Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 838: Flies, Girls (2)

Chapter 838 Fly, Girl (2)

"So you forgive me?"

"I didn't blame you at all. What forgiveness or forgiveness is there?" Dongfang gritted his teeth and said, "If you blame it, it's a strange fate. If she doesn't hit you, you ... you can't touch me."

This girl has a rare grudge. "She is also kind. She was afraid that I would bully you and gave me a shovel. I still blame me for not being more aggressive with you ..."

"No, I have thought about it seriously. I blame me for arguing that you and Sister Ye are indiscriminate. I always say that too much, no one can bear it," Dongfang's cheeks turned red, but his expression was natural and generous. I beg a little shyly, and said, "I shouldn't arrange you without evidence, but I also ... I also paid the price. Let's even rectify this matter. No one will be allowed to mention it in the future. OK? Do n’t be embarrassed to talk to me, I wo n’t be in a cold war with you, lest Yuan Yuan and Sister Ye are always whispering in my ears, there is nothing else in their mouth from yesterday to now I know they are kind, but ... I didn't care that much at first, but they always mentioned that they made me feel embarrassed to talk to you, and I didn't even dare to look at you. It felt so embarrassing. ... "

It wasn't me who embarrassed Dongfang, but the two girls ... because they still had a face against me, they didn't realize that Dongfang would be embarrassed because they both bite yesterday's things and didn't pout, always I keep reminding Dongfang that her **** have been touched by me. No matter how hard she tries to pretend to be natural, she can't do it. After all, she is a girl ...

"Of course you can, I promise not to mention it later!" Then, what do I mention this? Afraid others don't know that I am a pervert? Dongfang ’s proposal is obviously unfair to herself, so I ’m not quite sure: “You just want to tell me this?” The implication is that you are always the one who only takes advantage and does not suffer. The condition for ordering blood?

Dongfang thinks about it. The red face has a thicker color. He bit his lip, brewed a bit of courage, and then touched the crying hemorrhoid under the corner of his eye with his finger, nervous. Xi asked an unexpected question seriously again, "Does this tear mole really look like a fly?"

Oriental precociousness is manifested in her absolute self-confidence. I have never seen her without any self-confidence, so when she looks like an inferior child at this moment and looks at me with a fearful look, I expect my answer. She is the same as Chu Yuan. Although she has a certain aspect that transcends her age, in the final analysis, she is always a 16-year-old child with the innocence she deserves, just like Chu Yuan always feels inferior for her development. In general, the East will also care about things that girls of the same age will care about.

"No, like you said, it's your cute spot."

"Really?" Dongfang showed a surprised expression.

I nodded, surely: "Really."

The innocent and cute side of this girl surprised me and made me breathe a long sigh of relief. This way is more suitable for her, because this girl is usually too deep in the city, making people feel a little scary.

Seeing me smiling with relief, the East seemed to see through the meaning, and the eyes were more shy, but pretending to be calm, saying: "For the sake of knowing that you can change, Ken will confess to confessing the advantages of Miss Ben, and Miss Ben will Forgive me for your satire on me before, pay attention to it later-it ’s ok to fight, but do n’t make fun of the girl ’s appearance, figure, or ... like the tear mole on my face, the girl is I'm very concerned about this. You made me not sleep well last night. As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt that there were flies on my face ... "

I thought the East deliberately exaggerated and laughed, "Don't you always feel confident about your beauty, and still care about my unimportant words?"

"I ..." The East stopped talking and unexpectedly stopped.

I froze, subconsciously looked into her eyes, and then wondered: "You won't ... Really didn't sleep all night because of my words, okay?"-

After finishing the words, the calf was kicked by Dongfang fiercely. The girl turned and ran, pulling Chu Yuan who hadn't heard anything for a long time and escaped into the school gate. She never returned. You can hear Chu Yuan asking her constantly, "Dongfang, why are you kicking my brother? What did you tell him? He has taken advantage of you again? You wait, go back and settle accounts with her!"

Dongfang certainly wouldn't tell Chu Yuan why she kicked me, because she was absolutely embarrassed to admit that she had doubts about her charm because of a word of me, so that she could lose sleep, because that was the thing that did not need to be doubted. Countless suitors have long proven that my words need not be at heart.

But she still took it to heart ...

