Chapter 509

No one really minds the arrival of Teacher Xiaoshu, except me ...

I wanted to break my head and didn't figure out how I had offended Shu Tong recently. After this daddy came, he showed me a face and greeted everyone, ignoring the owner of this house. I Comfort yourself, three women in one play, not to mention so many girls together She may not have the time to talk to me. She did n’t want to. When she ate, the girl deliberately sat across from me. She seemed to want to talk to me. As a result, people laughed and laughed, but she was just cold. Cold stare at me.

I couldn't help but ask her several times. She ignored me deliberately. At last they even noticed the tassel. They looked at me strangely, as if I had done something too much. .

I did n’t do anything wrong, and I was n’t afraid that the ghost knocked on the door. Chu Yuan and Ziyuan were reconciled. I was in a good mood, and I was too lazy to care about Shu Tong. She ignored me, and I ignored her. The meal was fun.

Ziyuan and Tassel knew that I had injuries on their backs, and I did n’t need to send them anything, but I was not assured. After all, it was ten o'clock in the evening, and both of them drank some red wine. Ziyuan saw me but they hit Min Rou. On the phone, asking Min Rou to send a car to pick her up ... Min Rou's relationship with Miss San was exposed, and Ziyuan no longer covered her relationship with Min Rou.

Min Rou didn't come in person, but sent a female secretary to drive Ziyuan, who was picked up by her Rolls-Royce phantom. The girl finally stopped loading onions. It is ridiculous to think of her behavior as a little secretary when she suddenly appeared in front of me. This young woman is enough to be on par with Mo Yizhi.

Ziyuan said that she would send tassel and Shu Tong home, let me rest assured, how can I rest assured? She took Liu Su to the side and told her not to ask Ziyuan and Miss Three's relationship. The tassel boss reluctantly agreed. Seeing this, she originally intended to talk to Ziyuan.

"Wait!" As soon as the car was about to start, I heard Shu Tong shout, and I gave a slight stun. The girl had put the glass down, showing a small indifferent face, and said to me coldly: "Go to the station that day When you gave my parents and grandma, you gave my mother money, didn't you? "

This girl talked to me for the first time tonight, so my buddy trembled three times, but we didn't seem calm, and said, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Shu Tong's face was colder. "How much?"

I pretended to lower the cat's waist for the sake of conversation. In fact, I took the opportunity to communicate with the tassel in the car. This girl was shocked and panicked again and again, which meant that she hadn't mentioned this to Shu Tong. Shu Tong may be cheating me, so I sloppy, and said: "Not much, just think that people are leaving, I should mean, after all, your grandma thinks that I am engaging with you, isn't it?"

Shu Tong blushed and said, "What I want to know now is what do you mean by giving my parents money, and how much money they gave them!"

Since it ’s not tassel, that ’s what Shu Dashu and Ma told Shu Tong themselves, but listening to what Shu Tong meant, she did n’t know how much I gave Shu Da Shu ’s mother, “It ’s not interesting, your father has a good drink Xiaojiu, your mother likes playing mahjong. Your grandma is not very well. You want her to buy more things she likes to eat. As a junior, honor your elders. I heard that there seems to be such a vulgar custom in the countryside, doesn't it? ? "

I do n’t know if there is any publicity in the countryside. I can go for a little wine for 50,000 yuan, play mahjong, and eat snacks. I do n’t even think it ’s normal. Brother Qian's son, they feel normal is the key ... I can't tell them or Shu Tong. I happened to hear about Grandma Shu's terminal illness in the hospital, right?

"You care about my family so plainly for no reason. You feel normal, others may not feel normal!"


Shu Tong's face flushed, and he murmured resentfully, "Please help me is the biggest mistake I have made in my life, you have killed me ..."

"Hey, Shu Tong, aren't you a bit suspicious of crossing the river to tear down the bridge?" Mo said I don't like to listen. Tassel and Ziyuan also think that Shu Tong's words are too much, especially Tassel. She knows more about Grandma's affairs. Torture me.

"Cousin, how can you say that? Nannan does so much, not all for you ..."

"Just because he has done too much for me, I say so ... Su Su, you don't know some things! I ... I don't want you to know," Shu Tong's expression was more aggrieved than me, tassel confused Xie Tong, turned his head and glared at me again, "Have you called my mother recently? She paid three hundred dollars more in her cell phone, did you do it?"

