Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 862: 】 I chose the road myself

[Chapter 862] The road is chosen by yourself

"but I..."

"I understand that you like not only me, but also Cheng Liusu, Xue Ziyuan, and maybe others, such as Dong Xiaoye ... but there is no way, I only like you, I don't know if I am a rational People, maybe yes, maybe no, I thought about it very seriously, even if I give up on you, I still like you, I still hate you, and still jealous of Cheng Liusu Xue Ziyuan, so I would rather not give up, like Holding you, while hating you, jealous of Cheng Liusu and Xue Ziyuan, giving up means losing everything. Without giving up, I can also own the part that belongs to me, and I can use your guilt for me and ask you for more More, I can be coquettish, coquettish as much as possible, and coquettishly unreasonable ... Am I a woman who is very good at business? Am I very marketable? "

"You're stupid ..." How can the choices in the mall be compared with the emotional choices? Even if the principle can be applied, how can you not understand it, you have invested all of you, even if you can ask me for more and more, even if I love you and love you again, what I give is definitely not my everything This is simply unfair trading.

Murphy laughed: "If I'm a rational woman, then Cheng Liusu and Xue Ziyuan are Xue Ziyuan and they are silly women. If I am a silly woman, they are both rational women."

I didn't understand, "How to say?"

"Because I'm different from them, we think about things differently and start from the same point, but we always think the same thing," Murphy shook her two slender legs, even in trousers, she couldn't hide it. Her leg shape is perfect, "You must be weird? Why did you just say that you like us in front of so many people, but we have no one to blame you ... In fact, we all have resentment, especially Cheng Tassel, even if your relationship has n’t been made public, everyone can see that she is your real girlfriend. You said that she liked me and Xue Ziyuan in front of her. Does n’t she have no reason to be angry? I know You must be prepared to apologize, maybe you are even prepared for worse, so she, including myself and Xue Ziyuan, calmly accepted this realistic attitude, it certainly makes you think incredible, right? "

I nodded, waiting nervously for Murphy to answer my biggest question.

"I have said before that I have no guilty feelings about Cheng Liusu, and I admit the fact that I am taking love across the board, but I feel that feelings and competition in the market are the same. No one comes first, and whoever wins is who Yes, this is the way I think about the problem, and also the reason I do n’t blame Cheng Liusu for taking advantage of you when I misunderstood it. The emotion is selfish, but Cheng Liusu does n’t think so. She thinks that the emotion comes first Yes, the latecomer is shameful, so she has a strong sense of guilt. She always ca n’t get along with me. Three sentences are a little noisy, five sentences are a big noisy, and ten words ca n’t wait to fight with me. It ’s because she has too much self-esteem and wants to conceal her guilt. In fact, she knows what I want, I know what kind of fantasy and expectations I have for you, she doesn't want to lose to me, so she doesn't reject to contact me , And even willing to have more contact with me, she was eager to understand me, and then one day can surpass me ... I also know why when you were in college, you and Cheng Liusu became close friends, because she was too close Like Xue Court, "Murphy looked at me, while looking for answers in my eyes, said in a positive tone:" Although they are introverted and extroverted, one is not confident and the other is overconfident, their characters seem to be at two extremes. But that is just the surface. Actually, Xue Ziyuan may not be unconfident, and Cheng Liusu may not be very confident. They are all things that they intentionally show in front of you. They all have their own side that you do n’t want to be seen by you. I also know what their side is. They are equally sensitive and lovely. They are all kind and kinder than me. They are the kind of people who first review themselves before resentment. Therefore, Cheng Liusu feels, The person who knew you first was Xue Ziyuan. The one you like first is me. She is the latecomer. Xue Ziyuan feels that she has left you five years. After you return, you and me already have Cheng and Liu Su. It's a latecomer ... Understand? That's why the two of them kept silent. Before they blame you, they lost to their guilt. "

Murphy held my face and sighed with a bit of curiosity: "Why do you meet such kind and lovely girls, but all the terrible and terrifying lovers I meet?"