. . .

Before returning to the company, I went to the hospital to check the wound on my forehead, and told me everything about the situation after the coma of Dongye Ye yesterday. After all, Tianyou tied me to the case and had to ask Dongye Ye for help and find a way Big things go small, little things go small.

"Fart! Fart!"

When I got out of the hospital and just got into the car, Sister Hu broke out into an intolerable situation, even disregarding the lady ’s image, and swearing, "Proud is a dead end, isn't he stupid? He is not stupid is you stupid. Letter! I ask you, what if we wipe out his sister's case and they disappear together? "

"Then he still has to ask me to wipe out Tianyou's case?" I said: "His own case cannot be erased, so Tianyou runs with him, and he will inevitably be implicated in the end."

There is no conflict between right and evil, and Dong Xiaoye is a police officer. He has inherent resistance and resistance to the bandit Xu Heng. Only subjective suspicion is impossible, and there is no hint of trust. In addition, yesterday, Xu Heng's plan was won. After he was in a coma for most of the day, she was so angry that she couldn't analyze and think objectively. When I asked her this way, she couldn't answer.

"Even if he really wanted to turn himself in, why did he ask the police for terms?"

"He didn't mention it to the police. He mentioned it to me."

Sister Hu said, "It's the same as anyone else! His kidnapping of your sister is a fact, and kidnapping is a criminal offense. How can you just say that? When the national law is a child's play ?!"

"If he really thinks the law is childish, he won't turn himself in," I sighed. "Is it a criminal offense? You have to see if it's a kidnapping? Is that a kidnapping? Your police must listen to me Say? I mean yes, I mean no. "

"Oh?" Dong Xiaoye sneered and asked, "What do you plan to say to our police?"

"What else can I say? It was a misunderstanding, I said that Tianyou and I had known each other before, and some unpleasant incidents happened, so we just got into a fight that day, it wasn't kidnapping at all ..."

"But you said to countless people that day that you didn't even know her!"

"That's why I asked you, didn't you? You discussed with Lin Zhi, don't be so serious. You haven't paid much attention to this case anyway, you simply perfunctory. As for what I said, I naturally have a way. Round. "

"The problem is that the two helpers found by Tianyou have been caught in. You can easily change your confession. The Lin team and I can persuade them by closing one eye. What about them? They are now biting Tianyou Instruct them to kidnap you! "

"If you want to say that, I have to give you back what you said to me just now-if it's not you stupid, it's them stupid," I don't fear Sister Tiger's stare eyes, just like she just said After asking me, I asked her, "What is the crime of kidnapping? Criminal crime! The two pieces of the material are biting Tianyou. They are the mastermind because they have too much responsibility and are afraid. If Tianyou does not count as a kidnapping, they will not count as abduction. It ’s a fight. I remember that the fight caused minor injuries or more to be a deliberate injury. Should I be held criminally responsible? Then I said they did n’t hurt me, and I ’ll accompany me with a courtesy. It ’s the beauty of falling pie in the sky. Do n’t they have to squat in the jail and lie down? I do n’t think they are so boney. Even if they are really boney, they ca n’t commit to being a woman who lied to them. Give up freedom? "

Dong Xiaoye was angry, "Just you are smart ... but this case is in charge of Dongcheng Branch, that Wang Meng ... don't talk about the holiday with us, he usually doesn't rub the sand in his eyes, and Lin's words may not work well, you Now that Zheng Zhuoxiang and Zhao Shiguang are changing their lives, he will inevitably be suspicious ... "

"I didn't change my tongue," I said, "What did you say when Zheng's last name and Zhao's last name were caught by you? They said they sympathized with Tianyou, so they helped her to avenge me and said that I had raped Tianyou's sister Otherwise, my sister did n’t admit that she was kidnapped at first, and I was scared by you. I turned back to Wang Meng and said that I did know Tianyou ’s sister. She had been involved with the subject before and she blew it. She hurt her sister, so she came to retaliate against me. As for the two materials that reported that Tianyou had a gun or something, it was nonsense, and a gun is a fake gun, anyway, they have no evidence to prove that they are real guys. "

"If Wang Meng asked why you said you didn't know Tianyou, how would you answer?"

"I said I didn't know Tianyou, I knew her sister."

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