Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1556 Unacceptable ending (6)

Compared with Li Lingchuan, who joined Xingyao Sect in his teens, Murong De certainly likes Li Moying more.

However, no matter how much you like it, Li Moying is dead after all.

People die and cannot be resurrected.

No matter how sad and regretful, life has to go on.

Xingyao Sect had internal and external troubles, and really needed a young lord to assist him in handling the sect's affairs. During this period, Li Lingchuan also proved with his actual performance that he was capable of handling these matters well.

Of course, what's more important is that Murong Fei also repeatedly said good things about Li Lingchuan to Murong De, and even proposed to marry him.

Murong De didn't understand why the eldest daughter changed her mind so quickly, but she was able to get out of the shadow of Li Moying's death and find someone who was sympathetic to her. It's a good thing, and we should find a way to satisfy her.

Therefore, considering various factors, Murong De reluctantly made a decision...

"...In addition, the suzerain still has two important things to announce."

"First, Li Lingchuan, the second disciple of the suzerain, has been assisting me in dealing with the affairs of the sect after Li Moying passed away. Become the new young master of the Xingyao Sect, second only to me in the sect."

"Secondly, the little girl Murong Fei and the young suzerain Li Lingchuan are in love with each other. This suzerain is very pleased and will hold an engagement ceremony for them in the near future."

"At that time, the young suzerain's inauguration ceremony and engagement ceremony will be held on the same day..."

What Murong De said while standing on the high platform reached the ears of all the disciples in the audience.

Everyone has an expression of disbelief, deeply shocked.

"It's true, those gossips are actually true..."

"How could this be? Li Lingchuan actually became the Young Suzerain!"

"Not only that, but Missy really wants to be engaged to him?"

"Why is this happening? Senior Brother Li will always be the only young suzerain in my heart!"

However, no matter how shocked, dissatisfied, and sad everyone was, it was of no avail.

Li Lingchuan stood behind Murongde on the right, with the corners of his mouth raised, anyone could see the satisfied expression on his face at a glance.

He looked around the field in front of the mountain gate for a week, observed the expressions on everyone's faces, and took note of all those who were obviously talking about him.

"Hmph, ignorant brats, are you still missing Li Moying? It's a pity...he's dead! No matter how powerful and talented he is, he's nothing more than a dead man. A dead man... how can he fight with me? The position of the young suzerain will not be let go?"

In Li Lingchuan's heart, don't mention how proud he is now!

He cooperated with Leng Yifeng this time, although he experienced many dangers, but in the end, he became the biggest beneficiary of this conspiracy by virtue of his own luck.

Not only killed Li Moying, but replaced him as the young master of Xingyao Sect.

Moreover, he succeeded in sneaking in when Murong Fei was most emotionally vulnerable, and won her heart.

Of course, what he was most proud of was killing the dying Leng Yifeng on a whim.

There are too many treasures in the ring of Leng Yifeng space, and they are too valuable. It is worthy of being a child of the big family of Emperor Lingcheng!

Now all of this belongs to him, Li Lingchuan!

He doesn't have to take any responsibility yet, anyway, Li Moying, a dead man, is the one to blame.

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