Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 883: Oriental vs Kangkang

[Chapter 883] Oriental vs Kangkang

In the morning, we went to bed without exception. It was waked by the little lady of the East one by one. It seems that Sister Chu Yuanhu is similar to me. I did n’t sleep much that night. I still yawned during breakfast. Dongfang asks questions and asks about shortness of sleep, and recognizes that their lack of sleep is related to me, and the two girls, big and small, dare not pick up her topic. Compared with the clumsy stuff, it will undoubtedly only deepen the suspicion of the young lady, let her The expression is more ambiguous and the association is richer

On the way to work, I received a call from the landlord's wife. I just remembered it. Before I asked her to keep my house opposite the door, because I thought Ziyuan was living in a hotel, so I wanted to introduce her. It ’s convenient to become a new tenant. You can go to work and work together, and you can take care of each other in life. Second, it ’s cheaper and cheaper than living in a hotel. But later I knew that the room of Ziyuan in the hotel was just to confuse me. In fact, she lived in Min Rou's house, and the matter of renting a house was gone.

The landlord's wife called me and asked me if I wanted to rent the house next door. If not, she would rent it to someone else. The rented house in this area is in demand and it is worth the summer vacation. Part-time college students also started looking for a house, so it's no wonder the landlady urged me.

There are a lot of secrets in Ziyuan, and I deliberately kept a distance from me. I do n’t know. She got along with Min Rou very well. Min Da Nengren did n’t even have a shelf in front of her. The reason was to force her to move out of Min Rou's house. Besides, when I moved here, it would only be affected by me.

God knows where to jump out of a sand boat, and now it is still leaking. It is likely that I am looking for a chance to start near me ...

So I apologized to my landlady. I was very temperamental and didn't care about me, but Dong Xiaoye took it seriously and told me that it would be better to rent the house to the door than to rent it out. I said that let the police rent it out. Well, she also said that it would be frightening, and the police had arranged a lot of staff in the community, and then said that after renting the house, you should check the details of the tenants ... typical occupational diseases, suspicious.

Sister Tiger is a police officer, just because this profession makes it easier to find her sister who has been away from home for fifteen years. Although her motivation is not pure, she has a sense of justice and responsibility that most police officers do n’t have. Without doubting the integrity and frankness that a people's policeman should have, she is motivated by this character, and she is not suitable to be a policeman in this era ...

The police must have determined that I would be in contact with Xu Heng today, so Sister Hu sent me to the company, and received a call from Lin Zhi, urging her to report back to the office quickly. On the surface, it was revoked from surveillance and gave me enough Space, but I ’m not a fool, why is it so right? As soon as I arrived at the company, Dong Xiaoye ’s cell phone rang, it was not too early or too late, so coincidentally I heard your serious and firm order? You tune Dong Xiaoye away from me, so you have no other eyes on me? On the contrary, no one is monitoring me. Is this the time you can dial this number?

Maybe I ’m measuring the gentleman ’s belly with a villain ’s heart, but there ’s a second possibility for everything. Dong Xiaoye is n’t with me, and even if I ’m being followed, I wo n’t be able to detect it immediately like her. ——Whether the person following me is a surly sand boat, or a professional police comrade like Dong Xiaoye ...

If anyone tells me that Lin Zhi believes that Xu Heng will surrender, I will definitely say: either your brain is sick, or his surname Lin's brain is sick!

Will the police believe what the perpetrators say? !!

I believe that the police will compromise because I believe that they ca n’t help themselves. I do n’t even think and dare not expect them to believe in me or perseverance. I do n’t arrest because I ca n’t catch them. Not to get honor and status, Xu Heng has been playing for so long, who doesn't have any resentment in his heart? I have no doubt that the police wanted to arrest Xu Heng, so I would not be a fool to think that they would really cooperate with me 100%.

There is a second possibility for everything, so everything should be prepared with two hands. Lin Zhi let me go, just an attitude. In order to paralyze me, Dong Xiaoye had already said what he wanted to say yesterday: follow me, look for A chance, trying to catch Xu Heng ... He transferred Dong Xiaoye from me, not disapproving her, but just felt that this task, Dong Xiaoye was inappropriate ...

But I did n’t tell Dong Xiaoye these words. She respects Lin Zhi. Seeing that Lin Zhi has taken care of her so much in the past few years, I will give Ya a little face and let his image in the heart of Sister Hu continue to be upright and tall. .


