Chapter 840

Sister Hu finally compromised with me and promised not to follow up with Xu Heng's whereabouts. After sending me downstairs, she rushed back to the office to find Lin Zhi to communicate with her, and she promised me very seriously that she would work hard My set of rhetoric convinced Lin Zhi to promise Xu Heng's surrender request, wipe out Tianyou's case, and not investigate whether she assisted or shielded Xu Heng.

Lin Zhi is different from Dong Xiaoye. It is a smooth old fox. Even if he has no basis for doubt, he will not go to waste, because the waste of resources can only prove his incompetence in the current position. In terms of the division of interests and the choice of interests, Lin Zhiyuan is more open than Dong Xiaoye.

Dong Xiaoye's personality is simple, good and evil are clear, good or evil is good, principle is very strong, Lin Zhi is not, principle is principle, rule is rule, he is very clear, even if it is also 'evil', he will have some By comparison, Tianyou is a small evil and Xu Heng is a big evil. Now he only has Xu Heng as a big fish. In contrast, a small shrimp like Tianyou is willing to abandon and let go for a small shrimp. He would not do such a stupid thing as a big fish.

Dong Xiaoye's distinction between good and evil is because he disdains the rules of society. Lin Zhi knows how to choose because he understands that when principles and rules collide, he can only get more and live better if the rules concede the rules.

Therefore, in the matter of Tianyou, Dongxiao Ye is far more difficult to deal with than Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi will not refuse, there is another reason-he has to pay back.

Not to mention the bombs buried by Qianlong Manor were because I snatched Xu Heng's detonator and it did not explode, causing no worse impact, leaving a shame for the police's incompetence. Just say, this grandson I will take revenge, in order to solve the case, use me as a bait. As far as I am in danger, I have every confidence to destroy his future. I only look at Dong Xiaoye's face and do n’t care about him. He owes it all at once. We are two people, he is thick-skinned, he can rely on me, but as a big man, but also a leader, an elder, Dong Xiaoye ’s friendship, he is so thick-skinned, I am sorry to be afraid to drop, so I Only then did Dong Xiaoye go and talk with him about Tianyou, and he was not involved. Lin Zhi was old and sly, and certainly understood what I meant-I left things to Dong Xiaoye, and you rejected her. How can you tell her when she came back? If she can't tell me, she will be angry with you ...

Fortunately, it is a shameful divorce scheme, but it is also the best way to grasp it. With such a despicable intention, it is estimated that I will never confess to Tiger Sister in my life. She is right, sometimes I feel terrible, but that ’s true. It's because these people who deal with me are terrible, and some things are too involved, and in order to achieve the goal and the best results, in the process, it is inevitable that there are involuntary times.

The compromise of Sister Tiger means that Tianyou ’s affairs have been half done, and the remaining half is to join Lin Zhi to deal with the case of Tianyou, who is better than Wang Xiaoye, who is better than evil. ——As long as he believes my story, then the day when Xu Heng surrendered will come.

When Dong Xiaoye sent me downstairs to the company, it was already two hours behind the company's required working hours. Because they told Tassel yesterday that I was going to the hospital to change medicines, they did n’t seem to report whether I would come to work today. Any expectations, so late, no one called to urge them, they were not in a hurry, I was even more anxious, did not go upstairs, left in front of the winter night, I stumbled to the KFC restaurant in the mall opposite the company I, who has always been cold to this kind of food, ignored the astonished eyes of everyone. I bought six grilled wings, five burgers, four chicken legs, three fish steaks, two chicken rolls, and a glass of Jiuzhen juice together. It's like a small hill-there's only a bowl of boiling water in the dude's stomach, so hungry.

Speaking of which, Murphy put me off for the past two days. I did n’t eat much. I ran to Beijing the day before yesterday and came back with Wu Lefeng Kong Jiancheng after returning, but I only talked and answered the phone, but I did n’t eat much. Mouthpiece was just at Zhu Danchen ’s house yesterday. After eating a few pieces of meat that were bitten by me, and after carrying Sister Hu back home, I was busy taking care of her and coping with the tassel Murphy Ziyuan's phone bombing and hanging After the phone call, I went to pick up Chu Yuan and Dongfang after school. When I got home, I was about to eat. As a result, there was something in Dongfang ... I was deprived of the right to eat because I ate Oriental tofu. The feeling of guilty concealed the feeling of emptiness in the belly. Until the morning at the school gate, I knew that the East was not angry because of my "injury". Our heart hanging in my throat was considered to be in place. This relaxation, a few days The sense of hunger that has never disappeared in the past suddenly poured out like a superposition. I was hungry.

