Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 887: 】so rude……

[Chapter 887] Not big or small ...

As I expected, Lin Zhi is not a kind person, or to say, any intelligent person who knows how to keep things in one's hands is not a kind person. It doesn't matter whether he is right or wrong. If I were him, I would do the same.

Before leaving the company, I felt like I was being watched.

I'm not Dong Xiaoye. I do n’t have that kind of professional sense of smell. I can test and observe with preconceived suspicions. It is still easy to find out if someone is being followed. Even though such a simple discovery is being followed, I even feel that Very surprised, I do n’t know if Lin Zhi is overconfident, thinking that I really have a 100% trust in his words like a fool, so the methods of tracking are so informed, go straight, and do n’t even pay attention to the details-I leave After the company stopped a taxi, took a while on the Third Ring Road, then went down the bridge, Panqiao, up the bridge, went around the third ring road and returned to the company. Without stopping, the old road went back, the driver master felt I'm sick, but we have been followed by a dark blue Bora that is not so eye-catching. Could it be that he is as sick as me? A slightly interested person will find him as long as he pays attention occasionally?

With such an amateur tracking method, it is not difficult to understand why Beitian Police have become the target of social criticism. No wonder they have never caught Xu Heng ... Of course, this is just a joke, but I really understand it. It stands to reason that Lin Zhi transferred Winter Night to the game and created the illusion of spatial freedom for me. It is out of a certain sense of caution and care. In this case, how can it be so simple and sloppy in the way of tracking?

I went around in such a circle, maybe I found out that I was aware of it. When I was on the third ring road again, the Bora slowly opened up from us. I took this opportunity to ask the driver to speed up and stay in that Bora. When I scratched my head and chased us, I asked the driver master to slow down and put him in front. After he rushed through the auxiliary road exit, we descended to the auxiliary road ahead of time.

I'm not afraid of being tracked, because I didn't plan to meet Xu Heng at all. Furthermore, I didn't dare to think about it. I could really find out whether the police tracked me after a lap. My caution was originally just to make a mystery. In case, if the police really followed me behind, they would mistake me for what they did today because they found out their true intentions, give them a warning and tell them that I am neither a fool nor an idiot, yes They are cautious, so don't play tricks with me, I won't contact Xu Heng until I'm absolutely safe ...

In fact, I don't understand why I should protect Xu Heng so much. Perhaps, just like the reason I had to be a bird for the winter night at Qianlong Manor, it was just for the so-called "dignity", even if I could not escape in the end. The sanction of that bullet, I also insist that people like Xu Heng should have a decent ending. This is what Long Xiaotian owes him, and this is what society owes him.

He is not a good man, but he can't help himself. Maybe I just sympathize with his miserable past, maybe I just pity his loneliness, but I appreciate his truth, whether it is the courage to fall into a demon, or to face Indifferent to life and death, he lived in a clear and honest manner, which was enough to help me fight for a decent ending.

The dignity of a man is good to say that it means a one-to-one commitment, but after seeing it, isn't it a respectable one? It is a vanity that is not a vanity.


Although the university has finished the exam and started a long summer vacation, many university students are still stranded in the school, so that the shops around the school, where students are the main consumer group, are still doing well.

The street where the west campus gate of Beitian University is located, because it is not a major arterial road in the city, is somewhat lacking in a certain standard. Although the road is neat but slightly narrow, it is particularly crowded because people come and go. There is a humble dumpling restaurant on the facade called "Chinese Cabbage", which opened at ten in the morning.

At this point, there were very few guests to eat, so as soon as I entered the door, I saw Xiao Yike, who was sitting in front of the door, and was extremely dazzling.

Red and black plaid shirt with a pair of black mid-waisted woolen shorts with red flanging, and a pair of black matte pony boots on the feet, stylish, neat, and fairies sitting in this simple and simple restaurant, there is a very strong Coordination looks incompatible, is she too gorgeous, or is the background too pale and dim? Or is it her dazzling pale pale background?

Of course, one point must be emphasized in advance, her gorgeousness does not include her eating, her eating is just eye-catching ...

Several tables of guests, including the idle waiters in the store, attracted her attention, not only because of her beautiful fashion, but also because of the new hairstyle that still makes me feel a little uncomfortable, but her That's the opposite of the beautiful appearance ... Gorgeous, shocking, how long has this child not eaten? !!

