Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 892: The Mystery of the Birth of Chu Yuan's Novels

[Chapter 892] The Mystery of Chu Yuan's Novel Birth

"I like you so much, do you feel particularly moved?"

"Yes," looking at the smiling goblin, I was honest and frank, but sighed, and said the last half words, "But I know, this is also what you call strategy or tactics?"

The goblin vomited her tongue. "Hey, I know you know me best, uncle."

"The ancient spirit is strange." I flicked a finger on the fairy's forehead, and smiled helplessly.

Another kind of understanding is to understand the mentality of the object of observation. To make Mo personally feel your understanding and consideration, first of all, you must know what that person likes and dislikes, on a specific occasion or on a certain occasion. At a certain time, what was thinking, craving, and tabooing in my heart ... This is different from the super-perverted and perverted insight of the young lady in the east. Insight is the prerequisite for understanding, but it is not the same as understanding. Pleasant, for example, the oriental lady seems to know my mind and my thinking mode well, but she never made me feel that she was an empathetic girl. I even thought she was terrible, because I felt a kind of control from her. Desire, a sense of superiority that controls me, for me, it is also a sense of oppression.

The fairy is not. She doesn't know me as much as the Oriental Pity, but even if I know this, she still likes to get along with her, because what she makes me feel is not oppression, but understanding.

Having said that, I know for sure that in a sense, fairies are more terrible than the East.

"What kind of fate is an ally, what don't mind co -... what is common, what is the same, is it intentionally told to me?" I took Chu Yuan's novel into my arms, and said lightly: "Subtext That is, you know the secret of Yuan Yuan, but do not reject her, not only help her conceal, but also hold a supportive attitude, but tassel them may not be. In all likelihood, Yuan Yuan will treat Yuan Yuan as a small metamorphosis, and what about me? It ’s impossible to do anything to hurt the fate, so the result is already established-loved ones have no choice, but lovers can choose, so I wo n’t accept a woman who contradicts my sister or even rejects her ... "

The fairy couldn't help but be surprised this time, and quickly avoided my eyes, pretending to drink tea with thirst, her eyes fluctuated, "Oh, huh, I don't seem to understand what you say ..."

"It's strange to not understand," I shook my head, and said, "When Yuan Yuan showed you this novel, you guessed that she would make her secret public sooner or later, wouldn't it?"

Xin Quji said that Chu Yuan wrote her feelings as a novel instead of a diary, based on the psychological reluctance to suppress and hide. Frankly speaking, I do n’t know the troubles of Chu Yuan very much. I do n’t understand, so until I asked Xin Quji for help, I never thought about why Chu Yuan wrote the secret instead of a diary, let alone the significance ... but two people must have known it long ago!

One is the pity of the East, who will always share secrets with Chu Yuan, and the other is Xiao Yike, who will always listen to Chu Yuan's troubles on the Internet for one year!

"Still ... you originally came up with this idea?"

"Bash—kekekekekekekekekekeke—" The fairy shook her hand, and some tea with hot tongues poured into her nose, her face flushed with red ears and tears and snot flowing.

"It really is you ..."

Things come together in genres. Chu Yuan and Fairy knew each other because they shared a common hobby like writing novels. At that time, their communication must have revolved around the topic of fiction. I guess that's right, Xiao Fairy was the birth of this novel. The culprit.

"Don't dare to come to me for a while, and feel bored playing games online at home every day, not only because of fate to take an exam, but afraid of disturbing her review?" I glared, and continued to ask: "Because of fate I told you, her secret was discovered by me, and you have a share of this novel. You are afraid that my relationship with Yuanyuan will not be handled well and will anger you, so just avoid it, right? "

"Oh, hah, hahhhhhhhhhh"-the cough of the fairy is obviously pretending to be out, and the eyes are swollen, and Bacheng wants to fool me!

"You came out when I called you today, because you know that my relationship with Yuanyuan hasn't changed much, so when I threw this novel in front of you, you didn't feel panic, but you dared Boldly teased me, didn't I? "

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"-the countermeasure didn't come up, so the fairy went straight under the table ...

"Do you eat dumplings with chicken feathers?"

"No ..." The fairy sat upright, clasped my arms, and coughed so tired that she couldn't hold it. She simply confessed confessions: "Brother Nan, my dear Brother Di Nan, I admit to writing this novel As a way to express my feelings in the future, I made this idea, but I also feel awful ... It hurts my chest. When I came up with this idea, how would I know that her brother is the one I like in the future? Otherwise, what would I say? It is impossible to support her ... No, it is to support her friend to love her brother! I must say that sibling love is out of the ordinary, or something, otherwise I am full, and I have nothing to make such a strong one Your opponent ?! "

I was furious. "Why don't you tell her so now?"

