Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 875: Leave Feng Chang

[Chapter 875] Leaving the Wind

"Do you know what it means when Wu Lefeng signs this endorsement?"

"What does it mean?" I said: "It is nothing more than an invisible chip when negotiating with Miss San, objectively prove the sincerity of Feng Chang's cooperation, and gently patted her flatter ..."

"Those are for the company, it has nothing to do with you," tassel interrupted me, staring at my eyes, "I mean, what can it mean for you to take this endorsement?"

"To me?" I stunned, "means ... helped me survive the disaster of Sima Hai?"

"It would be difficult for you to do this without Sima Hai?" Liu Su gave me a glance, saying: "Wu Lefeng signing a contract means that you have done something lightly that is impossible for the company's top management to do. Murphy also knows that the company has an intention to find Wu Lefeng as the endorsement of new products. However, the cooperation between Fengchang and Moon Valley has not yet been reached. Product promotion, brand strategy, quality reputation, etc. are all things on the air. There is nothing that can substantially impress Wu Lefeng. In the second place, Wu Lefeng's integrity and devotion are well-known in the circle. Since he promised to sign a contract with his old classmate's company, it will not be possible to turn it around. He is an entertainment industry The alternative here is low-key, extremely disgusting, high exposure, and not greedy for money, so the latter's decision is even more difficult than the former ... Murphy asked me, but I don't think that you and Wu Lefeng's friendship can To the extent that he made him indifferent to his old classmates and friends, so I have n’t told you ... Unbelievable, you can do it easily, even more incredible You actually did not mean to show off a little ...... "

I was just about to talk. Tassel shook the album in my hand, cut me off, and continued, "I have vanity as a person. I do n’t chase the stars, but I got Sugge's signature and I couldn't help but want to follow Who showed the impulse, you persuaded Wu Lefeng to endorse Fengchang's products, and you also took the initiative to make concessions, but you are not proud at all? You can say that you don't love to be in the limelight, but you can't help but do n’t know. It ’s enough to make those who despise you shut their mouths, and if Mo Dong wants to improve your words, who is embarrassed to oppose it? "

"You have been around for a long time, and you just want to say that Wu Lefeng's signing of the contract is smooth, which means that for me, promotion and salary increase ..."

"Is not it?"

"Do you think I should be happy and excited?"

"Shouldn't it be?"

"Okay," I pride myself, "I'm very happy and excited ..."

"Can you be serious?" Tassel is unusually serious, which is abnormal. "I remember when the two of us just passed the trial period and got the formal contract, you excitedly took me to celebrate a whole night. You do n’t like it. Drinking, every time I force you to drink, but the drunk you were drunk that day, I ca n’t persuade you ... ”

I was surprised: "Did you persuade me?"

Tassel blushed and lost his breath: "Persuaded ..."


"Persuaded ... you are so energetic, I can't persuade you, don't you be so real ?!"

I laughed. As far as I remember, my aunt and grandma always drank me to drink. At that day, I was drunk myself, because I was so happy ...

"You were so happy at the time because you could stay in Fengchang, right?"

Tassel won't hide herself, even if the question is subtle and euphemistic, I still see what she wants to say, so I dare not face her squarely, and I nodded vaguely.

Auntie tasted: "Staying in Feng Chang makes you so happy, not only because Feng Chang is well treated and decent, but also because you can see Murphy every day, right?"

I nodded again, already afraid to look at the tassel, no matter it was then, or now, I like Murphy, I can't fool her.

"But now you have a chance to get closer to Murphy, but why aren't you happy at all?"

A word of tassel silenced my question.

"Murphy's excitement today is not normal. She usually has very few words. Today, she not only talked a lot, but she also said wrong things one after another. Everyone can see that, because Vice President Zhang and Sima Hai failed to kick you out of the wind. You went out because you were in distress, not only stayed in the wind, but also made everyone look at you, so she couldn't suppress her joy, she likes you! But you? The calm and low-key in front of you can understand I think it ’s a show for others, but in front of me you are so calm and low-key, it does n’t make sense. I do n’t know if you like Murphy. I ’m too clear about your character. I ’m afraid I think you cover it up. You're really happy, some will show some, but now, but I can't see anything ... "Liu Su paused, asked with a solemn expression:" South-South, don't lie to me, you and me To be honest, why are you staying in Fangchang, and why no one can prevent you from entering the Thirteen-City Group, but you are not happy at all? Is it because ... you have no plans to stay in Fangchang in the future? "

The tassel that is always careless is really a slender girl. I didn't notice it, and I didn't expect it, but she didn't show the excitement she deserved, and she saw through my calculations in my heart ...

