Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1350 Confident (3)

Li Lingchuan said: "That's why you should seize this opportunity today! This is an opportunity bestowed on you by God. As long as you can show amazing strength in the group arena and sweep away all opponents, you will definitely make the elder brother treat you It's impressive! Think about it, that dead girl is a craftsman, and she is definitely not as talented as you in martial arts. How much common language can you have with the big brother? At that time, the big brother will definitely are more suitable for him! "

After hearing his explanation, Murong Fei's eyes gradually lit up.

"Second senior brother, you are the best to me! You are right, I must behave well, and when the senior brother regrets it and stays with me, I will also humiliate that little bitch severely!"

Li Lingchuan hurriedly said: "This is wrong for you. Senior brother regretted it. You just stayed with him. How could he cherish you if he got it so easily? So, even if senior brother treats you differently, you will Can't promise him!"

Murong Fei was taken aback, she didn't expect him to say that, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that there was some truth...

She said doubtfully, "Then...then what should I do? What should I do so that senior brother will value me?"

Seeing her humbly asking for advice, Li Lingchuan knew that she had already been hooked, so he couldn't help showing a deep smile.

"It's actually very simple. The more senior brother regrets, the more you can't agree to him. Moreover, you have to be with other people so that he can't regret it! Only then can he chase you back!"

When Murong Fei heard this, she frowned, "How can I do that? I don't like other men, even if I pretend to be with them, I can't stand it! Just seeing their pug-like appearance, I can't stand it." I'm so disgusted that I want to throw up!"

Hearing this, Li Lingchuan sneered secretly in his heart.

This eldest lady is really spoiled, she doesn't know the warmth and coldness of human feelings at all. Others admire her, but she treats people like dogs, and if she insists on sticking to the cold Li Moying, it's no wonder that she gets bumped!

She asked for it today, and she can't blame him for plotting against her.

Li Lingchuan said: "You don't have to worry about this, I can help you! When the senior brother regrets it, you just say that you want to be with me, and I will cooperate with you to make him regret! Do you feel sick?"

Murong Fei froze for a moment, completely unaware that Li Lingchuan was uneasy and kind.

She showed surprise, "Second senior brother, are you willing to help me? You are the best! Then it's all up to you!"

Li Lingchuan nodded, "Then hurry up and prepare for the competition, you must not lose to others in the group arena!"

"How is this possible? Without senior brother and that Leng Yifeng, my eighth-rank talent is already very rare. I don't believe that the Bixia Sect can find a warrior comparable to me!"

Murong Fei's self-confidence has already been overwhelmed, and the thought that she will be able to make the senior brother regret it later, and bow down under her pomegranate skirt, makes her even more excited.

She didn't know that a sneer appeared on the corner of Li Lingchuan's mouth.

This ignorant woman really thinks that Li Moying is the kind of scumbag who looks towards Qin Muchu? To put it bluntly, that kind of domineering man doesn't care what talent his woman has, if he likes it, he likes it!

However, he had to thank Murong Fei's ignorance for giving him the opportunity to cheat the suzerain's daughter so easily.

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