When I entered the door, the waiter had just served her a large plate of dumplings. Before the others put the plate down, and before they swallowed the contents of their mouths, the swollen goblin still could not wait. I put a clip in my mouth and I was hesitating to say hello to this non-mainstream girl who was born like a hungry ghost. Unfortunately, the phone rang, and I took out my phone to check it out. The fairy found me. I bowed my head sideways, thinking that I didn't see her, "唰" jumped up, almost scared the waitress next to her, and the goblin even stood on the chair, I guess she wanted to wave her position to me, As a result, she heard her strange scream of "呲 呀 呵呵"-a hot dumpling was just stuffed in her mouth, and she anxiously talked, and her tongue was hot!

The fairy's sore teeth cracked her mouth and danced on the chair, as if she had a neurological illness, and it was planted in danger!

Fortunately, I was able to stand still and was shocked by my cold sweat. I was too far away. If she planted it, I would like to throw it away as a meat pad. It ’s too late for everything. Seeing her slap in the air With my chest, my buddies wanted to turn around and go out, pretending that they didn't know her, so that people would not shift the weird eyes on her ...

The call was made by Zhang Mingjie. Just now I saw that the fairy was not standing still. I was so nervous that I pressed it.

The fairy labored hard to swallow the contents in her mouth, her face flushed with redness, and tears were still hanging from the corners of her eyes, but she said she hurriedly got out of the chair and stretched her arms at me. She seemed intoxicated because she thought I would take her Holding it down, I rolled her eyes and ignored her. I sat across from her and quickly dialed Zhang Mingjie's phone back.

Yesterday's incident, the Zhang family suffered a loss, so I ca n’t refuse to answer Zhang Mingjie ’s call, otherwise he will have an idea. For me, I still have to hold him down and make him think I believe him more than I doubt him .

The purpose of his phone call is presumably this. It is nothing more than emphasizing and clarifying. He has nothing to do with Sima Hai's rectification. If I am not mistaken, he will betray his father and tell me that Sima The Hai incident was most likely planned by his father ...

Because his + mom is not a secret at all, but I can't be a fool, so I have to give Zhang Mingjie a chance to explain.

Where does the fairy know the importance of this call, and seeing that I ignored her and left her indifferent, she swelled her cheeks angrily.

"Miss, please don't stand on your chair ..."

"Go there," said the fairy Bai Heliang, staring at the waitress who was about to pull her down, howling: "If no one is holding Miss Ben today, Miss Ben will not come down!"

"Don't, don't," the goblin actually lifted one leg and played with the golden rooster independence. The body swayed from left to right, and the waiter hurried: "You are too dangerous, I will hold you down ..."

"Hide away!" The fairy kicked a leg in vain, terrified the waiter, and stared at me: "Who should hug and hug, and who wouldn't love me, I'd rather fall to death!"

While waiting for Zhang Mingjie to answer the phone, the buddy said lightly to the fairy: "Just kidding, it's so high, no matter which posture you use, you won't fall."

"How can you be so cruel!" The goblin stooped down, preparing to dive, threatening me: "Then let me fall to death, I jumped, I really jumped! My brain jumped down! I landed on my face! Disappointment will be disfigured! It is you who disfigured the loss! I sleep next to you in the second half of my life. If you think about it, what you see every day when you open your eyes is not beautiful me, but disfigured Me, you will be scared! Think about it, you get up at night ***, when you turn on the light, you see a flesh-shaded face by the pillow ... "

Buddies got up and hugged the goblin. It wasn't that they couldn't stand the gaze of the little waiter, nor was it really frightened by the words of the goblin, but simply feared that the goblin would endlessly go down and edit. A thriller and **** horror film ...

The goblin laughed, and did not forget to show off to the waiter, "Look, he feels bad for me? Men are right and wrong, the more rare they are, the more rare they are."

The little waiter smiled, and I slap on the head of this fairy, "Do n’t think that you are stupid and cute, and I will not scold you, the little girl who is full of swear words and is also dead. No one distressed! "

"Uncle ~ I haven't been an elder sister for many years for you ... for many days," said the goblin, leaning on my waist, raising a pitiful little face, and grieving, "I haven't seen each other for a few days. Do n’t you just show people a face as soon as you come up, besides, where are they big or small? Is n’t this big place big, is this small place small? If you are not satisfied, you just have to sell well. ”

The big place is big, the small place is small?

I didn't react for a while, until I saw a little waitress who was ashamed and peeked at the fairy's bee waist and breasts, and then felt that the smirking fairy was clinging to my body, and I realized that my old face was burning. Flaming fiery-this little fairy with no face, no skin, no shame, no shyness!

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