I don't know how to answer Murphy's question.

"Coax Cheng Tassel well," Murphy kissed me gently, and then said, "Gossip is over, let's be serious."

"what's up?"

Murphy shook the blank sheet of paper full of words in her hand, and smiled a little deep. "Handling the traitor ... you should have guessed who was the one who took us to that bar that day. Is that right? "

I nodded, but shook my head not sure, "I know one, but there may be another ..."

Murphy froze, Xuan'er rolled my eyes with a smile, charming and charming, "You really remember the questionnaire I sent to the general team before."

The questionnaire Murphy said had only three questions:

First, if all members of the integrated group are facing unemployment, there can only be one person left, who do you choose?

Second, if you can leave you and another person, who do you choose?

Third, if only one person needs to leave the company, who do you choose.

Murphy deliberately created public opinion on layoffs and issued this questionnaire. The purpose was to test whether someone in the integrated group was bought by the Zhang family. At that time, Zhang Mingjie and I were jealous of tassel competition. Tassel left, and the third question chose to let me go. The person who filled out this answer was obviously questionable. At the time, there were three such answers.

Murphy didn't tell me the names of the three people, but one of them must be Gong Fanlin who was at large and the other was Huoyu. We went to Lao Heida Guo Chong, the same bar as Zhangli, but there is one more, I do n’t know It is not sure who he filled in that answer, is it a coincidence, or discussed with Lao Hei and Gong Fanlin ...

"There is only one, not the other," Murphy laughed as if she knew what I was thinking. "Those who wanted to stay with Cheng Liusu at the time and wanted you to leave were indeed three, but I have confirmed that. That's because one of them has a crush on Cheng Tassel ... "


"Hey, your expression is awkward, even if I don't like Cheng Liusu, I admit that she is a beauty? Is it strange that someone has a crush on her? Are you so surprised?"

"I'm surprised that someone has the same vision as me ..." Tassel is indeed a beauty, the type in the legend that may make people fall in love at first glance, but a few more glances will surely disillusion, The insane state of her in the office is really hard to make people believe that she is a girl. Have you ever seen a girl pick up a chair and hit someone? Have you ever seen a girl swearing and swearing on the street? Have you ever seen a girl who often hooks up with a man and bites her ears to tell yellow jokes, and can she often turn this thick-skinned man into a red face? Look at the buddies, now holding hands with her, seeing her shy expression, there will still be an incredible amazing feeling, just think of how bizarre it is that someone has a crush on this tomboy.

Murphy's mouth fluttered. "Don't you be afraid of me being jealous when I say this?"

I quickly switched off the topic. "So, the person who went to the bar that night was really Tian Guochong ..."

Murphy wasn't surprised. He just smiled and handed me the piece of paper in hand. Before anyone said anything, he heard someone knock on the door.

Murphy got up slowly from my arms and walked back to the desk before saying, "Come in."

Xiao Jia, who came in, first scanned her neatly with our eyes, and realized that she had committed gossip again when she was disappointed. She coughed slightly and said, "Mr. Mo , I called Tian Guochong. "

"Let him come in," Murphy turned to me again, "Chunan, you go first, remember what I just said."

What did you just say? I froze for a while, and immediately realized-to coax the tassel.

Murphy didn't tell me what she would do with Tian Guochong, maybe she didn't think about it herself, or maybe she didn't think she had to think at all. She just handed me the piece of paper she had scribbled for a long time. When I went out, I I passed the piece of paper to the old-fashioned old Kuroda, and when I saw the black face of the old black lost his blood, showing an expression of guilt or pleading, I shook my head and said, In a word, "The road is chosen by ourselves, we all understand."

That's right, the person who made the choice should not be me and Murphy, but the old black himself.

The paper Murphy gave me, and the paper I gave to Tian Guochong, was the questionnaire that he filled out with his own name. Murphy wrote all the words on it, but he wrote the same sentence. ——The road is chosen by yourself.

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