Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1622 Returning to Emperor Ling City (5)

Huang Yueli smiled and said: "This is a good thing that has the best of both worlds, why didn't he agree? I know, he is your loyal and good junior, it's okay, I will persuade him when the time comes!"

Li Moying pinched her pink cheeks, said with a low smile, "Okay, then it's all up to the lady to plan for me."

"Who is your wife?" Huang Yueli gave him a sideways glance, she didn't marry so casually, okay? Even if she already has a soft spot for this man, if Li Moying doesn't show a hundred and twenty sincerity to ask her to marry him, she won't just nod casually!

She muttered: "I just think that it would be a pity if you gave up on the foundation you have laid such a deep foundation in Xingyao Sect for so many years. Moreover, most of the forces in the Southern Tianyu originally belonged to Lingxian Sect. This opportunity is rare... "

She spoke very vaguely, but Li Moying understood her meaning completely.

He has been the young suzerain of the Xingyao Sect for many years, and his foundation is very deep. It can be said that he has the entire Xingyao Sect in his hands. With the status of the Xingyao Sect in the Southern Tianyu, if it is used properly as a pawn, it can be Affects the situation in the entire southern sky region.

Therefore, it is a pity that Li Moying just left like this, but now that he has broken through the Ninth Layer, he must go to Emperor Ling City to have more room for development, and it is impossible to continue to hang around in the Xingyao Sect.

In this case, the only way is to leave a suitable successor to take over the power of Xingyao Sect for him, and at the same time become his agent in the Southern Tianyu.

The best candidate is naturally his fifth junior brother Luo Jiyun.

Luo Jiyun has always been loyal to Li Moying, and after Li Lingchuan and others had accidents one after another, he with the eighth-grade talent has actually become the most talented and powerful genius warrior in the Xingyao Sect.

For him to succeed the young master of the Xingyao Sect, it is naturally a choice that can be balanced in all aspects.

The reason why Huang Yueli asked Yuan Zeyu to warn Murongde was to confirm this matter.

In fact, Li Moying also thought about this matter, but considering Luo Jiyun's mood, he didn't show it on the spot. Unexpectedly, Huang Yueli was much more decisive than him, so he did it immediately.

He looked down at Xiao Li'er who was smiling, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, a little sweet and a little troubled.

Alas, with a fiancée who is so connected, if he can't escape her eyes on what he is thinking, won't he not even be able to do bad things in the future?

Obviously losing his freedom used to be the thing he feared the most, why does it make him full of anticipation when he thinks about it now?

That night, Li Moying brought a group of people into Yunkong City and stayed in a luxurious mansion in the city.

This mansion was originally owned by Li Moying, so he asked the shadow guard to come over and clean it up in advance, making everything ready.

During this period of time, Huang Yueli has been in a state of turmoil. First, she was in danger several times in the Yunlin Secret Realm, and later she was on her way back to Xingyaozong to take revenge.

Until now, she had enough free time to take a beautiful flower petal bath in the huge hot spring bath in the mansion.

When it took her more than an hour to wash it white, tender and fragrant, she found that Li Moying had disappeared.

She ran to the backyard to search around, only to see Li Moying sitting in the gazebo, looking into the distance, thoughtful.

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