Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 863: Just kidding Zheng Yuqiu

Chapter 863: Zheng Yuqiu who is joking

Zheng Yuqiu blinked those big talking eyes, and stared at me uncomfortably. "Sometimes, sister is so glorious, you can't see me. If I don't hold you, do you want to pretend to be invisible? Me? Why are you so scared of me? Am I insulting you? "

"No," the man sneered, "how could Sister Yu Qiu's vision be so bad?"

Zheng Yuqiu let out his anger and pouted and smiled: "Maybe my vision is so bad?"

I jealous about this Zheng Yuqiu because she, like me, likes to make others not understand herself, so she often says unreliable words, does unreliable things, and she does n’t understand what she is saying or doing , Other people do not understand even more ... Generally speaking, there are women who admit that they have poor vision and want indecent men? I am vulgar, she is even more vulgar than me, but you can see how she looks. This dress and dress, this temperament is not like a vulgar woman.

Just because she saw her beautiful and temperament just now, she couldn't help looking at it twice, which attracted Zheng Yuqiu's attention. Zheng Yuqiu was also surprised by the beauty of tassel and her enviable tall figure. She also looked at her more. Just found me ...

Now, tassel is still in shock. She did not expect this beautiful woman to know me, let alone that this noble woman could say such rogue words.

"How come, don't kid me, I really didn't see you just now ..."

"That would be even more irritating," Zheng Yuqiu stood up the proud twin peaks, she was holding my arm, so that my arm was caught between the two powdered meat suddenly, soft Yes, I do n’t even dare to struggle any more, so as not to provoke the suspicion of deliberately eating tofu, "I am so beautiful, so sexy, so noble, and such a woman with no temperament passing in front of you that you have not seen, you are not denying our The depth of the relationship is deep, but it fundamentally denies my value as a beauty! "

What the **** is this ... am I familiar with you? Still feeling deep? What is our relationship? At best, I've been teased by you!

As a last resort, I used Tassel as a shield. "Isn't there a beauty around me? It's inappropriate for me to see another beauty ..."

"Don't you see me? How do you know I'm a beauty without seeing me? Why don't you recognize me when you see me?"

When I dragged the tassels over, I was reminding Zheng Yuqiu to converge a bit. Don't make this kind of joke that is easy to cause misunderstanding, but the girl is not only ignoring it, but also more energetic. She blinked her big eyes and pinched my arm. He was even tighter, with a stern expression on his face: "In the past, the younger sister and the younger sister were called people, and they were close to each other. Today, with other women around, you pretend not to know people. Little brother, you are not afraid of being dogged by conscience. Eat it? "

The tassel's face changed, apparently taking Zheng Yuqiu's words seriously, think about it too, but this beautiful woman who just got off a Ferrari sports car, looked up while walking, everything looks like nothing, really nothing, what is she doing? To me so inferior as to be a wicked woman?

I was attracted by the beautiful, sexy, noble, and temperamental Zheng Yuqiu. When she and I got involved, I was surprised, but I didn't expect my buddy to have made a bold and frank confession about Huaxin Gossip. Ding Dian's image has become the target of criticism once again so soon, and it will be reduced to the point where it will never be restored ...

Grass, who am I to provoke?

"My elder sister, my elder sister, don't play anymore?" I smiled bitterly. "My girlfriend is here, aren't you going to make her misunderstand us?"

"She is your girlfriend?" Zheng Yuqiu looked very like, quickly released my arm, took a small step backwards, and waved his hands again and again, "Oh, oh, miss, don't you misunderstand, I have nothing to do with him, really Nothing, we are ordinary friends, very ordinary and ordinary friends ... "

"Have you played enough ?! I will play my face again!" The tiger didn't show his might, really when I was a plush kitty, I was kind to you, not because of your seemingly promising background, but because you called Mo Uncle Yi Yisheng, I do n’t know your relationship with Mo Yizhi, and I ’m not interested in knowing it, but I have to save face for Mo Yizhi, so you can joke with me, it ’s okay to tease me, but who are you teasing now? How about it? There are no two hundred and twenty silver here, how about you playing fringe?

