Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 890: ] Fairy's disapproval

[890] The Fairy's Disapproval

I verified two things with Lao Mo, but the answers I got made me a little confused.

First, the Zhang family and the Li family rarely interacted with each other. They have not heard of any particularly deep friendships before, but it is because Feng Chang has reached into the real estate industry in recent years and has triggered a drool war with the Blue City Group. The ridicule and ridicule that Li Xinghui carried out in various ways and in various ways was mutual with Feng Chang, deputy Dong Zhangli. Although Zhang Li was in a consistent attitude of "passing things down," he quickly retreated and showed everyone's grace. Tear the face, but the two sides are still very unhappy, and Li Xinghui is not a fool. At that time, it was a brainstorm to provoke scolding, but it was obviously not cost-effective to offend Fengchang and set up a powerful enemy for this. Therefore, They intentionally attributed the source of the contradiction to personal grievances with tension, so that the two were apparently peaceful and amicable, and actually had deep grievances.

Second, Feng Chang does not have any cooperation with Blue City-Lao Mo disdains dealing with Li Xinghui.

For Li Xinghui, Lao Mo's evaluation is very extreme, thinking that he is a businessman who does everything necessary to achieve his purpose, although Lao Mo himself often hangs on the words 'a businessman should have the consciousness to do whatever he can to achieve his goal'. But he insisted that there was a difference between them. Lao Mo said that he was a businessman, but before he was a businessman, he was an individual first, so everything would not exceed the bottom line of being a person. But if Li Xinghui is not, he is a Merchants often forget that they are personal ...

I can understand this somewhat. I do n’t have much contact with Li Xinghui, but he does n’t have a “human flavor”, but I think he is the same, not to mention that in order to win the Liu family, he rushed to match his girlfriend with Liu Xiaosheng, and later It is unkind to neatly clarify the relationship with Liu Xiaosheng. He just said that he jumped for a small person like me, and he did not hesitate to seduce me with his woman Zhang Lingfang, which made me feel uneasy. This is what people can do. What happened?

Therefore, these two answers are full of contradictions.

The personal relationship is very evil and there is no cooperation. How did Zhang Mingjie and Li Xinghui come together? Will he never borrow money from Li? In his Li Xinghui's character, Zhang Mingjie could not be more careful than eight times. In case Li Xinghui didn't borrow it, he also deliberately exposed the Zhang family's borrowing money. Does the surname Zhang become his own death?

It ’s hard to understand. In any case, first send a text message to Liu Gongzi, announcing the recent events between Zhang Mingjie and Li Xinghui. Mingli consulted him to see if he knew something. To deepen Liu Gongzi's determination to deal with Zhang Mingjie—Liu Gongzi and Li's family broke their faces and were angry. Zhang Mingjie stuck to him while he was close to Li's family, how could he not make Liu Gongzi feel sick?

After the text message was sent out, picking up the tea cup and drooling, Gongzi Liu wrote back, concisely, slogan: I will check.

Carefully sailed the Wannian ship, you should check it. Although I don't have the connection and ability of Liu Gongzi, Guo Xiang mentioned it to me two days ago, Li Xinghui always wanted to find a chance to invite me to dinner ...

It seems that I must go eat this meal.

The fairy is not the gentlest girl around me, but it is definitely the most understandable one. Seeing me calling and texting, she will immediately pretend to be indifferent, waiting quietly by the side without disturbing her. She didn't gossip. When she pushed my phone back into my pocket, she said with a smile: "I'm full after talking about it, uncle, what are you going to do next? Go on a date?"

"How can I date? You are on vacation, but I still have to go to work. Besides, I haven't talked about the business ..." I poured another cup of tea, sipped it, but it was just wet lips that I could n’t drink at all. , Putting down the cup, I reached into my arms, drew a notebook from the inside, threw it on the table, looked at the goblin with a natural expression as much as possible, and asked the goblin with a natural tone: "Tell me, what is this?"

