Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1679 Too hard on yourself (1)

How can this be?

The routine he learned is obviously not like this?

How could my sister-in-law not play her cards according to the routine? This is an obvious foul!

Luo Jiyun really wanted to cry, but Huang Yueli was so dark and sinister, he couldn't beat her at all! Bickering with her is the most unwise thing in the world.

He had no choice but to seize the last opportunity of "two sentences" to try to plead with the elder brother.

"Little sister-in-law, the eldest brother said that he really didn't lie to you, he showed his sincerity to you, he... ah!"

Luo Jiyun spoke quickly, and wanted to seize the time to say a few more words, but who knows, just as he started, he saw Huang Yueli raised his right hand, and a surging profound force rushed towards him!

Although Luo Jiyun's cultivation was a few layers higher than Huang Yueli's, Huang Yueli's talent and combat experience were much higher than his.

When it really started, Luo Jiyun was no match at all, and Huang Yueli was swept out of the house in an instant as if he was sweeping up the trash!

With a "bang", the door closed tightly in front of him.

Huang Yueli's sweet voice drifted out from inside, "I've finished my two sentences, Junior Brother Luo, it's time to leave!"

Luo Jiyun rushed over and knocked on the door, "Sister-in-law, don't... don't do this! Let me say a few more words! Eldest brother, he really... ouch!"

As soon as Luo Jiyun's fist hit the door, he felt an irresistible powerful force coming from the door. He couldn't stabilize his body after retreating one after another, and flew backwards, falling into the flower bed at the door.

"Eldest brother, why am I in such a miserable situation... My sister-in-law not only didn't listen to me, she also set up some mechanism on the door of the room, and immediately sent me flying..."

Luo Jiyun crawled out of the mud in disgrace, turned around and ran to his senior brother crying.

Huang Yueli's organ was mainly for defense, not aggressive, so he wasn't injured much, but fell headlong into the mud that had just been fertilized. Not only was his body dirty, but the smell...not to mention What a smell!

Luo Jiyun rushed all the way, and all the disciples of Floating Sword Palace who passed by looked sideways at him.

Li Moying looked at his distressed appearance, and secretly sighed.

"Jiyun, you've worked hard. It's not that your sister-in-law has a problem with you, but she's really angry! Don't go to her now, just like what your sister-in-law said. During this period, you should practice hard in seclusion and prepare to go to heaven. The assessment of the ladder! I will personally teach you how to practice."

It is the dream of all young martial artists in the entire continent to be personally instructed by the number one expert in Tianling Continent!

Luo Jiyun immediately forgot all his troubles and left happily.

Li Moying's heart was even heavier.

He knew well that Luo Jiyun had suffered on his behalf, and Xiao Li'er was still angry, and seeing his attempt to use Luo Jiyun to persuade them to fight, so he deliberately taught them both a lesson.

Unexpectedly, even Luo Jiyun couldn't lower Xiao Li'er's guard... It seems that she is determined to know the truth of the matter!

Could it be that he really wanted to tell her...


This idea had just surfaced in his mind, but was ruthlessly rejected by Li Moying!

If you tell her the truth, she will definitely... No, he won't tell the truth until the day he is dying!

In this case, there is only one way...

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