Chapter 847 Just Fart!

Men are eager to protect women, and women are eager to be protected by men. Therefore, men who do not protect women, and men who know that they also want to protect women, are more likely to get a strong direction of public opinion at a glance.

Qin Lan was stupid, and Viagra was stupid. The exaggerated or sympathetic or pitying eyes of the crowd made everyone's sister Liu who was next to them affected and silly followed them. In the past two days, how did they realize A little bit of trust? But now it's too sudden and extravagant.

Tassel is stupid, and Murphy is stupid. In the case of solid evidence, I just found a reason that I did n’t expect when I rushed to beat Sima Hai in the right place at the right time and place, and the result was completely reversed. The situation made it impossible for everyone to blame me any more for their actions. They were shaking, not knowing whether they were happy or angry-the original thing could be solved so easily, but I kept showing weakness, showing weakness, and showing weakness again.

Only Ziyuan was enlightened. It turned out that this is what I call singing white as black and singing black as white ...

The colleagues in the integrated group are not stupid, and they started to keep a certain distance from me. Now they have intentionally moved closer to Murphy, forming an aura of vows of life and death, except for one person, whose expression is awkward. Withdrawing to the back, it seems to be dodging the eyes of Zhang's father and son ... that is Tian Guochong, nicknamed 'Old Black'.

At this moment, even those who do n’t wait to see me and despise my emotional and chaotic complexes ca n’t say “you are wrong, you are wrong”, so the word we heard broke and was suppressed The silent atmosphere was Mr. Sima Hai's angry cry: "You fart!"

I have n’t let it go, because if 'planting the frame' is 'farting', then I just stated a fact before, and now it is time to 'farting', when Sima Hai's roar rang at the end of the crowd I laughed-I fart? That's what I learned from you!

It is not my purpose to win the trust of everyone, and my buddies are not so kind people. You rectify me and involve my friends. Do you want to pay a little price? Not so cheap! Whoever you hit and scolded, you have to return, including the ‘I ’m sorry’ I said to you just now, you have to give it back!

"Ah-" a loud cry, followed by the scream of Sima Hai, Mo said that everyone's attention has been focused on me, and then I was intentionally guided to Qin Lan and Viagra, which are exactly opposite to the place where Sima Haisheng sounded. Over there, even Sima Hai didn't know what happened to the tragic scream behind him. When people heard the sound and looked away, they saw the front door of the office of the general team, facing away. Sima Hai, who stood next to us, and Yao Waner, who was sitting on the ground with his face in his face.

Therefore, Sima Hai's bewildered expression, only Waner saw it alone ...

"Division--horse--sea! ''

Sima classmates turned back, and I was already in the air, and the fist that was thrown out did not even have the opportunity to open his mouth. The remaining teeth bounced directly into the stomach. The man turned his back on his back, and I rode on him, facing His abominable face was served by Tianma Meteor! Behind the buddies, there are still thousands of troops roaring, and among them, the old man who thanked Ding Gao Dahai! Last time at the bar, he didn't dare to help, watching me and Viagra being beaten up, and he was still in a state of gratitude. Today, he finally made up his mind. The momentum of the tiger going down the mountain scared me even. My buddies had no time. Dodging, he was drowned in the crowd, and finally climbed out of the thigh jungle, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and watched dozens of people besieging Sima Hai. The high-level yelling could not stop the spectacular scene, I looked at Waner, who was equally astonished. The little girl didn't hold back, she fluttered and laughed. Fortunately, no one noticed, she quickly covered her face and continued to twitch ...

As I said before, we can just pick the matter, regardless of the aftermath, and let the state of affairs develop chaotically. It was not until 15 minutes later that the scene was deliberately late, and then the crowd intentionally blocked at the door delayed 5 or 6 minutes. With the assistance of the Ministry of Security, it was controlled, and the top leaders, led by Mo Yizhi, blocked the angry crowd from Sima Hai. As if at this time, people's ears finally recovered their functions and heard the voices of the top leaders.

