Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 918: Distressed choice

Chapter 918: Distressed Choice

Chu Yuan, this little thing with no conscience, seems to forget her brother. I just experienced a life and death in the morning, and forgot a snot and a tear that she wiped on her sleeve at the time, like a needle growing under her butt. Yes, I can't stop at a glance when I turn over in the back seat. Even if I ’m cute and cute, but lie on my thigh, my two feet that have been lifted off my shoes should be swayed. Dangling in front of me, I was caught and beaten hard, and I could roll over with a smile, holding my neck and arching like a fool, smiling like a fool, totally indifferent to my usual extreme My inferiority breast squeezed the intimate contact of my chest, and instead turned my blushing face into red ears, causing Dong Xiaoye who was driving to laugh for a while, she sat in my arms so generously, letting me hold her, myself Then he lifted Erlang's legs and continued to look at his tender white and slender fingers-the smelly girl was very excited and very serious about how to allocate the room in the new house ...

Although I have repeatedly emphasized that I will not want Li Xinghui's house, although she doesn't even know how many rooms the house that Li Xinghui wants to give me looks like, she has taken that as her own possession, Infinitely looking forward to it, as if nothing happened to me at all, the house was originally what Li Xinghui gave her ...

I guess Lao Li thinks the same way, Chu Yuan accepted this suite, and I accepted this suite, is there any difference? As far as the results are concerned, there is obviously no difference. The difference lies in the process-it is very difficult for me to accept this house. It is very easy for Chu Yuan to accept this house ...

Looking at the snuggle in my arms like a child, from time to time because of the ecstasy of the heart can not be suppressed, while screaming and shook his head, the smelly girl shaking his arms and legs, I can only laugh bitterly.

My mood is far less comfortable and beautiful than Chu Yuan. One is because I can't guess what the second thing Li Xinghui asked me to do. The other is I can't figure out what the relationship between him and Zhang Mingjie is. Three ... I looked at Dong Xiao Ye who was driving while trying to make a look of ease, but the eyebrows were still scattered, I was really upset.

Five minutes ago, Sister Hu received a phone call from Lin Zhi. After confirming that I was next to Sister Hu, I asked Sister Hu to turn on the hands-free function and said a few words to us. The content is short and simple. The crazy move, asked Dong Xiaoye to protect me again.

Lin Zhi reluctantly explained that protection is necessary for me, because if I make a mistake, Xu Hengji may give up and surrender, but if I change someone else to protect me, I will definitely be skeptical and resistant Therefore, this task must be a winter night.

At first glance, it seems reasonable and meticulous to think that this grandson is home to play overcast, damaged, and bad!

Lin Zhi wanted to capture Xu Heng, but knew that it would not support it, so in order to keep the command right in his own hands, he played tricks on yin and Feng Yang, apparently held a compromise with Xu Heng, and immediately helped Tianyou Resolving the case, treating the abduction as a fight, and letting two idiots used by Tianyou ... And Dong Xiaoye stayed with me and did not allow the bureau leader to cancel her current protection task on the grounds of public and private distinction, and made herself smart Took an uncompromising attitude towards Xu Heng, and deliberately sang against me. Therefore, today Lin Zhi transferred Dong Xiaoye back to the game. On the surface, it should have been a trust in Dong Xiaoye's professional ethics, and I was afraid she would Desperately arrested Xu Heng ... But everything that happened afterwards proved that the opposite was true. Lin Zhi concealed Dong Xiaoye's uncompromising attitude by concealing himself and was determined to arrest Xu Heng. Determination and plan, for fear that Sister Hu would ventilate me ...

Sister Tiger suddenly became the least trusted person in the police force! At least, Lin Zhi did not trust her.

But now, he still allows me to continue protecting me!

Do you want to prove that you have not doubted the professional conduct of Sister Hu? Or ulterior motives?

Obviously, Sister Tiger is just like me, and I think the latter is more likely.

Earlier, Sister Tiger made it clear that she was unwilling to compromise and must seize Xu Heng. After Lin Zhi suspected her, she was still allowed to protect her, or to monitor me. How can I see some temptations or give Sister Tiger a chance? Prove your meaning. If Sister Tiger contacted Xu Heng by myself and finally let Xu Heng surrender, wouldn't it be an admission of righteousness when I was determined?