"Angry? It's right to be angry," Zheng Yuqiu wasn't afraid of my stubborn face, and smiled. "You say that a woman grows like me, and lives like me. There is a sense of superiority and vanity." It ’s not too much, right? But you? You crushed my sister and my self-esteem! Last time I invited you to dinner, you refused, saying that the work is busy, let us lose face, okay, in order to find In remembrance, let go of the woman's restraint and take the initiative to leave the number for you, wondering, you call me, and I reject you again, will you come back if you don't me? You see me, how good I think, but the result What about it? Don't even call me. I won't answer you when I call you. You won't reply when you send a text message. Do you look down on a woman like me looking for a job through the back door? "

It has nothing to do with you looking for work through the back door! I ca n’t help crying and laughing. I did n’t expect that the **** gave me a phone call for this purpose. In other words, why did n’t I dare to answer your call and send you a text message? I have to ask myself! Last time, on the street, in the glorious days of the sky, you licked my face in the face of Dong Xiaoye and countless passersby, and then shouted shamelessly what to eat next time, from pure Friends develop towards impure friends ...

Even if Dong Xiaoye flips my phone every day like an anti-thief, even if you are a joke, can you blame me for not dare to provoke you? I know you will lick me again? !! the man? Is there no virginity in men? !!

However, Zheng Yuqiu was still justified. Such an explanation made Tassel relieved, which admits that what I said just now is a joke, in order to retaliate that I did not contact her, and explained the reason.

"Ms. Cheng Liusu, isn't it? Oh, Zheng Yuqiu, fortunately, thankfully, she is as beautiful as the legend," Zheng Yuqiu changed her face, and restored her noble and dignified in a blink of an eye. She stretched out her hand to Liu Su and smiled: "No Sorry, I am more revengeful and joking. Do n’t mind, I really have nothing with your boyfriend, at least not yet ... ”

Tassel originally held out her hand and heard the words behind her, immediately hesitated, then asked with an uncertain smile: "Is this sentence a joke too?"

"Who knows, the future is full of possibilities, even if there is only a 0.11% chance, does that still exist?" Zheng Yuqiu said jokingly and earnestly: "I don't deny that I am a little bit to your boyfriend Interest ... No, it's not a bit, it's very interesting, but rest assured that I should not be a threat to you. "

Do n’t say tassel, I ca n’t figure out how serious this woman is and how much it ’s a joke. In the final analysis, it ’s because I do n’t know her, but I did n’t know her desire. Simple, too deeply involved with a person who is not simple, will make me lose my simple life.

Tassel smiled politely and said nothing, but the self-confidence made Zheng Yuqiu froze a little. Zheng Yuqiu held Tassel's hand and smiled at me: "I understand why you want to leave the wind."

This sentence also made me startled, "You seem to know me well." This can be seen from the name she just called Tassel.

"Well," Zheng Yuqiu did not deny. "I will know about the person or thing that interests me. I even know that although Cheng and Murphy are rivals, they have a good relationship."

She seems very arrogant, but it is so natural and so bland, as if for her, to understand a person or a thing is really only because she has this curiosity, but there are no difficulties.

This attitude of self-confidence and arrogance makes it impossible for her to be treated as a small person. I even wonder if it would be true to walk through the back door to find a job. Although the city is not equal to strength or ability, how do you think? Driving a Ferrari wearing designer clothes, carrying a designer bag and precious jewelry, isn't she like a woman who needs a job?

"What are you doing here?"

"Why are you off work now?"

At the same time, Zheng Yuqiu and I asked questions. She laughed, "Ms. is the first. When I ask first, you answer first."

"I said just now, I have something urgent."

"Official business? Private business?"

"Private affairs," I wondered, "what do you ask in such detail?"

"Did I ask for details? Well, then I'll ask for more details," Zheng Yuqiu's expression became serious, "Aren't you fired?"

I looked at each other with tassel, eyes were surprised.

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