Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Seven hundred and seventieth chapters: defeat like a mountain

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember in a second, never lose it!


Finally, Fang Jifan was not disappointed.

That dynamite bag exploded!

With a burst of gunpowder smoke filled the air, mud and rocks flew around.

With the impact, countless iron beads and iron filings are also minerals with the shock wave.

After the explosion, the powdery white phosphorous burned instantly, turning into light spots one after another, and scattered in all directions with the shock wave.

This explosive package has a large load, which is several times the amount of gunpowder contained in the artillery shell. Therefore, after the explosion, the gunpowder immediately filled the air. The crumbs hit, and many people nearby fell off their horses one after another.

Just when all the Tatars were still in fear, they seemed to think that all this was over.

Although it was a scar on the ground, people from the back team still added in, but then, something truly terrifying happened.

The phosphorous fire fell on the human body.

There was a sudden burning pain in the exposed skin.

The person contaminated with phosphorous fire lowered his head subconsciously, and saw that his own flesh and blood had already started to burn.

There is a hint of barbecue flavor.

But there is almost no smoke.

Subconsciously, the cavalry on horseback began to slap.

But... as soon as the hand touched the burning place, suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the palm of the hand.

This fire is actually inextinguishable!

The burning speed was extremely fast, and within a short while, the dense white bones were exposed.

The intense burning and the pain caused the Tatar to let out a scream.

Roasted into the meat, the bones were finally burnt to a scorched black. This bone-eating pain is like suffering the most severe torture in the world.

Therefore, the roar became even more horrific.

People fall off the horse involuntarily, wanting to catch all the targets they want to catch, the whole person has lost the last reason, or is like a madman, reining in the horse.

In fact... not one person was burned, dozens of people were burned, and they ran into their comrades like lunatics.

This sudden situation immediately caused a burst of chaos, and there were countless people nearby who were implicated.

At this time, countless explosive packs exploded.


The continuous sound of explosions was like a series of cannonballs...

In the dense Tatar cavalry, gunpowder smoke was everywhere, and people fell down in pieces like cutting wheat. The shrill screams actually covered up the shouts of killing, and some people even turned into burning men. He smoked, and seemed to be still alive, he ran a few steps on the ground, and finally, with his final scream that went deep into his heart, only his scorched body was left, and he fell down.

Fang Jifan also looked terrified on the flying ball, and couldn't help but think, it's so scary, especially the explosive bag he threw himself, it was just like himself, it was the best in the explosive bag circle, and even exploded , are so handsome and straightforward.

The Tatar cavalry seemed to be cut off in the middle.

Although the front team had entered the car formation, they fought fiercely with the Ming army.

But in the middle and late stages, countless gunpowder smoke rose up, leaving behind corpses all over the place.

The people who were hit by iron filings and iron beads were not dead yet, but they were too horrible to look at. Some fell down, some lay on their horses, and the frightened horses ran around.

All the firemen, especially the infiltrators.

After throwing the explosive package, in this gap, countless kerosene bombs were thrown down.

Immediately afterwards, the second round of explosives fell to the ground one after another.

The Tatars felt like they were going crazy.

They are really not afraid of being hacked to death face to face.

They even consciously became somewhat immune to the kerosene bottle, but... facing this terrible explosive bag, and the will-o'-the-wisp that suddenly stuck to their bodies and then burned their skin, they felt a deep sense of fear .

There were screams everywhere.


Everywhere, there were explosions everywhere, like all of a sudden, in the terrible cemetery, the god of death grinned at them.

Countless people fell down, but even before they fell down, they were suffering from the pain of a thousand cuts. Even before they were burned to ashes, their unburnt bones and flesh were still in a state of convulsions. Terrible.

The Tatars in the rear... were dumbfounded.

In the car formation, it seemed that a signal had been received, and all the cannons fired in unison, and the deafening sound of the cannons made everyone terrified.

On the flying ball, explosives and kerosene bombs rained down.

Originally... the person who finally got to know the kerosene bottle, but at this moment... was completely... dumbfounded.


And the fear of his immediate family members reappeared today.

A pack of explosives took dozens of people away, and after the first round of attacks, the casualties exceeded countless people.

Then came the second round, the third round...

This terrible explosive package is simply an artifact for charging the Tatar cavalry.

If the Tatars want to attack the car formation, they must form a dense formation. Only by twisting the people into a rope can they smash the car formation in one go.

But this... made them fall into the Shura field.


In the car formation, it seemed that the Tatars who rushed into the car formation were about to go all out and completely smash the car formation.

But they obviously see

Sensing the changes behind them, and the miserable cries behind them, they suddenly felt cold.

And it was clear that they were starting to lose momentum.

Although they were like fierce tigers, they kept charging and killing, reaping the lives of the Ming army.

