Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1356 It's his luck (5)

Huang Yueli couldn't help laughing, " you talk like that? You are the young suzerain of the Xingyao Sect! How can you say that the fighters on your side will lose? Isn't this increasing the ambition of others and destroying your own prestige?"

Li Moying casually grabbed her little hand, squeezed it, and said lazily: "I'm just seeking truth from facts! Fang Shaoning's strength seems to have improved a lot. Judging from the three moves he used to defeat Jiyun just now, he may Time has already broken through to the second level of the sixth level, not only that, but the profound skills he cultivated are also very special, both offensive and defensive, if Li Lingchuan is off, he can still defeat him, but this Xie Shixin... is not far away!"

Naturally, Huang Yueli would not have the slightest doubt about his judgment.

Li Moying has already recovered part of the memories of his previous life. From the perspective of the number one master in Tianling Continent in his previous life, it is absolutely impossible to make a wrong judgment when looking at the arena between the young disciples of the third-rate sect. No wonder he was bored just now. gotta fall asleep...

After Xie Shixin came on the field, he was aggressive at first, and he made up his mind to beat the opponent with all his strength!

Because according to his understanding, Fang Shaoning is already one of the best masters among the younger generation of the Bixia Sect. If he is defeated, the Bixia Sect may not be able to send more powerful warriors to fight!

In this way, he became a great hero of Xingyao Sect!

As long as he thought of this, Xie Shixin was as excited as if he had been pumped!

However, after playing, he realized that he had made a big mistake this time!

No matter how he moves, how exquisite profound skills he uses, how pure profound power he mobilizes, he still can't even touch a corner of Fang Shaoning's clothes!

Jie Shixin didn't believe this evil, gritted his teeth, and continued to attack!

Fang Shaoning laughed, and said, "Brother Xie, your attack is a little weak! Hurry up and show your real strength. Today is the official group arena. Don't play like this, it's a waste of time!"

Xie Shixin almost couldn't catch his breath!

He...he wasn't playing! He has tried his best in every move, but Fang Shaoning still feels that his attack is too weak? ?

Could it be... Is Fang Shaoning really that strong? How can this be? ?

Xie Shixin was so shocked that cold sweat had already rolled down his forehead.

But most of the disciples of Xingyao Sect in the audience didn't see anything unusual, and they were still cheering him on.

"Brother Xie, come on! Kick that Fang off the ring! Seeing his complacent face makes me sick!"

Xie Shixin couldn't get off the tiger, so he could only do his best and used his mortal move!

Fang Shaoning sneered, rolled up his robe sleeves, and a burst of profound force collided with him head-on!

The gap in strength between the two sides is fully revealed in the face-to-face confrontation!

Jie Shixin lost control of his whole body, flew upside down, vomited blood in the air, and hit the ground under the ring.

The Xingyao Sect's side suddenly became silent!

They never imagined that the strength of the same six-level realm could be so different!

Xie Shixin fell to the ground, completely unconscious, and no longer knew anything about his personnel.

On the high platform, Murong De's face also turned livid.

Xie Shixin is already one of the best among the Xingyao Sect disciples participating in the ring this time, and Murong De has high hopes for him too!

How could he know that he was so useless, and he lost so ugly against a warrior whose cultivation base was similar to his own!

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