The fairie glanced at the notebook, but did not reach for it, but said in surprise: "You said you want to go to work and you don't have time to date, can I understand this-if you have time, you will date me. ? "

I think this girl intentionally opened the topic!

"I'll tell you what's the matter, can't you just keep picking words from me?" I grabbed the note and took it on the fairy's head, and then put the note in front of her, sighing, "Okay, if If you honestly explain to me how this thing is going, I promise you to date you. "

"Really?" The goblin couldn't believe it, and he shot at the table. "Uncle, I'm talking about a date between men and women!"

I stared, "Is it difficult for me to be a woman? Or are you a man?"

"No, no," the goblin waved her hands and saw very few guests watching her. She sat down and lowered her voice: "I mean ... you are not an uncle, I am not a child ..."


"No, I want to say ... I don't know what to say," the articulate fairy was awkward at the moment, wondering why she was so excited, and thought for a long time, "You have to promise that you can't when dating Treat me like a child, treat me like a woman! "

Anyway, I'm afraid that I will play tricks on her ...

"Okay," I said, "as long as you tell me the truth."

"That's all!" The goblin's breath was agitated with excitement, "you ask."

"I already asked," I pointed to the notebook on the desk, "you tell me what's going on."

The fairy looked at it again, but still didn't pick it up, and sneered, "Uncle, you knowingly ask, isn't Yuanyuan already confessing to you, why do you still ask me? Do I really look so bad Are you honest? "

"Do you know what this thing is?"

"It's a new novel written by Yuan Yuan," the fairy held the tea cup in disapproval, the cup edge against the lower lip, blowing the heat, blinking her eyes, and said to me: "She has shown me this book countless times Of course, I know that I still point her in many places. "

Yes, the notebook on the desk is exactly Chu Yuan's diary-like novel!

The fairy has also said before that she is teaching Chu Yuan to create a new novel. I also guess that Bachengcheng is a novel that contains all the secrets of Chu Yuan, so she will admit that I am not surprised, but she is not at all I was surprised by the unexpected attitude.

"I didn't find this novel discovered by me?"

"What's surprised?" Xiao Xiaojing suspected that the tea was hot, but she moistened her lips, then licked her upper lip with the tip of her tongue, and mumbled, "I wrote the novel, wasn't it just for others? When she first started writing, I As I mentioned to you, she was writing a novel about sibling romance, but she was interrupted by her. She didn't let me tell you ... it's understandable, she's not me, she's so thick, hey, she That little face is so tender that it's as if you can blow your breath. The content inside is so numb, I'm sorry to show you that it is normal. She cried a few days ago and told me that the novel was discovered by you, and I was comforted. She's been here for a long time. "

"..." I picked up my notebook on the desk and carefully tentatively said, "Do you think ... this is a novel? A simple novel?"

"Yes, no," the fairy said with a narrow smile. "This is a novel, but it is not a simple novel. I told her long ago that I like it and like it. Just say, why do you have to go around such a big bend? After a long time, wasn't it a 'like' in the end? But she just didn't dare to say it, because she didn't dare to say it, so she wrote a novel. Everyone shares, that's probably the case. "

really! Buddy's old face is hot, and the fairy really knows all the secrets of Chu Yuan!

"You already knew ... she has this tendency?"

"Inclination?" The fairy stunned, and then laughed, "Uncle, don't you use the word, okay? The fate of saying I like you seems to be something abnormal."

"What's laughing?" I gasped. "Sister likes brother, is that normal?"

"Aren't you bloodless?"

"Isn't it sibling without blood relationship? Is it normal?"

"Hmm ..." Fairy Liu Mei frowned, thinking for a while, "Maybe others think it's abnormal, but I think it's normal."


"Because I knew she liked you a long time ago," said the fairy with a smile. "Uncle, don't forget, before I met you, Yuanyuan and I have been netizens for a long time. The network and reality are different. We didn't expect to have a day to meet, so we would talk to the other party about everything. "

The fairy's taboo is so deep that her buddies are sweating like rain. Her expression is telling me clearly that Chu Yuan's secret, she knows more than me ...

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