Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 908: Because my name is Xiao Yike

Chapter 908 Because My Name Is Xiao Yike

If Wang Meng is also in control of me, or because I came in with a fairy, I wo n’t give him a good look. I ’m sure I wo n’t save him. Turning dry into jade is my original intention but not the result I insist on. I Don't be arrogant, as long as the Wang family does not ride on my head, so I appreciate Wang Meng's frankness, truth-seeking, peace of mind, and good for everyone.

"I ’m here, I do n’t mean to ridicule anyone, and I do n’t want you to thank me. It ’s because of me, and it hurts Ling Ai. I ’m here to apologize. I ’m afraid to be a benefactor. I ca n’t afford it. I was a little emotional just now, and I was offended by words. I hope you can take more care of yourself. Do n’t share your general knowledge with a young man like me ... This girl is also a young man, not sensible, not talking big or small. Teach her. "

I drew the goblin beside me and patted her head.

Seeing that I did not lose my temper, Lin Zhi breathed a long sigh of relief, as if the heart had just taken a roller coaster. The Wang family's face also relaxed, and they were much more kind. Apart from being puzzled, they were also vigilant and skeptical. And ashamed, Wang Meng is one of them. We are a bit frustrated, and he and Xiao Fairy's father are incompatible with each other, so he did not expect that I came in with the fairies, but his attitude was so friendly.

Even if the fairy was unhappy, but she didn't dare to disobey me, she drew a wink and pointed at Wang Jie and explained, "I watched him for being rude to you, and I said those nasty words. I didn't target other people. the meaning of."

Wang Xiaomeng's look at the fairy was a little complicated. She didn't believe that the fairy was so generous, but she didn't speak.

"Thank you." Wang Meng did not speak very well, and said only two words, it was sincere.

"Uncle, what did you thank him for? He acknowledged it by himself, Sha Zhizhou went to him, and he and I and Xiao Meng!"

"Pop!" Loud slaps bloomed brightly on Wang Jie's face, and the old king flushed his old face, cursing: "You do n’t have a face, the surname of Wang has a face! You do n’t have a face, you have to face a policeman! Xu Heng Ye Shaozhou, why is it so free? So far, your surnamed Wang is wearing a police uniform with a gun and feels innocent. A flat-headed man whose last name is Chu, is entangled by these two lunatics. You can't get down when you give you steps, you ... you do n’t know anything good, how can I raise you such a useless and useless thing! "

Buddy's modesty and Wang Jie's narrowness and stark comparison finally made Wang's family unbearable. Their cheeks burned, not because of me, but because of Wang Jie. Wang Jie's father may not believe me and Xu Heng There is no relationship at all, but without evidence, who can question me like Wang Jie?

When I didn't see the joke behind me, I saved the face of the Wang family again, and then repeated the question to Wang Xiaomeng, "Are you better?"

Wang Xiaomeng was finally able to speak, "Well, twisted my feet, it will take me a few days to get down to the ground, others ..." The girl raised her bandaged arm and glanced at the king who had been dozed by his father. Jie, smiled bitterly: "It's all skin injuries, it doesn't matter ..."

Speaking of the word 'skin trauma', the Wang family stared at Wang Jie with shame and complaining at the same time-Wang Xiaomeng only suffered one foot from the sand boat, and more than 90% of the injuries on his body were Wang Jie Caused……

The dude showed my open-mindedness in a timely manner. There was no downhole, and he said to Wang Xiaomeng likely: "It's okay, it's good for your body, your mind, and you can support it. After a life or death, I believe you can Understand a lot of things you did n’t understand before, huh, I said these things not only to you, but to myself, when I felt that I was going to die soon, except fear in my heart, there was only remorse, right? "

Wang Xiaomeng was lost in thought, as if she was remembering the moment of her mood. Her serious attitude, not to mention that the fairy and me were surprised by her family, so that the house suddenly became silent, for a while, Wang Xiao Meng nodded quite surely. I smiled and continued: "Fear is because I don't want to die, and regret is because I suddenly found that I had no meaning in life before, and there were too many things I wanted to do and should Did n’t do it, right? ”

Wang Xiaomeng nodded again, very hard, as if resonating.

