Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 906: ] I'm afraid they bully you

[Chapter 906] I'm afraid they bully you

"Are you ill ?!" I turned to keep Wang Jie's sister behind me, grabbed Min Rou's other hand, and glared at her, "What do you want?"

"I'm not sick, she's sick, she hit your sister, shouldn't I hit her?" Min Rou still looked like that, like a harmless docile sheep, but narrowed eyes, But the cold light flashed, "This little sister of the Xiao family said well, is the police amazing? I have to give it a try and see how they can treat me."

This girl broke my hand and really meant not to stop.

"Don't you mess up ?!" I was angry. "Don't talk to her about her brother's grievances. She didn't do anything wrong. She just wanted to grab a cell phone and didn't deliberately overthrow them. Xiao Yi is a child. He is not a child. Are you a child? "

I also have fire in my heart, but I understand that Wang Jie's sister did not intend to overthrow Chu Yuan and Dong Fang. The reason was actually Xiao Xiaojing, so my anger was not directed at Min Rou, but Xiao Xiaojing, who vented her anger rashly—wrong It was Wang Jie, not his sister, not even Wang Xiaomeng.

"You are ... Min Rou! The Min Rou of Moon Valley New Energy!"

Recently, Miss Min has a very high exposure rate. TV newspaper networks can see reports about her almost every day. The secretive mysterious background of this girl has become the hottest topic of discussion nowadays. Some people in the Wang family immediately recognized it. she was.

Among the people present, the person who is the least aware of Min Rou's influence is probably me, because I never read reports about her. For me, it is enough to figure out one thing-Min Rou is the third Miss's spokesperson, so even if I pay close attention to her, it is impossible to know the things I want to know, and Miss Three does not want me to know, so why bother with me?

Watching the Wang family, especially Wang Jie's sister, was frightened. To be honest, I was even more surprised than them. Min Rou is strong today and somewhat abnormal, but how can she look scary? Even when this woman is angry, she will laugh very safe ...

Wang Jie's younger sister turned back and said to me, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it ..."

"I know, I'm sorry, I just ... a little reckless." It is not my style to have an inch, and it is not my way to deceive others. Under the premise of controlling anger, I will never do unreasonable things, and the more the other party The more things I lose, the more I like to show my generosity, not because of nobleness or vanity, but because of this way of handling, I get the least trouble and get the most praise.

Hold back for a while, calm down, and take a step back. The sky is wide. I am not such a sincere person. I just weighed the interests and made the most beneficial choice for myself.

Mo Yizhi said that I am suitable as a businessman, perhaps because I am a standard utilitarian in some aspects.

Wang Jie ’s affairs made the Wang family look shameless. If I took the opportunity to ridicule and ridicule, they would let them forget the kindness that I saved Wang Xiaomeng. I ’m not afraid to offend them or be hated by them, but what about fairies? What about winter night?

I changed my face, and the wickedness turned into a kind eyebrow, and everyone was stunned. Wang Jie's sister's handsome little face rose inexplicably to red, and she waved her head again and again, "It doesn't matter ... that, you are Chunan? "

I nodded with a smile, but I was surprised at her unexpected politeness, "Can I go in and see Wang Xiaomeng?"

Although Wang Jie's sister is the youngest of these people outside the door, but I know that she has the most power to speak and decide. I remember Dong Xiaoye said that the old Wang family is looking forward to the succession of Wang Zong. A single seedling means that the **** men here have no surname Wang ...

Wang Jie's sister nodded happily. Those sparkling eyes made me a bit uncomfortable and incomprehensible. Did she not know that I and Wang Jie ’s holiday were only when I was a benefactor of her old royal family?

Obviously not……

I said ‘Thank you’, she put me sideways, but flashed back again and stopped Dong Xiaoye who was behind me. “Dong Dongdong, you ca n’t go in.”

Although she called Dongxiaoye ‘Sister Winter and Winter’, the tone of the girl was extremely bad.

Dong Xiaoye frowned and asked, "Why?" The tone was also bad, and it seemed to be a bit grieving.

The policewoman snorted coldly and said, "My brother's joke is enough. You chase after you. You can't look at him. I don't blame you. It's his toad who wants to eat swan meat. Now, but please give him some dignity, will you? He is a man anyway. "

Dong Xiaoye sneered, "He's a man? I'm so ridiculous, aren't you blushing to say that? I wear the same uniform as him, and I feel ashamed! Man ... Is he a man? No one is his, but he has dignity He has lost all the dignity of people wearing the uniform like you on him, and I should give him dignity ?! "

The policewoman was ashamed, but speechless.

Those who weren't blind could see it, and Dong Xiaoye was holding a belly in flames.