"Can I still say now?" The fairie's bitter tears rolled around her eyes, I don't know if she was really pretending, "I have supported her friend who is a brother-in-law for more than a year, even I moved to live with her brother in the name of changing the school site. It was all my idea. If it was because the move was quite effective, Yuan Yuan was so excited and impulsive that she wanted to meet me? Now she told me That brother's friend is herself. Let me tell you that you ca n’t like your brother? It ’s unclear to tell her that I like your brother, so she ca n’t like him? This is not a matter of contradiction, she wants to know that I want Grab her, she dare to break up with me, and will not let me enter her door in the future! Brother Dinan, if she guards me, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get close to you! "

"Is it your idea to move in with me ?!"

The fairy said shyly: "Never mind, she has that idea but not that determination. I just helped her a little bit more ..."


Because of the love of her family, Chu Yuan had no idea since she was a child. She had an idea and a self-confidence, but she did n’t like to take her own ideas, so I was always curious, how could she have the courage to move to live with me? Dare to be supported and encouraged by Xiao Fairy ...

I knew that Chu Yuan's novels could not be 100% realistic. It seems that my guesses are correct—since fairies are guiding Chu Yuan's writing, then what may be harmful to fairies is hidden.

Xin Quji concluded that I was sister-in-law, and that it was me and not Chu Yuan who had hidden psychological problems. Honestly, I was skeptical. If I wanted to believe Xin Quji's diagnosis, he must first prove that he was professional. It ’s accurate and accurate, that ’s why I called the fairy—I do n’t want to get any results, I just want to know the truth, Chu Yuan, why did I write this novel?

Xin Quji said that Chu Yuan wrote a novel, not a diary, for future confession. I did n’t get the answer from Chu Yuan, and I did n’t know how to ask for it. So I came to the fairy to verify. Ji's judgment on Chu Yuan's psychology is correct, then it is enough to prove his professionalism and accuracy. In this case, I have no doubt that my diagnosis will not be wrong ...

Well, I'm sister-in-law, I have hidden dangers ...

The fairies didn't get angry when they saw me. They exhaled for a long time and immediately lost their positive shape, like a female satyr. He laughed and said, "Uncle, I'm full and I'm full and I'll be frank, let's talk. Is it over? Can we go on a date? "

I was stunned, "Dating? What appointment?"

"Eh ?!" The goblin quit, jumping up and widening his eyes, "A gentleman said, it's hard to chase a horse, you can't talk and it's irrelevant!"

"I didn't say nothing, yes, I meant to date you, but I didn't say I'm going to date today, right?" The rogue is a rogue, and I'm here to invite the fairies out, just by the way, mainly to confirm Did the police monitor me and give them a little warning, I would not rest assured that Chu Yuan, who was jealous of tassel, was thrown in the company, plus an inexplicable East, and I was constantly trying to find fault. How can I coax a fairy to play?

"Fuck!" The fairy stomped her feet, and the little horse's boots crackled, making everyone look at her.

"Uncle sneaked out from work. This month's bonus has been deducted clean. Then my boss found me out of work. My salary had to be beaten. I had problems with my meals. What should I do with you? Another day, the other day Uncle has time, I must have a good day with you, didn't you stay overnight all night? Just go home to make up for sleep ... "

"No!" Said the fairy, "First of all, playing with me is playing with me, and dating is dating. These are two concepts! Coaxing a child is not the same as coaxing a woman! Second, I am not sleepy! I have no opinion on the next date, But today you have to play with me! It doesn't matter if you don't play with me, I will go to work with you! "

"Foolish ..."

"Why a mess? Aren't Yuanyuan and Dongfang going to the company with you? They can go and I can go! Your boss is Murphy. She must have no opinion, and she would not dare to say anything!"


The goblin shook my arm, and said poorly and coquettishly: "Uncle ~ I promise not to make trouble for you, I just want to stay by your side, okay? I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you Come on, okay, okay, okay? "

"Xing Xing Xing-" I can't stand the goblin's hard work. The guests and the waiter snickered. The burning buddy's face was hot. I don't know how the goblin's face was honed. "But you have to promise Shake your face with Murphy. "

The fairy greeted him with no sincerity, "I promise not to show her face!"

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