Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1710 Who do you think you are? (6)

Subconsciously, Elder Sun naturally had such an idea.

It is true that people are more deadly than others. If there is a genius refiner who can reach the fifth level at the age of fifteen or sixteen, he, the "first member of the refiner guild in sixteen years", will be completely unacceptable.

Not only him, but also the young craftsmen present had such thoughts to some extent, so they repeatedly questioned Huang Yueli's strength.

But when this dark idea was directly exposed, Elder Sun felt that he couldn't get down.

He was really angry now, snorted coldly, and slapped the table heavily.

The pens and paper on the table bounced up and fell to the ground with a ping-pong-pong.

"Okay, very good! You dare to talk to this master like this, because you really think that you are very strong!" Elder Sun said every word.

Huang Yueli said indifferently: "I dare not say that she is very strong, at least she deserves her name."

"Very good! Then in order to prove that your own strength is indeed worthy of the badge on your chest, as the elder of the Artifact Master Association, I have the right to ask for a re-examination of the Artifact Master certification of other branches! Since you are so confident , then in front of so many people, re-do the fourth-order certification and prove your strength!" Elder Sun said in a stern tone.

Huang Yueli was stunned for a moment, "Recheck the certification?"

Elder Sun snorted coldly: "What? Why are you pretending to be stupid? Didn't you say that you are familiar with the rules of the Artifact Refiner's Guild? Every elder of the General Assembly can request a review of suspicious objects."

As he spoke, he pointed to the large rules and regulations hanging on the front wall of the reception hall.

"If you don't believe me, see for yourself, can this master lie to you?"

Huang Yueli took a closer look and found such a rule.

The elders of the General Assembly do have such authority, but the objects of the review are limited to those who have been certified by the Refiner Sub-Associations in various places and below the fourth level, and the certification obtained in the General Assembly does not need to be reviewed.

Huang Yueli was speechless for a while, obviously, this item was added after she blew herself up in her previous life.

From this, it can be seen that Elder Sun did not lie to her in one thing. Over the years, the certifications issued by the major branches of the Artifact Masters Guild have really become more and more watery...

"How is it? Do you dare?" Seeing that she didn't speak, Elder Sun decided that she was guilty, and his tone of voice was even more arrogant, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, once the review fails, your current fourth-level badge It will be taken back on the spot, and you will not even be able to participate in the refining master certification for three years, and you can only be an apprentice for these three years!"

"Of course, if you are afraid and dare not participate in the re-examination, the master has always been broad-minded. As long as you sincerely admit that you are not strong enough, and apologize to me for your rudeness just now, I will not pursue it further. "

Huang Yueli knew in her heart that Elder Sun's pretentious and generous words were actually very insidious.

If she didn't dare to review it, even if she could keep the Tier 4 badge, but in front of so many fellow refiners, admitting that she was not worthy of her certification badge, would it be any different from having her badge withdrawn?

It is also discredited, and it is also the laughing stock of all the refining masters!

On the contrary, when Elder Sun said these words, it seemed how tolerant he was.

Sure enough, many young craftsmen around had begun to admire Elder Sun's character.

There were still many people staring at Huang Yueli, with four big characters clearly written on their faces - gloating!

Thank you [ゝ条`情ヽ? 】, 【゛Smile ゞ Yilin? ], 【Flower falls, memory】, 【.Mi glass °】, 【Annie】, 【Coke】, 【Little fish】, 【Mortal Zhebie】, 【Smile づ Do you understand~】, 【Shang か】, 【blue? Reward from Qingbo々泪】~

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