One wave is coming and another wave is about to rise again. I quickly pressed down the momentum, "Xiao Ye, you wait for me outside, tassel, Phil, Xiaozi, don't go in, anyway, you go with me to see Wang Xiao Meng. "

The name can be wrong, but the nickname can never be wrong. 'Fairy' is the best example. Xiao Fairy heard that I was screaming at Min Rou. She was actually angry with her. She hid behind Tassel and Chu Yuan in the morning. Seeing that I was not angry, I asked her to go in to see Wang Xiaomeng, and she was surprised and overjoyed, but when she saw my face, she immediately realized what she was doing, hid her phone behind her, and it was empty. She was preempted by Chu Yuan. Xiao Fairy made a meat pad. The smelly girl didn't hurt. Just now she didn't see how sensitive she was. But now she looks like a butterfly. The policewoman hasn't responded. Chu Yuan has passed by her. Flashing over, holding my arm tightly.

"What are you doing?"

"Go with you."

I was afraid that the Wang family thought that Chu Yuan wanted to go to see the joke, and he was angry: "Why are you going with me? You don't know anyone."

Chu Yuan raised his small face, frowned, and said arrogantly that we were crying and laughing, "You always suffer, and there are so many of them, I'm afraid they will bully you!"

Tasting Murphy, Ziyuan Tiger Sister, she heard all the words and immediately laughed. It was Min Rou who was scolded by me. When I saw Chu Yuan, who was a weak but good-looking young adult, I couldn't help but slap. Laughed out, but the police of the Wang family were ashamed. In the eyes of a little girl, what image of them wearing police uniforms representing justice has become?


To be honest, I don't wait to see Wang Xiaomeng. When looking at her, there are three reasons besides sympathy.

First, I used the pitifulness of Wang Xiaomeng to divert a few women from attacking me with highly targeted personalities, otherwise they would endlessly blame me for not taking risks, and wrongly I did n’t have them in my heart, especially tassel and Chu Yuan, If not, they will go to the grandfather and stepmother, and when they see Wang Xiaomeng, they will understand why I took the risk.

Second, I want to use this to ease the relationship with the Wang family. Wang Jie was punished and became a laughing stock for colleagues after dinner. The Wang family did not say, it does not mean that they will not be angry with me and Sister Hu. Sister Wang Jie ’s attitude towards Sister Hu is enough to explain everything. I do n’t care. However, the attitude of the Wang family will have some intangible effects on Sister Hu.

Wang Meng's incompetence is not enough to prove the status and influence of the Wang family in the police world. One thing can be viewed from many angles. From different angles, the things you see are different. Do not eat the bad temper, so many years have not been demoted and stayed in their favorite jobs, can not prove that the Wang family has some energy in the police world?

Enemies should be solved or not. Many friends have multiple paths. The reason is easy to understand. It makes the Wang family lie to me, but I don't ask for it. They will be embarrassed to continue to anger me and sister Hu, right? Although I don't like Sister Hu doing police work, but since she likes it, I'm not good at helping her make enemies?

Third, I am afraid that Xiao Fairy will come to ***. This little fairy is the same as Chu Yuan. In front of me and behind me, she dared to slap me, saying that she would come and beat Wang Jie two times. I think I will believe ... Moreover, I think today is a good opportunity. Seeing Wang Xiaomeng's gracious attitude towards me on the way, I think there is a play to resolve the grudge between her and the fairy ...

Only because Wang Jie's sister pushed Chu Yuan and Dong Fang, my head was hot, I almost forgot my original intention, and broke the event. It made me emotional, impulsive, really a devil, so when I saw the room, I stood at the door. Turned red, and quickly wiped a snot tears in surprise, not to mention gratitude Dade or guilty, but resentfully glared at my Wang Jie, I actually rationally resisted kicking and breaking the two eggs The strong desire of the egg, but just glanced at him coldly, he pulled Chu Yuan and the fairy, leaning on the bed beside the window, walking with the same eyes as him, but staring at him Wang Xiaomeng .

In addition to Lin Zhi in the room, all were from the Wang family. In addition to Wang Meng, there were dozens of male and male ***. The spacious ward was full of people. I did not expect that there were so many people in the room, and one by one There are fans who are leaders. I am surprised, but they seem even more surprised. Each one looks strange and seems to be confused. How did I get in ...

Buddy went straight to Wang Xiaomeng, not because of indifference, but because of the astonished gaze of the leaders, staring a little at a loss ...

I just talked about it because I was afraid that others would bully me, so I had to come along with me. I obviously didn't expect that there were really many people in the room. I long forgot what I just said. All eyes are on me, but she Already hiding behind me, I can't wait to hide my face in my armpit ...

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