Grandma Chu is carrying a beautiful and stylish small white leather bag, which makes me curious. This small bag is not used to load books in terms of volume or area. Does she really bring textbooks inside? ?

Dong Fang did not bring a bag, so I brought a book, but unfortunately it was not a textbook, but a French novel with a light cover, "Hello, Sorrow". Recently, except for fashion magazines, she seems to have been reading this book. After the family forced to drop out of school, this girl completely violently abandoned herself. Although she went to school with Chu Yuan every day, 80% of it was because one was too boring at home. There was absolutely no such thing as “self-improving girl full of endless desire for knowledge”. Such romantic factors are among them. At least I haven't seen her writing homework at night. Either she reads magazines, reads novels, watches TV, plays games, or teaches Chu Yuan and Sister Tiger all her fashion secrets ...

Both girls wore light-colored clothes, one pink and one white, one sloppy and one generous, one like a shy lily, and one like a blooming white rose, as if negotiated, one left and one right. The two arms made me the focal point of the door as soon as I entered the company. The two girls were still curious. They have not been here before. Why is this strange look so strong today, even before?

Where did the two of them know that I only survived the hardship yesterday, and today I ’m so ecstatic and embracing left and right, come to work. Can anyone be surprised?

But I didn't expect that Chu Yuan didn't expect it, nor did Dongfang Niangian think about it. The more surprising thing is still behind ...

"Daddy ~"

After entering the office area of ​​the integrated group, before I had time to open my mouth to say hello to everyone, I saw a little shadow blowing from the wind in front, yelling in my mouth, and astounded everyone, especially the Oriental lady, who was stunned. , Looking into my arms, clasping my waist, using the cute little face to hold my belly to my sweet little loli, stuttered, "Dad ... Dad? "

I touched Little Loli's head and was surprised: "Kangkang, why are you here?"

Little Loli didn't know Dongfang, seeing her holding my arm, her cheeks were so irritated, because I couldn't give her a hug as before, I quickly broke away from the East and raised Little Rolie high Picking it up, Little Loli laughed loudly and said, "I have a summer vacation in school, Kang Kang is bored at home alone, I miss my dad, but my mom said that my dad was busy and did n’t have time to come and play with me. I I begged her to bring me to find my father. "


Come together to yourself-the pity of the East!

One from the front-the high sea with sweat!

Brother Gao was coaxing Kang Kang just now. Obviously, Kang Kang didn't want to buy his bill, so when he saw me, he left him aside ...

"Brother Nan, this child ... is yours ?!" Dongfang took two steps back, and Orchid pointed her mouth to show her incomparable shock at this moment.

I glanced at the little lady's skin and was too lazy to answer her idiot's question.

The young lady saw that I ignored her, and was more curious. She stretched out an index finger, as if she had discovered something unknown, and pinched Kang Kangkang's little buttocks sitting on my arms. Kang Kang looked back at her, she Looking at Kang Kang with his face up, Kang Kang didn't know her, didn't speak, and didn't know what to say, and there was a kind of instinctively hostility, but the young lady's skin ignored Kang Kang's emotions, and her eyes stared at them without blinking. She, after a while, thought she was right and spit out a sentence. Whenever she heard it, she couldn't help turning it upside down. "Brother Nan, she really looks like you ..."

Sister Liu was walking towards us. I just heard the words of the little lady from the east. Her heel was crooked and she almost stomped her feet. She was fortunately helped by Qin Lan on the side, but Ms. Qin couldn't stop laughing. Already.

Is this teasing me or sister Liu?

I put down Kangkang and looked at Dongfang with a smile. At the same time when the smelly lady realized the danger, I exploded a chestnut bullet on her forehead, and in pain, she crouched down on the ground with her tears in her head, and snarled at me, " Why are you hitting me ?! "


"Why did I owe a fight ?!"

Xiao Niang Pi held up her "Hello, Sorrow" and wanted to smash me, considering the disparity in the value of each other's force. In the end, she just put on a stance to set off the scene, but Kang Kang didn't know that she was afraid to hit me. Says: "Don't hit Dad!"

In the east, Kangkang had already banged her head like a little bull and ran into her arms. Where could our little maiden's skin be expected to have such a small porcelain doll that it was actually lethal? On this top, the damage has more than doubled and tripled-the little girl actually squatted to the ground with a fart!

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