Sima Yang helped the unrecognizable younger brother who was besieged, and his calm and calm face could not help but twitched. Fortunately, everyone was sitting in the office for a long time with some fists and embroidered legs. The scene was spectacular, but the lethality of the fist and foot was limited, and he really dared to blow his foot There are not too many people. Nevertheless, it is enough for Sima classmates to hurt for ten days and a half months. He is all injured with a flesh. It is miserable, but there is no major problem. This can be seen from him. The aggressive eyes were confirmed, and I knew that he had reacted to the trap between me and Yao Waner, but he didn't know that at this moment, the expression of trying to choose someone will only be understood as unreasonable and unrecoverable. The arrogance of medicine, even if there are heavyweights like Mo Yizhi and Zhang Li in front of them, there are still people who can't stand his 'provocation' and want to rush over and make a decision again. For example, they took a lot of advantages just now. A little proud of the high sea.

In fact, Sima Hai was looking for me, but his teeth were gone, his mouth was swollen, and what he said, even his brother Sima Yang couldn't understand, so don't talk about other people, seeing how happy he was, so I ’m afraid It ’s not chaotic. Those high-ranking executives who finally calmed down the scene have begun to show up. Some of them are more grumpy, and yelled at him directly: "You have no end ?! Now that your backyard is here, can you let it go ?! "

Sima Hai was scolded and was about to fight back and was stopped in time by Sima Yang-Sima Yang was not as reckless as his younger brother. He could hear that the high-level scolding by the Mopa was not Sima Hai, but It's me, it's deputy Dong Zhangli!

Sima Yang understands that after losing a word of ‘reason’, Sima Hai can no longer toss or toss, otherwise it will only further provoke public anger and let the direction of public opinion blow completely to me.

The Mopai have already had enough strength to support me. This group of old oilers who have become fine is certainly not protecting me because they have to see me, but they know that this is a good opportunity to help Mo Yizhi fight back tension This is a good opportunity to please Mo Yi.

People are so sophisticated.

All the people except the integrated group were scattered, and the only people who stayed here except the high-level party were from that night.

The seniors were silent, Sima Hai was excited, and just made a statement. At this moment, Waner, who was protected by the tassel Ziyuan, Qin Lan, Song Jia, and Liu, was holding Murphy's waist, and enviously buried her face in her arms. Like the fear of Sima Hai ’s fierce gods, shiveringly, all the daughters, and even everyone, glared at Sima classmates with resentment, but only I knew that Waner was not afraid or wronged, but nervous, Just now, maybe it was the first time in her life that she had performed such a bold show in front of so many people, and said such an unreliable nonsense.

But everyone believed it.

It is because Waner dare not, so no one would doubt that she would act and deceive. The tassel Murphy Qin Lan, including Waner's aunt Yao Ling, have been deceived, not to mention others? Even if the collusion is good, it is impossible for everyone to react in such a real way.

Even Zhang Li couldn't help doubting Sima Hai. When he asked Waner to prove, he still smiled like a Maitreya, but anyone could see it. The smile was a bit sculpted stiffly, "Waner, He really slapped you? "

Wan'er hasn't answered yet, tassel is anxious, "Vice President Zhang, what do you mean by that? Really? Is it fake ?! Look at her face, it's still red! Yes, our integrated team is not equipped with monitoring, But you can't say that so many people's eyes are panting today ?! "

Zhang Li's face changed, not only because the tassel was ironic to him-now sitting at the top level, there are more staff than the general team, how can a little girl speak for you?

However, due to the relationship between Tassel and me and my stand as a client, tension was not good enough to reprimand her, and continued to play his good temper, Xiang Waner said: "I want to ask why he fights Are you? "

Wan'er didn't answer. I told you in advance. Except that lie, she didn't have to say anything. She wouldn't act, lest she be wrong, and as long as she was silent, others would only think she was being Sima Hai. Frightened, no one would guess that what she was afraid of was actually a lie, because any of her reactions were reasonable and understandable, all she had to do was to let others see her red face— Of course, it was not hit by Sima Hai, but a trick I taught her. When you lower your head and wipe your tears, you just need to gently rub or rub your face with your hands. It will become red in a few times. Chu Yuan After each mistake I was taught by my stepmother, I would use this trick to beat my sympathy with the old man, so that the stepmother no longer hit her face, but instead spanked to see if she was embarrassed to rub her **** red Show it to us ... What a pity to Chu Yuan? So she is more and more afraid of stepmother, so I know, Chu Yuan is afraid of being spanked ...

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