Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 923: Chu Xiaohua

Chapter 923 Chu Xiaohua

Because the mobile phone configuration is not high-end, coupled with the amateur shooting method, the video picture is not clear enough in the lens swing only makes people feel dizzy, it seems that the students who sneaked the video are hiding under the table, only rely on hearing Judging my approximate position at the time, so I could n’t see it at all. Just a few times, my face appeared in the screen. The old man said 'he' looks like me, mostly because the sound of 'his' looks like me, and then he looks more and more. The more that person feels like me, after all, the height and shape of 'us' and so on are all about the same ... or, in other words, they are generally the same ...

Speaking of it, I ca n’t wait to expose the video, and started a 'fire test the truth, see a hero in adversity-a legend of love half-witnessed by the dumplings hall's half-witness', a female classmate with such a dog-blooded name was not entirely motivated by the emotions. It was uncontrollable indignation. In an interview with reporters, she said that she was sitting next to the window at the time when she was photographing a car accident outside the window. She did not expect the driver to get out of the window and it turned into a shooting incident. Although the video picture was messed up because of her fear and confusion at the time, the voice in the dumpling hall was clearly recorded at the time. Despite the noise, it still could vaguely distinguish the dialogue between me and Wang Jie and Xiao Yike. Especially with Wang Jie, because of the quarrel, their voices were relatively loud and completely overwhelmed the surrounding screams. Therefore, Wang Jie abandoned the police duties and the lives of the students and guests at the scene were ignored, leaving all the people alone to escape. The selfish manifesto and ugliness were all at a glance. Coincidentally, the only stable segment of this shaky picture happened to be that he climbed up from the ground and lost his goodness when he threw away the goblin blocking the road ...

Since the Long Xiaotian case, Beitian ’s law and order have been questioned in all aspects. The Beitian police have been caught in a vortex of negative public opinion because they have been unable to resolve the case, causing complaints and public outcry. It happened to be Wang Jie It's no wonder that this girl was so filled with indignation ...

In the one-and-a-half-minute video, the so-called witness to the legend of love is just the phrase I said when I picked up the goblin and threw it into the bar, and warned her not to come out. Disobedient pussy, I do n’t want it, you take care of it yourself ... In fact, these are all foils, in order to reflect how irresponsible Wang Jie as a police officer is, ostensibly praising me and the fairy's life and death. It is ironic that this love test is a helpless act forced by cruel reality ...

I looked at the comments of the followers, and I couldn't tell whether I felt more pity or compassion, or gloat, but one thing is certain-I am glad and glad.

I didn't care about Wang Jie and saved the face of the Wang family. This is the way of life. To be honest, I still feel a little unhappy. I think this is a pampering of Wang Jie, but now it turns out that my choice Undoubtedly the best-not only did I not offend the Wang family, but also made them feel that I owed my humanity, and Wang Jie ... even if I did not beat the water dog, he was still dead. This video spread on the Internet When it started, Mo said that the Wang family was the King of Heaven, and I couldn't keep him.

Although this video has a stimulating and romantic title, in the comments, the police are scolding the police. In order to calm down the influence, the police will definitely fire Wang Jie and claim that he is only temporarily hired by the police. Workers, netizens mistaken for social rhetoric like a police misunderstanding.

Beside me, two exquisite little faces were stuck together, each holding a headset, and repeatedly listening to the few words I said to the fairy, with different expressions, but the same content in my eyes, It made me sweat more than ever, and on the phone, my father's suspicion made me feel less relaxed.

"Xiao Nan, isn't that really you?"

"It really isn't me," I will deny persistence, "I have been in the company all the time, and I have to go to Zhong Qiao to eat dumplings at ten in the morning? How hungry am I? Really so hungry, I am even less likely to run so Let ’s eat far away, Beitian University, is n’t it close to our company ... Dad, are you too nervous? There are more people in the world who look like, and their sounds are not worth making a fuss, otherwise on TV How come there are so many imitation shows? What's more, your son and I look like this, and their voices are more popular, and they have failed to inherit your old genes ... "

"Xing Xing Xing, don't be foolish, your mother eats yours, I do n’t eat them, and give me a little hat, and goose bumps are up," the old man said, "I ’m worried, if that silly kid is really you, Will the little girl around be a fate, she will not be with you, I will rest assured, you have been a trouble basket since you were a kid, I am afraid you will be involved in fate ... "

"No, stop it first," interrupted the old man for me, and asked angrily: "Isn't it worrying about me, but worrying about your girl?"

The old man did not answer the question, "I and your mother fell into the river at the same time. You can only save one. Who will you save?"

I know, this is the realist way of preaching that the old man likes. I do n’t think old man is old-fashioned, but his way of reasoning is flexible and vivid, so Chu Yuan and Sister Hu both looked at me curiously, wondering how I would choose .

"Save my mother," I have long been used to this way of communication with my father, without thinking: "You can swim, you don't need to save."

"What if I fell into the river myself?" The old man asked again, "Did I stand on the shore and watch because I can swim?"

I snapped, "Of course not!"