"Hit ... cough, it happened that your mother's mobile phone owed money for downtime, and I charged her three hundred dollars ..." Speaking of calling Mrs. Shu, the dude felt extremely depressed, I just couldn't rest assured Grandma Shu ’s condition, she wanted to ask, but could n’t ask directly, so every time she was called by her mother, there was no content at all, and finally she hung up again. Her mobile phone owed her money because of one time Halfway through the call at noon, the cost is gone ...

"Have you hit it often?" I wasn't sure if I was ashamed or annoyed. Shu Tong gave me a sting on my shoulder, "Thank you, I don't know how to explain it to my parents anymore Relationship with you! Dead man, I hate you! Drive! I don't want to see him again, upset! "

Uh ... It turns out that Shu Tong was angry about this ...

Looking at the car going away, I can't help feeling that it's hard to be a good person ...

When Shu Tong knew the truth about her grandmother's terminal illness, I thought she would understand why I was so kind ... But I would rather she never understand ...

"You're going to visit Liu Xiaosheng with Zhang Mingjie?" Murphy looked at me with unbelievable eyes, and Ziyuan, who happened to send the documents in, could not help frowning. Murphy bypassed the desk, covering her head with one hand, and one with her hand. Pressed on my forehead, murmured, "Are you not feverish?"

I couldn't laugh or cry, "I think you have a fever, why are you nervous?"

"Xiao Nan, I wanted to say something yesterday. Your attitude towards Zhang Mingjie is not the same as before, should you believe that he has really changed sex?" Ziyuan has not been in the company for a long time, but he is helpless. Chang ’s struggle for rights is simple and clear. At a glance, as an assistant to the queen and topic queen Murphy, from the population who are clamoring for her, you can fully see the tension between the two factions of Mozhang and the indiscriminate and intriguing relationship. Although Ziyuan is Ms. San's person, but this does not prevent her from standing by the Mo family, I believe this is also Ms. San's attitude.

"I would rather believe that he is transgender than he would be able to change sex," I shook my head and smiled. "But he's right, don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face. Now the Liu family is having a hard time. I'm afraid the pressure on Xingyu No less than Gong Liu, no matter how shameless her brother is, she is innocent, not to mention that Lao Guo is not only a friend of mine, but also a proud disciple of my father. He is embarrassed to ask me, am I really pretending to be invisible? And, Fei ... Hey, President Mo, did you forget? At that time, we speculated to make extra money, and Guo Xiang also helped us. "

"What speculation earns extra money? It's awful to speak ..." Murphy's face turned red, and she gave me a shameful glance, and speculation to make money for her mother to pay back the debt was an opportunity for our relationship to develop to this day. I It is unclear to this day whether that is right or wrong.

"I heard Song Jia say that the police officer's colleague was drunk yesterday and ran to the company to find out about you. You got into a fight and got involved with Zhang Mingjie, and even surprised Zhang Dong, right?" Murphy was suddenly surprised. After changing the topic, she nodded when she saw me. She said lightly, "I heard that you were injured. I wanted to make a call to you, but it seems that there is no shortage of people around you, so I did n’t call. What happened? Is n’t it heavy? ”Murphy not only had thorns in her words, but also thorns in her eyes. The thorny Ziyuan didn't dare to look at her, and she didn't mean to hide her face.

Ziyuan was embarrassed, I was even more embarrassed, as if five years apart, I had become an incurable flower heart ghost, sneered and said, "It's okay, there is no serious injury to Master Zhang ..."

"Forget it," Murphy yelled, "I saw Zhang Mingjie jumping like a okay person in the morning. I just put a band-aid on my nose. It looks like you. I can't do it in front of people. It looks like iron. When you get home, you're done. If you want to die, let a few girls take turns rubbing your back. "

Ziyuan's little face suddenly turned red, like a red lantern with flames inside, and the buddies were shocked, and their tongues were knotted, "How do you, you, how do you know?"

Murphy's sly smile is like a little fox, "Secret ~ Secret ~, as long as I want to know, there is nothing I don't know, hehe ..."

Murphy, who was smiling and proud, saw that Ziyuan was looking at her with a strange look, and quickly gathered up a somewhat forgotten, playful expression, restored her usual cold and dignity, returned to pick up the bag on the table To Ziyuan said: "Then I went out with him. If there is anything you can help me with, if you don't understand, call me again."

The thoughtful Ziyuan didn't respond for a moment, nodded habitually, "I see."

"Wait!" I wasn't taken into her rhythm by Murphy. "Will you go out with me? Where are you going?"

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