How can there be a little vigilance in the criminal police!

Chu Yuan was furious: "That's a misunderstanding, aren't we apologizing?"

"I blow your nose and then apologize to you, okay?"

"Narrow-minded! No measurement!"

"This is a matter of principle! I am the head of the family and I must emphasize my status"

Chu Yuan was languished, and Liu Su hummed, "I'm all sleeping on the floor. What position do you have ..."

"Are you refuting the fate? Yes, the sleeping floor just proves my measurement. There is a difference between men and women. Doesn't I let you sleep if I don't sleep on the floor? But Qian Rong does not mean patience, and ..." I said: "Who gave me the floor to worship? You and Xiaoye are the same. Girls, do n’t hold back, it ’s not enough to get drunk. I ’m irritated and unconscious. Fortunately, I ’m a gentleman, otherwise my son will give birth to you. I don't know who his father is! "

"Hey, Nannan, this is too much of you. Murui respected me and Sister Xiaoye for drinking. Can we both stop drinking? I drink too much, but I trust you to drink Many, have you ever seen me eat with someone and have wine? "

Speaking of which, it really isn't ... I saw that Chu Yuan's face wasn't right, and quickly stopped the topic, "Don't pull that far, now you are talking about the problem of hurting me."

Who was the one who kicked my nose, and the three girls couldn't say clearly, no one acknowledged it, and no one denied it. I took advantage of their subtle psychology: if I admit it, I will be very angry, if I deny it Now, that is to shirk the responsibility to the other two people ... they don't want to annoy me or be a selfish person, so I can't find out who is really murderous. I am aggressive and have other intentions.

Seeing me glaring, the pity of the East hurriedly turned his head and hummed, "Aren't we apologizing?"

"I'm done apologizing?" I lifted my legs and showed my feet. "No more perfunctory like this, I really stabbed you. After I finished sorrying, I said hello to you sincerely," I'm sorry. '. "

Dongfang hid behind Chu Yuan and stuck her tongue at me. She didn't believe I would kick her. Chu Yuan knew that she had a loss and compromised: "Okay, okay, then you say, what do you want us to do before you agree? Forgive us? "

"Simple," what I want is Chu Yuanyuan's words, with a calm expression, and I said calmly, "Ziyuan will come to our house for dinner today. I don't allow anyone of you to ask her about last night's things, you can do it. Then I won't be angry. "

"What ?!" Chu Yuanteng stood up all of a sudden, staring at me angrily, apparently understand that I deliberately circled them.

Beyond Chu Yuan, tassel, Dong Xiaoye is also a complex face, that is angry and confused.

Last night, Tassel already heard Dong Xiaoye's story. If she had hurt my nose, she would have already pleaded guilty to me, and now I'm going to plug her mouth one step. Of course, she is dissatisfied.

Dong Xiaoye frowned: "Xiao Chuzi, aren't you serious?"

I scratched my head and said, "Am I kidding?"

"Why don't you ask us?" Chu Yuan was anxious and aggrieved, "We are playing with you, you kicked you so carelessly, she greeted you with five bad guys yesterday, you forgive her ?! Brother , Sister Xiaoye and I were both injured by her! "

Dong Xiaoye's foot was kicked and hurt me. Your injury was caused by a brick that was knocked down by someone when you ran away ...

Chu Yuan's attitude towards Ziyuan has always been very strange. Regardless of her behavior, she studied Ziyuan everywhere, but she was very resistant to Ziyuan herself. Of course, this had a direct relationship with the thing I did n’t want to recall five years ago, but I always feel that there are other reasons. Before that, Chu Yuan and Ziyuan had never been very close ...

"That was just a misunderstanding. The bodyguard hitting someone didn't mean her ... Of course, I didn't mean that she was not responsible, but this was not a matter of forgiveness or unforgiveness. She didn't want me to see Miss Three. There must be a reason for her. I will ask her why, but not today, "I sighed, and said," Yuan Yuan, you said, are two of us qualified to hate your little sister Zi? "

"I ..." Chu Yuan lowered his head, without the strength just now, "No ..."

Tassel, winter night, and the East are all stunned. I didn't expect that the powerful Chu Yuan actually choked back so simply. They couldn't understand me and Chu Yuan because they didn't know what happened five years ago.

I got up, stroked Chu Chuyuan's head, and laughed, "So we shouldn't feel wronged, don't say that the bodyguard hit someone yesterday didn't mean it to her, even if it's our deserve, for five years, she only hit us I felt frustrated at the first meal. You and I are picking up a bargain ... "

Chu Yuan grabbed my bandaged arm and said anxiously, "But that's what I owe her. It's none of your business. Why did she hit you ..."

"I'll say it again. Yesterday's thing was what Miss Three meant. Your little Zi didn't do anything," I really don't know why Chu Yuan believed that Ziyuan was hostile to us, shook his head, and laughed again: " Also, silly girl, do you owe her what I owe her? You are my sister ... "

Chu Yuan looked at me with tears in his eyes and did not speak.

I coaxed: "Xiao Zi left for five years and finally came back. I want to come to our house for a meal. Don't mention those unhappy last night, okay?"

Chu Yuan hesitated for a moment, finally bit his lip, and nodded reluctantly.

I looked at fringes and winter night again, "What about you?"

Before the two girls answered, they listened to the poor man in the east and said, "I agree!"

Seeing us looking at her inadvertently, she sneered, "I agree with the fate."

Both Chu Yuan and Dongfang agreed, and tassel and Dong Xiaoye would not be able to say anything more. They responded perfunctoryly, looking at their expressions, and still very dissatisfied with Ziyuan. Of course, they knew that what happened last night might not be the same as Ziyuan. It is directly related, but Ziyuan evades, and concealing and covering up Miss Three has also become an undeniable fact.

At noon, Ziyuan didn't show up. The mobile phone was turned on but it was unanswered. Chu Yuan said that she was guilty of a thief and didn't dare to come. She didn't have a face. Several girls agreed, but I didn't take it for granted that Ziyuan would come back.

When I asked Chu Yuan to prepare dinner, I still didn't contact Ziyuan, set up a table gorgeously, and complained to me when a few girls said that when I wasted their hard work, the doorbell rang, and I told some of them The girl smiled slightly and got up to open the door.

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