And many Ming soldiers were a little timid. Even with the formation of chariots, the cavalry was more or less inferior to the infantry. But at this time, after Zhang Mao beheaded a Tatar, he heard With the sound of the explosion, his blood surged up immediately. At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by Zhang Yu, the famous general of Jing Nan, his eyes were red, and he roared angrily: "The Tatar army is defeated, the Tatar army is defeated, let me kill, kill!"

He let out a loud roar, and the morale of the Ming army surged, and an endless stream of officers and soldiers moved forward towards the gap in the chariot formation. Countless spears resisted the Tatars and offset their impact.

The sound of explosions everywhere was like the sounds of nature.


Fang Jifan had already dropped the fifth explosive package, and there was already a mountain of corpses under his feet, so that the cavalry below him were much sparser.

This is embarrassing.

Why has to be this way?

Fang Jifan poked his head, very reluctantly, and lit the fuse of the last explosive package. There should be applause here, but there was no, Fang Jifan threw it down.

He didn't even bother to count, how many unlucky people were blown up by this explosive bag, because it was meaningless, kind people couldn't bear to watch such bloody scenes, even thinking about it made them feel scared...

Without the explosive pack, we had to use kerosene bombs to add to the fun. Obviously, the power of this kerosene bomb was much lower without the support of continuous tents.

But there is not much meaning anymore, there are already countless Tatars under their feet, and they are beginning to lose.

Fear has spread to all Tartars.

In the chariot formation, the Tatars in the front team were still fighting fiercely, but when they turned their heads, they found that the back was full of bones, and the remaining comrades had already become defeated troops.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Someone wants to quit.

But want to go, where is it so easy.

The Ming army has been in decline for decades, fighting head-on, and they are a little weaker, but they obviously also clicked on the technology tree, but the skill points in this technology tree are a bit crooked, and they all point to beat the dog in the water.

When it comes to beating a dog in the water, whether it is a recruit or a veteran, all of them are strong. First of all, they are fierce and show a hideous appearance, then they want to howl and scream loudly, and after that, they have to fight. Military exploits, so many heads on the ground, can be exchanged for silver, the emperor does not even want money, do you still have a conscience?

Like a torrent, countless Ming troops scrambled around the Tatars, dancing with countless spears and swords. In an instant, people were chopped into meat paste, and the Tatars were desperate.

They looked around, besieged on all sides, and some people had already lost the courage to fight. Some people are still at the last moment of their lives, trying to preserve the last trace of face of the Tatar warriors.

The Daming iron cavalry on the two wings began to chase the defeated soldiers without orders, da da da...

Crazy horseshoes resounded throughout the wilderness.

Zhang Mao was exhausted. He looked around, but found that there were no Tatars around. He looked into the distance... and saw the Tatars swarming and fleeing, reaching the end of the horizon.

Suddenly, tears fell from his old eyes.

At the beginning, my eldest father and father, thinking about it... used to be like this, looking everywhere, looking for opponents.

"My lord, my lord, your arm, your arm..."

Someone shouted nervously.

Zhang Mao lowered his head, but saw that his left arm had already been soaked in blood. Just now, he felt the pain, but he didn't notice it. But now, he realized that the arm was seriously injured. He looked pale, but he just said: "Don't worry about it, pass on the order, chase, chase! If you can kill one more, yes, kill one more, in the coming year, the Tatars will have one less wolf cub who harms the world. Send an order... to Lao Tzu kill!"


Countless Ming troops, at first dozens of people formed small teams, dispersed, looking for wounded soldiers who might be pursued, as well as stragglers.

But Zhang Mao, unable to hold back any longer, got off his horse and knelt down on the blood-stained grass.

He cried.

Crying so loudly, he clenched his fists, ignoring the wound on his arm, beat the grass desperately, and yelled: "I Zhang Mao, this life is worth it, at least I have not humiliated my ancestors, dad, my son didn't embarrass you, old man!" !"

Then, shed tears on Yijia.


Fang Jifan raised his binoculars and began to look at the direction where the Tatars were retreating. He couldn't help muttering: "These Tatars are really stinky and shameless. When they saw something wrong, they ran away as fast as they could, faster than a rabbit. The Tatars are truly fearless."

"The Tatars have always been like this. When they ride horses, when they see an advantage, they will charge wildly. Once they lose, they will pull their horses and flee far away into the depths of the desert." Shen Ao couldn't help but said.

Fang Jifan put down the binoculars, and breathed out: "There are still a lot of stragglers, it seems...the pursuit is impossible, but I don't know if that damned bandit chieftain is dead, landed, landed!"



I went to receive the award just now. Well, I wanted to leave after receiving it, but I felt hungry, so I ate another meal. Damn it, why did the tiger eat? It was delayed, so I continued to write.

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