Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1532: The Bloodline of the Yunlin Clan (2)

Huang Yueli was also observing the stele, "The material used to make the stele is simply a perfect lightning-type material! Have you ever felt that every inch of the stele contains powerful thunder-type energy, but it is completely covered Stop it, nothing leaked out. I don’t know where the Yunlin clan got such materials, it would be great if I could knock out a piece of it..."

Li Moying's brows twitched.

His family's little Li'er is a complete idiot of crafting, every time he sees any material, he wants to dig it back and hide it.

After Huang Yueli walked around the stone tablet, she suddenly cried out excitedly.

"Mo Ying, come and take a look! On the other side of the stele, there is a totem of a unicorn painted! This should be some important organ of the Yunlin clan?"

Li Moying quickly followed and turned to the other side.

An extremely huge unicorn image was carved on the entire stone tablet. This unicorn is not only huge, but also lifelike, perfectly reproducing the phantom unicorn that he and Huang Yueli saw in Wuding Immortal's cave.

Moreover, due to the lightning energy contained in the stone tablet, this unicorn exudes powerful energy all over its body, as if it will be able to escape from the stone tablet and come alive in the next moment.

Even the little Qilin rushed over excitedly, as if seeing a relative.

Huang Yueli continued: "I have seen this kind of huge animal totem in the inheritance tower of the Holy Phoenix Clan last time, but the totem of the Holy Phoenix Clan is a phoenix! It seems that these All the big families in the God Realm have the habit of hoarding beasts and using them as family emblems!"

Li Moying turned to her and asked, "Since you have seen a similar totem, do you know what it is for?"

Huang Yueli was thoughtful, "The last time I entered was the inheritance tower, could it be that this stone tablet is also used for inheritance? Speaking of which, have you noticed? We have already penetrated deep into the valley, and this place should be here It’s the center of the valley! This stele must have a role to appear here!”

Li Moying pondered and said: "So, when I walked over, there were three monsters squatting at the same time at the position of the stone tablet. I wanted to lure them over and kill them one by one, but the three monsters quickly disappeared." He just noticed me, and rushed forward! It seems that this is not accidental, only by defeating the three ninth-level monsters can this stele come here!"

Upon hearing this, Huang Yueli slapped her palm hard.

"That's right! This stele must be a reward for the trial!"

"Reward?" Li Moying frowned, "What kind of reward is this? I may not really knock down the stone tablet and take it away as you said!"

Huang Yueli glanced at him, raised her chin, and looked arrogant.

"Look at you, you don't even understand this! Do you still need to ask about this kind of thing?"

Li Moying looked at her with a smile that was not a smile, and said dotingly: "I really don't understand, please enlighten Master Huang."

Huang Yueli then said: "It's actually very simple. Last time I saw this totem on the gate of the inheritance tower, I couldn't open the gate at that time, but then I poured my own blood into it, filling all the gaps in the totem. The door opened instantly!"

Li Moying was taken aback, "You mean..."

"What I mean is that the totem should be related to the blood. You can also apply blood on it and see what effect it will have."

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