Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 900: Moment of life and death

[Chapter 900] The Moment of Life and Death

"Come out! Chu, if you dare run, I'll shoot this little girl in one shot!"

When the probe went out, I saw Sha Zhizhou holding a gun against Wang Xiaomeng's head that vomited and vomited. His nose and tears blurred Wang Xiaomeng's heavy makeup, and I could hardly recognize that.

"I don't run! Sha Zhizhou, there is something to say!"

Delayed time, Wang Jie and Wang Meng had called him by phone before and must have told him where we are now. The police arranged so many people to follow me in the morning. Even if I was thrown away, it would not be too far away from me. There was a dispute between Wang Xiaomeng, and they had no reason not to rush over immediately, as long as I could drag the sand boat for a moment and the police arrived, Wang Xiaomeng would not be in danger.

"You come out, you come out and the two of us talk." Sha Zhizhou tried to keep his voice from killing, but he has caused panic scenes. In the face of uncontrollable situations, he couldn't suppress his panic and wanted to kill it immediately My strong desire.

I shouted across the door: "You throw the gun and I go out to talk to you!"

Sha Zhizhou was annoyed. He grabbed Wang Xiaomeng's hair and dragged her from the ground. He shouted, "You and his mother are idiots!"

I cursed back, "It was you who fools him first + mom first! I will go out and shoot me if I go out?"

Sha Zhizhou tore his face, ignored Wang Xiaomeng's cry and her injured foot, strangled her neck and walked back to me, "Then we will be honest, you come out, you die, you don't come out ... She's dead! I don't have time for ink with you! "

"I don't know the girl at all. You threatened me with her. Don't you think you're a bit stupid?"

"Really?" Sha Zhizhou smiled, then lowered his muzzle and pulled the trigger.


"Ah-" Wang Xiaomeng screamed in astonishment, his legs were soft, and his white pants were soggy that he was scared ...

The shot was fired against Wang Xiaomeng's thigh and did not hurt her, but I have no doubt that Sha Zhizhou has hurt her guts. The dog jumped off the wall, the rabbit rushed and bite, and the surnamed Sha was anxious. It's not new either, I shouted, "Don't shoot, don't shoot!"

"Then you get out of me!" Sha Zhizhou yelled, "I count three times. If you don't come out, just collect the girl's body! One, two ..."

When Wang Xiaomeng heard that the grandson was counting faster than the second hand, he cried louder, and seemed to be calling for help, but unfortunately I could n’t understand the language of that country.

"It's not impossible to let me go out, but you must let me die to understand? Why are you killing me? We have no injustice in the past and no revenge, who will let you kill me?" I will die if I don't go out, I It ’s a pair of death when I go out. I do n’t have the courage to go to death, but I do n’t have the courage to watch Wang Xiaomeng be killed by me ... I am anxious. Is Beitian ’s traffic bad or the police speed too slow?

"Don't you know that I have a grudge against your mother-in-law, Dong? I've slaughtered you to make her happy forever. What's the reason?"

"Fuck + you + mom!" I was angry, if I really died in his hands today, this reason was passed into Dong Xiaoye's ears, and she still lived with guilt for a lifetime? Sand Boat moved me to have nothing to do with Dong Xiaoye at all, he said so intentionally! I don't have a gun. If I have a gun, I'll go out and fight with him now!

"Hum, if you don't come out again, I'll **** + this chick in front of you! Then, I'll go + **** + Dong Xiaoye again!"

"Your uncle!"

Sha Zhizhou is a very thoughtful person. He noticed that I care about Dong Xiaoye and deliberately angered me. I know it, but it is so easy to lose his calmness-this lunatic dares to be on the street today Shoot and kill, who knows if he will go against Tiger Sister tomorrow?

This is no longer a question of whether I want to escape or not-anyway, I can't let this lunatic go away today!

Closing my eyes, calming myself, and pondering my thoughts, silently thinking about the weird and incomprehensible things, and thinking about it in my heart, I opened my eyes and looked around, except for the two wooden mops at the door. There is nothing else to go with. I stepped on the stick with one foot, the stubble was not sharp enough, and the length was not suitable. I was not able to stab someone, or hide it in my body. I was so anxious to scratch my head and grab my brain. Just listen There was a rush of footsteps behind him.


I looked back and it turned out to be a fairy, "Why are you here ?!"

The goblin was so tired that she couldn't stand her waist, and her face was unhappy, and she hummed, "I'm here to save you!"

"Save me?" I was anxious and anxious, "Tian chaos! What can you save me ?!"

The fairy took a deep breath, stood up straight, raised his arms handsomely, and showed a darkened guy in his hand, "Use this!"

The dude was stunned, the fairy was holding a seven or seven pistol!

I'm no stranger to this gun, because I also have one in Dong Xiaoye. Although it doesn't touch me much, I still taught me some of the most basic knowledge, such as disassembly, assembly, and pop-up insurance. Never taught me how to shoot.

"Where did you get this stuff ?!" I checked and there were bullets in the magazine!

The fairy was a little out of breath, panting, "He found it in that stinky police car. Didn't he say he left the gun in the car? I ran out to find just now that his car was unlocked and the gun was left in his seat. I will bring it here ... "

"Baby, I love you!" I reloaded and rejoiced, and did something that even felt unbelievable to me-I took hold of the goblin and kissed her fiercely.

