Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 916: Underlined and underlined

Chapter 916: Underlined and Underlined

Dong Xiaoye can be a joke with Chu Yuan, anyway, Chu Yuan likes to take advantage of the cheap and wealthy character, and has been exposed in life for a long time. She is greedy for small fractions of rice and vegetables. Li Xinghui wants to send me a house, heaven After dropping such a large piece of pie, she opened her mouth and opened it underneath. Then it was called fresh. Even if you knew that the pie would fall to the ground and you could not eat it, you would feel heartfelt and regretful. Things.

But I wouldn't think so. If Dong Xiaoye had also seen this diary-like novel hidden in my arms, she would not think so--the stink girl was serious! I got married, she was the most worried and unacceptable thing ...

It is completely a psychological instinct for people to prepare for and plan for things that they worry or cannot accept. Isn't the so-called instinct the most honest response? !!

It seems that this girl has said before that she will depend on me for a lifetime, and I want to assure her that there will always be a room in her house, which is serious, and in order to ensure her stable position in my house, she has always done so Annoyed ...

I was a little flustered and ignored Chu Yuan, who was sitting on my lap, as if to avoid the worries about the future in my heart, and said to the phone again, "Li Dong, I'm making you laugh, my sister's friend just called She asked her to go shopping in the afternoon. She was so excited that she immediately forgot that her brother was injured and needed to be taken care of. She also forgot that she was going to have her final exam tomorrow, and he promised, oh, I just taught her two words ... "

"Haha, young children, they always like to play." Li Xinghui's tone is full of regrets, but just as he knows that I'm telling lies, I can hear his pretense, he is very happy because he I feel that the temptation of the house has made me tempted, but I will pretend, but Chu Yuan is young, does not understand the world, and exposed her desire, so I tried to help her cover it up and said, even if I do n’t want to, Chu Yuan is tempted, my family is tempted, and they will naturally become the most powerful lobbyists. He doesn't worry that the house can't be sent out.

"Dong Li, tell me, what can I do for you? If it's something related to Miss Three ... Oh, I really can't help you, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I still don't know the identity of Miss Three ..."

"No, no, nothing to do with Miss Three," Li Xinghui interrupted me quickly, for fear that I would show an attitude that I did not want to help, "Did I say that? It is two private affairs, and it can also be said that it is a housework. "

"Housework?" I was at a loss, "Li Dong joked. Where can I help you with your housework?"

"It can help, it can help," Li Xinghui said, "I want to ask my brother to do something for my brother, and say a few good things to the two of them. For your brother, it's just a matter of talking, but right For my brother, it ’s a matter of life and death. As long as my brother is willing to help my brother open this mouth, no matter what the outcome, my brother will remember your love. ”

Dong Xiaoye frowned and murmured, "I'll give you a house in just two sentences? Huh?"

I also feel that this is flickering, "Li Dong may have something to say straight."

Li Xinghui smiled bitterly, completely pave the way for his distress to helplessness, and said: "Brother Chu should know about my daughter Li Song and Liu Gongzi? The two of them broke up a while ago ..."

This question surprised me a bit, and it also embarrassed me. Speaking of it, Li Song dumped Liu Xiaosheng, and it had something to do with me. If it wasn't for me, Liu Gongzi wouldn't be bitten by the wolf and bit his leg ...

I am vague, and let's first explore what Li Xinghui means.

"It was my daughter who dumped Liu Gong, must I know that Brother Chu also?"

"Somewhat I heard ..." Cao, more than I know, is there anything else in Quan Beitian?

"Hey ..." Li Xinghui sighed, grieved and said in distress: "Brother Chu, Blue City Group and Liu Group are talking about several cooperative development projects, one or two of which have already entered In the substantive preparation stage, after all, we ca n’t survive without Miss Three ’s project, do we? We must have a great ability, but the ambition is too high. Of course, it is a good thing. Come and fight, you are destroying yourself ... "

I wondered, "How do you say that?"

Li Xinghui bowed and said, "It's not because of the **** with the little girl! Liu Gongzi was going to be strong and competitive. After being dumped by the little girl, he consciously hurt his face and refused to cooperate with Blue City. Isn't this too childish? How much manpower, material and energy has Bluetown invested in these cooperative projects? He has stopped playing, and I lost a few hundred million! "

Chu Yuan and Dong Xiaoye didn't wait to see this Li Xinghui. It was a joy to hear the words. If I had widened my eyes, they both laughed out loud ... No wonder the old guy was so generous, he opened my mouth and gave me a house. Well, compared with the loss of several hundred million yuan, a house is really a haircut ...