At this time and place, the KFC restaurant is undoubtedly the most convenient and quickest place. The place where I can eat the fastest. When I'm hungry, where can I take care of any nutrition, calories and likes?

Of course, I am not in a hurry to return to the company, nor is it just to solve the problem of hunger. Dong Xiaoye went to Lin Zhi. Although he was sure of Lin Zhi's compromise, after all, he was not 100% sure, not 100%. There are possible variables. In the process of waiting, my heart is still very tense. Sima Hai was disturbed by the chickens and dogs who ran into the company in the past two days. If I go back now, my colleagues are concerned and sympathetic, the leaders are questioned, and the head is ridiculed. , And the pointers of strangers ... How can I have the mood to face those now?

Compared with Xu Heng surrendering, Sima Hai's affairs are like a farce. I don't even have the patience to be accompanied. There is only one thing that is the most important thing for my buddy-to satisfy Xu Heng's request.

Sima Haina's grandson is not going to the company to toss. If he dares to come, I will solve him today, and then draw a perfect stop for Xu Heng's case.

After Xu Heng surrendered, no one will remember me any more, and will involve my family and friends for this, but I am sure that this is not my motivation, my motivation is an inexplicable sense of responsibility, or maybe , That is some kind of resonance between me and Xu Heng ...

We all pretend to be disdainful of this society, but we all pay for it, because we are willing to believe that this society can still distinguish between right and wrong, although we do not believe now, though, believe, it is only our wish ...

Conversely, if Sima Hai does not come to the company today, I ca n’t afford to go to the company to become the focus. I care about sympathy and questioning. We have no mood or time to deal with it now, so when I will fill my stomach, I will Go to a quiet and comfortable tea room nearby, make a pot of tea, and wait for the news of Dongxiao Ye, while doing what I have done before, what I do now, and what I have to do in the future, both public and private, sort it all out. So as to avoid any mistakes.

I never feel that I am a clever person. I do n’t want to lose. I have to be serious and cautious. I have to know how to think and summarize, to reflect on myself and to deny myself. In order to force myself to do better than now ... I do n’t like it. This lifestyle is full of competition and tension, but I have no choice, because no matter public or private, no matter what I am participating in, whether it is active or passive, I ca n’t afford to lose—how? Get the cooperation plan of Miss Three, how to cope with the Zhangjia father and son's open guns and hidden arrows, how to resolve the company's senior management's doubts and dissatisfaction with me, how to soar into the sky, and get in the 13 cities planning team Absolute right to speak, how to respond to and deal with the feelings of tassel, Murphy and Dong Xiaoye, how to be responsible to Ziyuan, how to make her willing to accept that I am responsible for her, and Xiao Yike's little fairy, I must also give her An affirmative answer can't always be so ambiguous. In addition to these, there is one that I most want to escape but must face and can't escape for a lifetime and can't continue to Silly filling blank perfunctory problems of the past ......

What should I do with my relationship with Chu Yuan? My sister-in-law's plot and her brother-in-law complex, my psychological problems and her personality problems must be taken seriously.

In addition, there is one thing that is big and small, and that is big and small-Dongfang's mother promised to make time to meet with me and talk about things about studying abroad in the East. This will determine the future of the East in a certain sense. Therefore, Dongfang also forced me to promise her one thing ... But the problem is, I don't know anything about Dongfang's mother.

I have too many things, and Dongfang does n’t mention them. Her mother does n’t seem to really care about her, so that I often forget this thing. It does n’t matter in the long run. It seems After I went back, I had to talk to her. At least, before I met, I had to know a little about her mother.

After swallowing the first burger, I dialed a phone number, grabbed a chicken roll, and bit it with a big mouth, so gobbled that before eating, Yao Waner, panting, appeared in front of me, scared Buddy almost strangled to the past-I was very perplexed before. You said that the child was weak and weak, how could he run so fast? From here to Fengchang Investment Department, it has to be 800 meters straight, right? It took only a little while for her to come here, and she was still wearing a pencil skirt and high heels, maybe it was better, Waner was even more athletic than the bitter ...

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