Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1299: The Bixia Sect Comes (3)

However, the final result was that he was severely slapped in the face!

Li Moying defeated him in two or three strokes, then cupped his hands perfunctorily as if he had slapped a fly to death, and left.

From the beginning to the end, Li Moying didn't look at him directly, which caused Leng Yifeng to still doubt whether Li Moying didn't know who he defeated at all?

But now, his master actually openly said such words to Murong De! Although it seems that this is a joke, but Leng Yifeng is very clear that his master has really coveted Li Moying for a long time!

If Li Moying really came to the Bixia Sect, would there still be a place for him to stand in Leng Yifeng?

Leng Yifeng looked at Li Moying with jealousy and hatred in his heart.

Li Moying noticed his gaze and glanced at him quietly.

Leng Yifeng looked at him for a moment, but his whole body was shocked as if struck by lightning!

Because those eyes are really too deep, as deep as a ghost, and gloomy and cold, making people's heart jump! terrible!

At this time, Murongde became nervous after being ridiculed repeatedly, and when facing Cui Yuanshan, he seemed to lack confidence and spoke in vain.

"Hmph, Cui, don't think about these cheap tricks to drive us apart. Mo Ying grew up in the Xingyao Sect, and has a deep affection for the sect. He will never do anything to betray the master! "

"Hehe, I think Mr. Li is just giving you face, so I am embarrassed to say it. In fact, I know in my heart that the water in your mere Xingyao Sect is too shallow to tolerate a dragon diving into the abyss like him. Mr. Li, I said Right?" Cui Yuanshan laughed.

To be honest, for a genius like Li Moying, he knew that even their Bixia Sect would not be able to accept it, but why is it that the Xingyao Sect is so lucky to accept it at random? This kind of good luck makes people jealous just thinking about it! He just wanted to disgust Murong De.

Murong De couldn't laugh after hearing these words.

Several people turned their attention to Li Moying, not knowing how he would answer.

Li Moying glanced at the Bixia Sect members, and said with a blank expression: "Thank you, Sect Master Cui, for your kindness, but I, Li Moying, am a kind person. I almost froze to death in the snow back then. Saved me and brought me back to the sect, I will never forget this kindness. Therefore, unless the Xingyao Sect wants to expel me and force me to leave, otherwise, I will never leave the Xingyao Sect!"

He spoke very slowly, but every word was so clear and resounding that no one could doubt the authenticity of his words.

After hearing this, Murong De felt a big stone in his heart, and immediately fell to the ground.

He showed a smug smile, and said to Cui Yuanshan: "Hehe, my apprentice is so emphatic about love and righteousness, and he speaks so directly! Sigh, sometimes I am also very embarrassed. With such a straightforward personality, it is inevitable that I will meet him in a short time when I go out." Little man with eyes, what can we do then?"

He said "embarrassed" on his lips, and he was almost happy in his heart!

I didn't expect Li Moying to support him so much, especially in front of Cui Yuanshan. These words really added credit to his face!

Just seeing Cui Yuanshan's envious and angry expression, tsk tsk, his waist is no longer sore, his legs are no longer hurting, and his whole body is in excellent condition, even happier than when he broke through the ninth level!

In short, it is just one word, cool!

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