"I'm not excited because there is nothing to be excited about. Wu Lefeng signed the contract smoothly and can't say that it has nothing to do with me, but my influence in it is far less important than what Miss Tang said or as you think, in fact I have not asked for it. Wu Lefeng, the person begging him is Kong Jiancheng. He and Miss Tang are the kind of ... Well, it is the kind of friendship that has great potential for development. Wu Lefeng and Kong Jiancheng are children. For the sake of the lifelong happiness of this buddy, he is old to him. It ’s not bad for my classmates to go back and forth. Furthermore, if you think about it, a person who is so low-key and so cautious about Wu Lefeng may say to others that he wants to sign a certain endorsement before signing a contract. Now everyone knows, Apparently, his old classmate was afraid of him changing his hexagrams, so he spread it everywhere, using his character of credibility and righteousness, and trying to force him to have no retreat. Do you still know Wu Lefeng's attitude towards Tong Feifei? People who do whatever they can to achieve their goals, so there is only one excuse for repenting. I am afraid that without this excuse, he will eventually repent. I just picked a ready-made bargain and he took the initiative. In terms of endorsement, he also emphasized that he is for goodwill and friendship rather than for profit. This is a public relations method. It has nothing to do with me. What can I be proud of? It is most convenient for each other. I owe it to me and help me earn my face in Fengchang. "

True friends are mutually convenient. Real friendship is not only a two-edged sword. It must be reflected in the fact that I suffer for you and you get stabbed for me. Wu Lefeng is not so arrogant and artificial, so he is outspoken. Told me that he signed the contract smoothly because he didn't want to endorse his friends and didn't want to joke about his credibility ... Tassel was not clear about this, and after listening to my explanation, he was no longer so sure ...

"And what can you prove by drawing this endorsement?" I continued: "A person's communication relationship is not the same as a person's ability to work. You can draw this endorsement does not mean that you can perform other tasks. This is basically Two things, if you object to my joining the Thirteen-City Group, the seniors can still find a bunch of reasons. They still speak with their qualifications and work experience. Do we have a temper? I haven't risen yet. Now, let's be early. Besides, I hit Zhang Dong Dong today, but I failed to put him to death. It was like kicking a tiger on the **** of a tiger. It was quite enjoyable when kicking him. This courage can make all Everyone looks at you, but you kicked the tiger anxious, what is the result? It is tantamount to death! When people look at you again, they are not looking at it, they are curious about how you will die ... Vice Zhang Dong ate today, Can I fight back tomorrow? This time he is not prepared, and he disregards the enemy. I have taken the unexpected advantage. Tomorrow he is not disregarded, and he is ready. How can I fight? Think of it, auntie, can you be happy? Waiting to see your joke with your eyes? Just look forward to this expectation, and vice president Zhang who has lost a lot can not be indifferent? Feifei is happy because, like you, is still immersed in the pleasure of taking advantage, not thinking about tomorrow What happened ... "

I'm exaggerating, and I don't quite understand it. Why don't I dare tell Tassel, I just want to leave Fengchang? Perhaps it is because the current tassel will definitely not agree with me ...

As for tension, even tigers are tigers in cages. There is nothing terrible. The only person I dare to fear is Zhang Mingjie from beginning to end.

"I didn't think of what you said ... but you still didn't answer my question," Tassel didn't get fooled, insisted: "No matter why you are not excited, I just think that you are different from before, Nannan, you Do you want to leave Fengchang? "

"What you want to ask, shouldn't I want to leave or want to stay?" I sighed, and simply no longer dodged. "You've decided that I'm leaving, I want to ask why I'm leaving, right?"

Tassel didn't speak, but nodded, and there was so little reconciliation in her expression. Obviously, she guessed why I was leaving.

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