Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1670 The truth of the year (3)

"This...Little Li'er, why do you..."

Li Moying thought about how to answer.

However, Huang Yueli interrupted him again before he could finish speaking.

"Ha, in fact, I know this question even if you don't talk about it. Since you have been reincarnated, of course you will die! Then, there is a third question, how did you die? Who can put the world's invincible Sect Master Mu Killed? Or... did you commit suicide yourself?"

"The fourth question, why did you get in touch with Cangxuan Sword Sect so easily? What exactly did you agree with the four guardians? Why did they believe you? This must have something to do with what you did before you died in your previous life, right? ? What is it??"

Huang Yueli threw out a lot of questions like a cannonball, and her tone of questioning became more and more impatient.

After Li Moying recovered part of her memory, she had been vaguely thinking about these questions, and she had always felt very puzzled.

However, every time she got up a bit, Li Moying would use various methods (mainly masculine) to divert her attention, obviously not wanting to tell her.

And she also felt that it was the greatest luck that the two could meet again in this life, and that they could share the same heart and love each other. There are some things that don't need to be rushed to get to the bottom of it, and one day they will know the answer.

So if Li Moying didn't want to talk about it, she just let it go.

However, this time, Cang Ningyue's words seemed to pour a bucket of cold water on her body.

There were some details that had been overlooked in the past, doubts that had never been considered, but if she delved deeper, the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became!

Yes, how could there be such a coincidence in the world, she "coincidentally" was able to be reborn after her soul disappeared, and Mu Chengying "coincidentally" also had an accidental rebirth, and the two "coincidentally" were able to be born in the same country and be engaged ?

How can there be so many coincidences in the world? If everything is so right, it often only means that they are supposed to be arranged.

But... Huang Yueli still couldn't figure it out, how did this man do it? ?

Li Moying looked deeply at the girl in front of her, her sweet and alluring face was tense, and her big clear and flawless eyes were filled with worries and distress for him.

He couldn't help but sighed softly, "Xiao Li'er, don't worry..."

He wanted to hug his fiancée, but Huang Yueli immediately took a step back.

"Why don't you worry me?? Tell me clearly!"

She looked up at him with a straight face, making it clear that this time, she would never compromise easily.

Li Moying said: "Little Li'er, you can't do this..."

However, Huang Yueli was still unmoved.

Li Moying was depressed, and at the same time, she also decided that Huang Yueli would never start a fight with him for no reason, someone must have said something to her behind her back!

No matter who caused him to fall into such an indisputable dilemma, he would never make it easy for the other party!

But fortunately, even though Huang Yueli's question was very tricky and difficult to answer.

However, he also thought about the strategy to deal with it earlier, and prepared a standard answer, but he didn't expect it to be used so soon.

While thinking, Li Moying stepped forward again and grabbed Huang Yueli's shoulder.

"Little Li'er, don't get excited. I never said that. I don't want to tell you the truth, do I?"

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