I do n’t know if the fairy is shocked, or she is already hypoxic and physically weak. After this kiss, I did n’t push her hard enough, but she was still awkward, sitting on the ground, just right, wait She responded, I had my pistol in my pocket and pushed out the door.


"Go back!" I pinned the half of the mop on the handle of the glass door. I didn't let the goblin chase me out. I no longer looked at the anger and resentment on the little face of the goblin. I raised my hands and did Innocent, while walking towards the sand boat, he asked him with a smile: "You didn't have anything to ask me before you killed me?"

"Yes ..." Sha Zhizhou paused in the footsteps, although he was wary of my approach, he still puzzled: "Are you stupid + forced?"

Not only the sand boat, Wang Xiaomeng also forgot to cry, unable to understand why I came out to die.

"You threatened me with this girl's life. If I'm stupid + forced, aren't you more stupid + forced than me? Since you think I won't come out, why do you threaten me?" Between the words, I left The sand boat is no longer than seven or eight meters.

Sha Zhizhou knew that it was already a very dangerous distance. He pointed his muzzle at me, "Stop! Stop!"

I am still approaching him because I know he didn't come to kill me. He wants to kill me now, but he wants to explain to the person who instructed him. He caused so much movement, but his goal escaped. Now, in order to prove that he is not incompetent, he needs to do something as a gain from this trip ... I am just a substitute for his goal, so he still hesitates even if he kills me to prove that he is not a complete success.

Sha Zhizhou is crazy and fierce, but I have enough confidence that his courage is not big, let alone, killing is not an easy task for anyone, so I dare to bet! Bet on this moment of hesitation!

Sha Zhizhou was panicked, giving me a chance to take two more steps towards him. My aggressiveness made him completely lose his mind, "You are looking for death!"

At the start of life and death, I shouted behind Sha Zhizhou: "Xu Heng! Do you know how to come back?"

Sha Zhizhou shuddered, turned back quickly with a gun. When he saw the empty space behind him and realized that he was struck by me, he turned back and wanted to shoot me. It was too late. I only used a distance of five or six meters. After two or three steps, I rushed to the right with a right-handed fist between his eyebrows like an arrow from the string, and Sha Zhizhou backed away with pain, I took the opportunity to drag Wang Xiaomeng out of his arms, right He was kicking on his stomach again, and he was lying supine with Wang Xiaomeng.

The strength of Sha Zhizhou's body is not inferior to that of Wang Jie. I have used all my milk-feeding strength and punched and kicked him, but I still couldn't lift him, and I was hit with a punch in the face door. Opening his eyes, but he shot back while firing. I hugged Wang Xiaomeng and rolled to the side of the road, holding her behind with my back, I lay down on the ground and took out Wang Jie's pistol, also facing Sha Zhi Zhou repeatedly pulled the trigger, but the outrageous distance was so close that I actually only hit the target with the first shot, and the position of the gun in the sand boat was the same as that of Wang Jie, the right arm.

Sha Zhizhou didn't expect that I had a gun, coupled with a shot in my arm, I turned and ran away. When I realized that the sight was too poor because I pulled the trigger too quickly, the recoil caused by continuous shooting caused the bullet in the magazine. It ’s all been burned out by me. Sha Zhizhou ran away like a mourning dog, giving me more courage. I got to chase after I got up, but there was a pain in the back waist that felt like a spine was taken away. , I suddenly fell to the ground again, he + milk + milk +, just made a meat pad for the fairy in the restaurant, it really hurt my old waist ...

Fortunately, Sha Zhizhou did not see my embarrassment. The whistling alarm sounded him terrified. When he escaped to the T-junction, he chose to flee in the opposite direction of Wang Jie, and did not even look back. Just glance at me.

I was completely desperate-Mary next door, this group of stupid policemen, the alarm is so loud, is it to remind Sha Zhizhou to run quickly, where is it going? !!

"No twist left ..." Wang Xiaomeng crawled over and helped me to lie and twitch on the ground.

The girl ’s scared tongue was swollen. I still could n’t understand which language she was talking about. “What?”

Wang Xiaomeng didn't care about the image anymore. He lifted up the t-shirt to reveal his belly, just to wipe his face, and with the snot tears and saliva, he wiped away the heavy makeup that was used to expose the original beautiful face. Fai Barra repeated: "You ... aren't ... okay ...?"

"What do you think?" I muttered angrily. She was so scared that she was still unable to stop shaking. She almost cried again. When she raised her hands and wiped her tears, she saw that her arm was wiped with blood. My heart softened and he said, "It's okay ... the police are here, we're all okay."

As I was talking, I saw a team of plainclothes rushing out of the T-junction and divided into two paths. One path went straight to the boat chasing the sand, and the other ran towards us. The policewoman was full of shame, okay It is our sister Tiger, and the one behind her is Wang Jie who just ran away alone ...

I didn't dare to look at the cold face of Sister Hu. When I turned my head, I saw the cold face of Wang Xiaomeng looking at Wang Jie ...

This unlucky child is different from me. I have just experienced more than one life and death, and one more terrible betrayal than death ...

It was a moment of life and death, but it was pain that could never heal.

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