"That's the meaning of our being alive," I caressed the heads of the two girls next to me, smiling, like a kind and old man who saw through the business environment of the people, and said with a serious heart: "Don't waste your attachment on meaningless It ’s on, and clinging to something you do n’t feel happy about, and making it all part of your life, do you find it interesting? ”

Wang Xiaomeng was silent, the fairy was silent, Chu Yuan was silent, and then Wang Xiaomeng shook his head, and the fairy also shook his head ... but my sister nodded!

This stinky girl is clinging to things that don't make you happy? !!

Buddies are sweating, just because I know what Chu Yuan ’s stinky girl is thinking. Fortunately, everyone ’s focus is on me and Wang Xiaomeng, including fairies. No one noticed the stinking girl ’s apparent dismantling reaction ... ...

Wang Xiaomeng and fairies understand me.

"I will not find Xiao Yike in the future anymore." When Wang Xiaomeng said this sentence happily and sincerely, the most surprised person was not Xiao Fairy, but her parents, Wang Meng looked at me His eyes were full of gratitude, and his wife was even full of tears-the unreasonable girl finally grew up, how can it be comforting to be a parent?

I didn't expect that Wang Xiaomeng would give face like this. It seems to be hovering on the boundary between life and death. Her impact and psychological growth have exceeded my original estimates. When the fairy looks at me, I click on her. Nodding, this time is the best time to lead Wang Xiaomeng to another life path.

The goblin who understood it took out the mobile phone hidden in his pocket, and found out some photos that I hadn't seen, but she also secretly took pictures of Wang Xiaomeng's wolf, and showed it to Wang Xiaomeng, while saying: " Wang Xiaomeng, I do n’t know if it ’s okay to talk, but I ’m definitely talking. This is a picture of your wet pants and crying face that I just took. It was originally intended to threaten you not to bully me in the future. Use it, but I really want to do it, big ... Brother Nan will definitely kill me, and I really do n’t want to fight you anymore, no, I did n’t want to fight you from the beginning, because I admit You're better than me, whether it's fighting or learning ... "

Wang Xiaomeng interjected: "Studying is better than you, I have never won you."

"That's because you have a lot of friends and a richer life. You have hardly ever taken up extra-curricular time to study, and I'm afraid of being overtaken by you. I often shut myself in the room to study," said the fairy. " I'm not flattering you, intentionally speaking some nice words to coax you to reconcile with me or something, you're great, you're bullish, I admit that I'm just telling the truth, since it's telling the truth, then the good words are finished, now I should say no It sounds good, I hate you, not only because you are smarter than me, you are taller than me, but because you like to bully me since I was a kid, I have been able to endure it until it is intolerable, but you should be the most clear in your heart Yes, after high school, although I turned around and bullied you, it was not because I like to bully people. If I vengeance and I want to avenge you, I can even bully you every day, so that you never dare chase again Following me, I went to the same school as me, but I did n’t. I did n’t bully you like you used to bully me. Do you know why? I never thought about being friends with you because you do n’t like me and I I do n’t like you, but I do n’t want to be an enemy with you either. We should have been irrelevant two people, so before deleting these photos, I want to say a word to you-my dad is a triad, whether you are I don't believe that he has changed from evil to evil, even if he will go all the way to the dark, I am his daughter, but ... I will not be like him because my name is Xiao, Yi, Ke! "

By the way, the fairy did not delete the photo, but bent down and placed the phone on the ground, smiled at me, and was suspected of selling. Then she lifted it and kicked it fiercely ... thousands of mobile phones what……

I am painful for the demon. Although I know that the prodigal girl herself does not feel bad, but I have to admit that she is beautiful and not take the phone away, it is more sufficient to prove her sincerity.

Wang Xiaomeng stayed, I do n’t know if it was because the fairy smashed the phone or because of her ‘I ’m Xiao Yike’.

No one in the room can deny that the fairy at this moment is very handsome ...

Chu Yuan's eyes were full of stars flashing, and I seemed to finally understand why she poured all her secrets to the fairies ...

This stink fairy is exactly the same as me. He is really handsome and flickering ...

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