"Since it is cooperation, there is always a contract, right? Liu Shao breached the contract. Li Dongda can act according to the contract ..."

"Brother, this is what you don't know," Li Xinghui all brought out the crying cry, "who is his son Liu? Bei Tian's young talents are mostly touted puppets, but only him Liu Yanzi That's the real thing, the deserved person, ah, blue is better than blue, otherwise his father won't hand over the huge family business to him, and the reason why the cooperation project cannot continue is a bunch of piles Yes, just for the infeasible information of market research, he sent me two cars, as the name suggests, so far, it is to minimize the losses of both sides, in fact, he is going to hurt me both! May be in breach of the contract, leaving the tail for me to catch? He also burned several hundred million himself, brother, you said, when you cooperate with others, do you think the other party's purpose is to burn money with you? This is not consistent with common sense Ah, the person who proposed the cooperation is me, and I will sue him. He will bite me in tenths of the case, and talk to me about his losses. This kind of lawsuit cannot be played, and it will only endlessly. It will also allow the two families to completely tear their faces, and there is no possibility of reconciliation. Ah ...... to make money on good things together, why do we have to die with it hold? That Liu Gongzi, too want to lose face ...... "

I ca n’t help but be so stubborn, I can only hold my thigh hard to make my voice inaudible. Regretfully, “Li Dong, IMHO, Liu Shao loves face more than love life. Miss Li really should n’t That high-profile announcement broke up with him ... "

"Oh, it's strange that the little girl is a person with a straightforward personality and a candid voice," Li Xinghui argued shamelessly for the girl: "That night in the Valley of the Moon Ecological Park, the behavior of Liu Gongzi really disappointed the little girl. Brother you are more Almost killed the wolf kiss, and the little girl was angry and didn't discuss it with me, just ... hey, now, no matter how I explain, he will not listen to him. I asked the little girl to apologize, but he didn't see each other. It ’s really wrong, I really ca n’t pull this old face, and ask my brother you and Xiao Guo for help, this is not a glorious thing ... "

The implication is that the house is also a closing fee?

Zhang Mingjie and Liu Xiaosheng have a very good personal relationship. So, Li Xinghui has been in frequent contact with Zhang Mingjie recently. Is this why? I want to confirm, but I ’m also afraid of raising Li Xinghui ’s suspicion, and said, “Li Dong, I have a relationship with Liu Shao ... I ’m afraid I do n’t speak, and you still have room for relief. I opened my mouth, yours. Even if it is completely burned. "

How do I know that Li Xinghui is not testing Zhang Mingjie's relationship with Liu Xiaosheng? Carefully sailed the Wannian boat, his suite, brother is not rare, but Chu Yuan is not doing it, straight to my neck ...

Li Xinghui said nicely, what made her daughter straight-hearted and straightforward. She didn't dump Liu Xiaosheng early and Liu Xiaosheng late. How did Min Rougang brighten her relationship with Miss Three, and Li Song immediately responded with a high profile? That was scary!

The night that Liu Xiaosheng let the wolf bite me, Min Rou was also present, and Li Song was Liu Xiaosheng's girlfriend! Min Rou was unkind, and she was one of the murderers who contributed to the incident that night, but afterwards she pretended to be angry and showed the trouble of finding Liu family. Li Xinghui always thought that it would be better to burn With these several hundred million, it is better than offending Miss Three, so he quickly let his daughter and Liu Gongzi leave the relationship, and openly expressed disdain for Liu Xiaosheng's behavior. This is also a very decisive public crisis response.

In fact, I changed it to Li Xinghui. I am afraid I will do the same. As the leader of the North Heaven and Earth industry, Long was swallowed up by Miss Three. He is either Blue City or Liu, who is harder than Long. Huh? If Miss San and Min Rou really angered the Liu family, this cooperation project would be the same. Li Xinghui could not only lose money but offend Miss San, right? But who can think, just after his bright attitude, Liu Xiaosheng and I reconciled in public, and Min Rou went to the appointment in person to join Liu Xiaosheng's banquet with me, and stated that it was because of me that I would no longer communicate with him. The Liu family cares ...

It can also be said, Lao Li, I was miserable ...

I admire him so much, I must be anxious to break me, but on the surface I can so humblely ask for help, and I am willing to send me a house ...

Lao Mo is right. A person like Li Xinghui can give up everything in order to achieve his purpose and make everything bottomless ...

It was also because he didn't have that bottom line that he offended Liu Xiaosheng, and it was precisely because Liu Xiaosheng had that bottom line that he would rather accompany him and burn those billions ...

Damn, these two guys are scary enough.

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