"So," the old man said, "People will have different reactions and choices in different situations. If the person in the video is you and it's just you and no fate, I will definitely worry about you, but If it is you and Yuanyuan, I will only worry about Yuanyuan for granted. Do you know why? Responsibility—Worrying that you are my responsibility, but if because of your relationship, Yuanyuan is in danger, why do I Still worries about you? I will only be sad, and then slap you to death ... Xiao Nan, you are my son, but you are also a brother of Yuanyuan, and a man who should stand out from the crowd. If you ca n’t even take care of Yuanyuan, You can't even protect your sister, what qualifications do you have to ask me to worry about you? "

The old man does not lie, he is very serious about everything, never perfunctory, and never say a word that can make you happy. His stepmother often said that this is his biggest weakness and his greatest strength. .

Responsibility, such a simple and heavy word, sue all his love for Chu Yuan and his expectation for me.

Dong Xiaoye stood up in homage, Chu Yuan's eye circles moved red, and the personality charm of the old man was really beyond me, and I was proud of it.


I sneered and said, "Dad, I don't think you're saying this ..."

"What are you talking about ?!" The old man was immediately angry, Chu Yuan and Sister Hu grabbed their slippers and wanted to shoot them, scaring me to quickly get up and run away from the other side of the coffee table, sitting back in my crib.

"I'm not saying that there is something wrong with your reasoning, I mean ... if you think the person in the video is me, then the girl must be a fate, which is very unreasonable."

Chu Yuanhu sisters were all stunned, they were all foolishly fooled by the father's principle, and did not realize this common sense mistake.

"Why?" The old man wondered. "I listen to this voice, much like a girl ..."

The fairy's voice is indeed similar to that of Chu Yuan. In addition, in that case, it is impossible to speak in a normal tone, so it is not surprising that the master can't hear it, but the problem is not the similarity of the voice. I bitterly: "Even if you can't see her looks and can't hear her voice, you should understand how she calls that silly kid? She calls the silly kid 'uncle' ... if Yuanyuan calls me uncle, Is n’t our grandfather messed up? Let ’s say ... ”The dude was a little hot, and said awkwardly,“ The silly boy told the girl to let her squat, not to keep her widow ... You still have a relationship with them Can't see it? Can it be me and fate ... "

There was a silence on the phone and a silence in the room. Dong Xiaoye put down the slippers in his hand and smiled, but Chu Yuan still held the slippers. He looked at me with some resentment. I didn't know I was angry with the fairy. Then, I will never say that to her again, anyway, it makes my heart beat abnormally.

"Haha ... haha ​​... hahaha ..." The old man laughed awkwardly a bit, it felt weird. Although ‘concerns are chaotic’, it is reasonable to say that such a common sense problem should not be ignored by the old man? What's even more strange is that he ignored my correction and skipped the topic. "Xiao Nan, did I ask your mother to ask you last time? In summer vacation, our university organized teachers to travel to Hainan, and can bring family members. It ’s been a long time since our family went out to play together. Can you take a few days off? "

"Mom said it, but I don't know if I can take a vacation ..." I always feel that the old man deliberately started the topic, but when I mentioned it, I felt really heavy.

The company will hold a high-level meeting the day after tomorrow. It can be regarded as a high-level assessment of my ability. Passing that level means that we will immediately start cooperation negotiations with Moon Valley. There are few on the table, and no one can guarantee whether this negotiation will become a tug-of-war. At least until the contract with Miss Three is won, the company will definitely not give me a holiday again, and won the contract with Miss Three. ... At that time, I will confess completely, to Tassel, to Murphy, to Asters, to Dong Xiaoye, each has an account.

There is no perfect future for me, only the fate of destiny.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, travel is the end of July. It depends on your situation. I will take the exam tomorrow. After you go home at night, take her to a restaurant for a good meal. Let her rest early and relax. Wen's book is more important one or two times. It's okay. I hang up. "

The old man seemed to be eager to hang up the phone, and I couldn't wait for him to hang up, but Sister Hu danced in the opposite direction, and I couldn't pretend to be invisible, so I had to be brave and said, "Dad, wait until you hang up ..."

The old man asked, "What's wrong?"

"That ... it's okay," the buddy had to ask under Sister Hu's gaze. "Did I have an empty house by the door? I have moved a few tenants today, saying that they are students of Qingyuan University. ... "

The old man wondered: "What's weird about this? Some departments have already passed the exam and started summer vacation. Some students don't go home, stay in Beitian to work, find a place to rent a house, it's normal, don't you know? The dormitory of Qingyuan University is not allowed to stay during the summer vacation ... When you mention this, I think of something, huh, a female student called me last night and asked if I could see everyone's surname Chu Let ’s make an exception and continue to stay at school during the summer vacation. The reason is really cute or ridiculous. What is the name of the child? Chu Xiaohua ... A child from a remote mountain area is not rich, and it is not easy. Your mother still wants her to work in our shop ... "

"What's her name?" I was shocked and happy, only to think it was incredible, but it was Tiger Sister. Although a little surprised, I didn't find it strange.

"Chu Xiaohua," the old man said to me with an abnormal tone, and wondered, "what happened?"

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