Chapter 843

I did n’t know how to drink tea, I found a quiet tea room, picked a pot of relatively cheap Tieguanyin from the price list, and slowly drank a cup. I felt that my mouth was no longer greasy and my stomach was full. When it opened, he took out the pen and paper from the bag, and began to sit and listen to his destiny while dragging quickly like a graffiti.

So graffiti is because the handwriting is scribbled and the pile of words looks very messy, but in fact, everything I write is in disorder and order. I divide everything I have encountered recently into public Private and private, are listed on two sheets of paper, and they are sorted in order of priority. The things in my mind are materialized, so that I can organize them. Then I think and deliberate more specifically to determine and formulate my What should be done next and how to do it, so it looks messy, because many of them are necessarily related. If they are linked together with straight lines or curves and marked, they even make me feel cumbersome and confusing. Already.

It was filled with two whole sheets of paper, summed up, inferred, figured out, and calculated, but the final results made me very painful-no matter how big the public or private, I can only do it now.

The future requires planning, but planning is not equal to the future. It is probably such a reason. The Mo and Zhang families, for example, dig a big trap for each other, either the trap of ink falling into Zhang, or the trap of falling into Zhang. Just like the hunters and wolves living in the same mountain, they know each other is their biggest threat. This special food chain relationship is destined that they have no future that can coexist. Therefore, they can only look like hunters until the outcome is announced. Normally, quietly waiting in the dark, waiting for the prey to fall into their trap-because they all felt that the other party was the wolf that threatened themselves.

The real hunter won't rush out and fight with the prey without falling into the trap, because the risk is too great, otherwise why do you dig a trap? Therefore, neither Lao Mo nor Lao Zhang will take the initiative to take action, only to carefully prepare their own traps, waiting for the other party to make mistakes and fall in. What they are most afraid of is to startle the other party and make the other party aware of themselves. the purpose.

Patience is the key to victory. The first person who can't bear it will be the one who fell into the trap. Therefore, I can only wait. Fortunately, after testing Zhang Mo several times, Lao Zhang has already Get ready and get some small moves.

As for Miss Three ... I'm not equal, I want to take the initiative to see where she is sacred, but she is like the sun hiding behind a cloud, blocked by the cloud. Even if I know she's there, I can't see it. Can't feel it unless the clouds spread out or she comes out ...

It ’s me, even Mo Yizhi, who can do what Xiao Sanye asked him to do, so there is no other way but to wait.

Wait, wait, wait, you can only wait, even if you want to confess to tassel, confession to Murphy, confession to Winter Night, confession to Ziyuan, I also have to wait until the third master does not have to wait, the third lady does not When Zhang Mingjie didn't have to wait, I could really do what I wanted to do. As for now ... I'm not me, I'm just a chess piece, a chess piece responsible for the entire game.

Wait, it's the only thing I can do now, and what I should do, including now, tearing off two sheets of paper, I'm drinking tea depressively, waiting for the phone on the desk to do nothing ...

I even bored myself with boring. Is there a result on Dong Xiaoye first, or is there something on Yao Waner first?

It ’s meaningless to win or lose. Anyway, it ’s me who wins, and it ’s also me who loses. So when the phone call shows Yao Waner ’s name, I do n’t have any joy in winning, and there is no regret for losing. Smells-Sima Hai is here again!

I ca n’t tell if the violent tumbling in the chest is also affected by the irritability of Dong Xiaoye who ca n’t produce the results. In short, Sima Hai is going to be unlucky-if the news comes first in Dong Xiaoye, and everything is like I expected, buddies are in a good mood, don't have to hang your heart so, maybe I will show mercy to you

Fengchang Group, Investment Department, Office of Comprehensive Group.

Sima Hai, who didn't know how many teeth was missing in his mouth, was sitting on the chair that belonged to me, like a creditor who came to the door, and looked up with contempt, looking up and standing outside three steps, one My face was unlucky, tassel stood on my right, Ziyuan stood on my left, both girls deliberately moved forward a small step, it felt like they were holding me behind to prevent Sima Hai from suddenly flinging at me Come over and beat.

The angry Viagra couldn't get used to Sima Haiyang's proud inversion of black and white. He really thought that it was the virtue of fact. He was dragged to the end of the crowd by Qin Lan and Sister Liu. It can be seen that what he said was angry, let him come over, he was sure to talk to Sima Hai, because everyone can see it, Sima Hai did not plan to seek truth from facts, otherwise he would not Sitting here.

Of course, I can see that all of them are the integrated group, and a few who have contacted me, have some understanding of me, and are willing to trust my colleagues in the investment department, but now only a small number of people gathered in this office area are the investment department The overwhelming majority of the employees are from other departments-they come to see the lively.

Murphy is the manager of the investment department. She can order everyone in the investment department to go back to work, but can not leave the good people in other departments. After all, Sima Hai came to me to settle accounts, asked the company to discuss, opened her mouth and questioned the company. There is no distinction between good and evil, and he protects the calves. If Murphy had coaxed the people who were watching the crowd, wouldn't it just confirm what Sima Hai said? Sima Hai just saw this, and then he kept yelling, let everyone help him testify, and see how the company would deal with me.

There is no fear, Sima Hai not only has the tension to support himself secretly, but also a group of high-level executives who help him speak in the drum. He also holds the so-called evidence of beatings in his hand. It is no wonder that he reversed black and white and was so arrogant.

Murphy was standing beside me, no one could see the slightest content from her expressionless face, but I knew, puzzled, doubted, and annoyed ... Her feelings were a little more complicated than those of Tassel and Ziyuan. Times or even dozens of times, as one of the company's senior executives, she knows how bad the current situation is to me, and she knows what will happen to me once I assume responsibility.

We are all waiting for the arrival of my senior management, which was requested by Sima Hai, because Murphy did not want to be the master, let alone to be the master of him.

Colleagues who know the ins and outs look at sympathy and compassion in my eyes, but it seems to be that I must be killed by Sima Hai, so in addition to Waner Song Jia and Brother Gao, including the old black grandson who has previously accepted my affection, It ’s very embarrassing to hide away. Everyone understands that if the final result is that Sima Hai really said white as black and black as white, then who is speaking for me now? , Will be deemed false by the high-level officials who come later, and they are considered to be the same kind with my nostrils, and then they are implicated.

The human relationship is warm and cold, and the calamity is about to fly. Besides, this calamity was originally directed at me. Can someone be involved in it? I will comfort myself, but seeing their sympathy or compassion, I still feel uncomfortable. Can't you help me if you don't see it? !! How can you hurt me, clearly torture yourself!

Ziyuan was very angry at the silence of these people, and her face turned white, and she glanced at me from time to time, as if she was complaining about my friendship.

From beginning to end, only one person's eyes are different from everyone-Yao Waner.

This polite and beautiful girl with a very low sense of hiding, hiding behind Murphy, has been curiously staring at my head, I know she can't figure it out: Why did I have a good head when I met outside just now? , But now wrapped in a bandage?

The little girl is innocent and naturally does not understand, no one helps me, no one helps me, but sympathy is still very important-Sima Hai has a tooth missing, if I stand here like a fine person, two people By comparison, I am afraid that I should have been vague.

That's all right now. Seeing me hurt may not be lighter than Sima Hai. Many people have begun to mumble. Low-key me and high-key Sima Hai, who should I trust?

I didn't expect everyone to believe in me. As long as a few of them no longer believed in Sima Hai, they wouldn't waste my hot days and wrap the wound that the doctor told them not to continue to cover.

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