Although not disciplining Xu Heng did not violate the discipline, but rumors were unavoidable afterwards. Just as I saved many lives at Qianlong Manor, some of them were not only grateful, but suspected that I and Xu Heng were associates. Shameful people always have to find ways to find excuses or excuses for themselves.

Sister Tiger is the police who is most likely to contact Xu Heng. If she does not arrest Xu Heng, there will be only one result: Xu Heng surrendered, the police team was ashamed, and then some people who were embarrassed into anger will attribute it to Sister Hu's words-- This has nothing to do with discipline, it's just public opinion, someone will definitely blame her and talk about her relationship with me.

In the personality of Sister Hu, you may not care about these opinions, but I care, I care! After Xu Heng surrendered, Sister Tiger is likely to be the last person to bear the blame of public opinion! I have tasted this kind of suspicion and censure, and I don't want to let Tiger Sister come to experience it ...

And Lin Zhi should also understand that there may be two results for Sister Tiger's capture of Xu Heng-if she succeeds, she will be the hero of the police force, and if she fails, she will be a sinner for all ages. Joy and sorrow are the result of two extremes.

Dog + day + is too good at calculating, knowing that I must have thought of these consequences, so his calculation is not Dong Xiaoye at all, but me, Lin Zhi is forcing me to do a multiple choice question-for me, Xu Heng He Dong Xiao Ye, who is more important?

If the answer is Dong Xiaoye, then I have no choice but to help Dong Xiaoye catch Xu Heng, or, persuade Xu Heng to be arrested by Dong Xiaoye.

Perhaps it can also be said that Lin Zhi racked his brains and exhausted his thoughts, but was unwilling to give up, still trying to maintain the dignity of the police force, so he expected the hero to appear, so he hoped that Dong Xiaoye would become such a hero.

He is not afraid of Dong Xiaoye guessing his mind, because he knows that even if Dong Xiaoye guesses his purpose, he will definitely consider it from my standpoint, not her own standpoint, so she does not care about bearing all the consequences of public opinion. She I'm still afraid I guess Lin Zhi's mind, so I choose to be silent. What Lin Zhi fears is that I can't guess his mind, so after he called, he first determined whether I was next to Dong Xiaoye, and then Let Dong Xiaoye turn on the hands-free function of the phone. The surface is an explanation, but it is actually a hint.

The person who ultimately made the choice was me.

Lin Zhi was convinced that even if I knew his purpose, he would not expose him and let him replace Dongxiaoye, because Dongxiaoye shouted and wanted to catch Xu Heng because she didn't want to be replaced and didn't want to leave. My little, but already has a part of her home, I can't personally destroy what she is trying to protect.

Lin Zhishi sees Dong Xiaoye as a sister and a daughter. He is reluctant to harm Dong Xiaoye, but he made a bold gamble. He pushed Dong Xiaoye to the fire pit and only gambled against me in front of her. Stop her, take a step away and let her fall in.

I knew I should n’t have told Lin Zhi, “Xu Heng does n’t mind being arrested or surrendered”, Lin Zhi certainly felt that, anyway, he did not care about Xu Heng, and you Chu Nan would still let out your winter The night is not up? Don't you want to complete her and make her a hero or even a legend?

Lin Zhi didn't know. Just as he was obsessed with the reputation of the police, I also had what I was obsessed with. Although I didn't know what it was, I just didn't want to compromise.

Lin Zhi didn't know that such perfection, such heroes, or becoming a legend in this way, were extremely disdainful by Dong Xiaoye.

So I'm troubled.

Therefore, Dong Xiaoye is also very troubled-because she knows my troubles and knows that she has no right to choose. Even if she is unwilling to catch Xu Heng, I will definitely use her handcuffs to lock Xu Heng's Hands, betrayed her attachment, protect her and fulfill her.

Unless ... Is there any way to keep Dong Xiaoye away from me all the time, but completely unaware of my contact with Xu Heng? In this way, no one can say anything?

But does such a method exist?

At this moment I hate to scratch my scalp, but I never thought that this seemingly unsolvable problem, I do n’t need to worry about it, because it has already been solved, just on the way to work in the morning, when the landlord called me ...

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