Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1394 Go home and clean you up (5)

Murong Fei didn't expect that even Li Lingchuan would accuse her like this, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

"You... how are you qualified to say me? When you met with Bixiazong last time, you couldn't defeat Leng Yifeng, so did you have to rely on the elder brother to fight in person? The overall strength of Bixiazong's fighters is already high. It’s not like you don’t know about our Xingyao Sect!”

Li Lingchuan's expression became even more gloomy when Murong Fei's words hit a sore spot in his heart.

Last time in the martial arts competition, he finally waited until Li Moying was not present, he thought that he could stand out in the martial arts competition and show off the limelight once! In the end, he was defeated by Leng Yifeng, and it was a disastrous defeat! In the end, Li Moying arrived in time to save the defeat.

The situation at that time was almost exactly the same as today! However, the protagonists were replaced by Huang Yueli and Murong Fei.

Thinking of this, he barely suppressed his anger. He wanted to take away the position of young suzerain from Li Moying. Murong Fei was definitely the best partner he could not offend. alliance.

"Okay, it's useless to say these things now! The fact is, you failed to defeat Fang Shaoning, but Bai Ruoli defeated him instead and became the final champion! Our previous plan was based on your winning the champion Basic, so it can't be used."

Murong Fei said bitterly: "It's all because of that damned little girl! She is just opportunistic! If I had known that Fang Shaoning's cultivation base would drop in an hour, I would have used delaying tactics, and the one who would win would be me." Already!"

Li Lingchuan couldn't help but look sideways.

Murong Fei said it lightly!

escape? Where are you going? How to escape?

The second floor of the sixth-level realm and the seventh-level of the sixth-level realm span five small realms, and the difference in speed is already very obvious.

If it weren't for Huang Yueli's mysterious movement technique, she wouldn't be able to delay for an entire hour!

However, he did not expose it, but said: "Don't mention the past, although this time the plan failed, but we can still think of other ways, we can definitely separate the two of them!"

When Murong Fei heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, "Oh? You have another idea?"

Li Lingchuan sneered, "That's right, although the plan failed today, we didn't gain anything. Today, I found a possible ally in the future. He should be just like us, eager to break up Senior Brother and Bai Ruoli! "

"Who are you talking about?" Murong Fei was confused.

"The big disciple of Bixia Sect——Leng Yifeng!"


In Li Moying's yard.

Huang Yueli was surrounded by a group of doctors, and Li Moying sat beside her with a gloomy face.

Among the doctors present, there were not only doctors from Xingyao Sect, but also doctors from other forces sent by Chairman Hu and others, each of them was a top-ranked genius doctor in the Southern Tianyu.

Normally, any one of them would come to see a doctor, and the patient would come to beg him and charge a huge fee for the consultation, but now, they are all rushing to curry favor with Master Li and his young fiancée.

However, this flattery is by no means so easy to shoot.

The chief physician of Xingyaozong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead three times while feeling Huang Yueli's pulse, with a trembling look, he almost knelt down on the spot.

From the moment he put on Huang Yueli's slender wrist, he felt tremendous pressure.

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