Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1712 Surprised four seats (2)

As soon as Master Sun's words came out, another commotion was caused.

He was only promoted to an eighth-level weapon refiner last year, so the eighth-level profound weapons he refined were also very limited, and now he did not hesitate to take out one set, just to force Huang Yueli to re-examine and authenticate.

From this point of view, he was really mad...

But then again, it doesn't matter if Elder Sun takes out an eighth-tier profound weapon, let alone a ninth-tier profound weapon. After all, it's impossible for that little girl to pass the review...

Huang Yueli slightly hooked the corners of her mouth, thinking that this guy is quite upright, knowing that he took the initiative to show a set of eighth-order profound weapons to pay his respects, which saved her the effort of continuing to make bets with him.

She clapped her hands immediately, "Okay, then it's settled! Let's start now!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked to the certification area of ​​the fourth-tier refiner.

There were not many people who participated in the certification of the fourth-level refiner, and most of them were attracted by the dispute between her and Elder Sun, so there was not even a line of people.

Huang Yueli walked to the first table and sat down.

No one arrived first, yet Huang Yueli was so straightforward, without procrastinating at all, said the assessment was assessed, and walked over so proactively!

"What's going on? Looking at her like this, is she really confident?"

"It's hard to say... If it's just pretending, how can you still be so calm at this time?"

"But, she's only fifteen... I still don't believe such a thing exists!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then swarmed up. They all surrounded the assessment area of ​​the fourth-level certification, and the surrounding area was tightly packed. There were still many people on the outside, trying to squeeze in on their tiptoes to see clearly!

Even the craftsmen who were participating in the certification did not hesitate to throw away half of the profound weapons they refined and rushed over to watch.

If it weren't for the examiners to maintain order, these people would have wished to get under Huang Yueli's desk.

The certification process of the fourth-tier refiner is similar to that of the first-tier. The main process is two parts-theoretical assessment and practical assessment. The only difference lies in the difficulty of the exam questions.

Huang Yueli took a theoretical test paper from the examiner, glanced at it for a while, picked up the pen, and began to write quickly.

The fourth-order refining theory cannot be mastered by rote memorization alone, and requires a lot of derivation and calculation.

For ordinary young refiners, it is very complicated, and there are also some refiners with weaker mental strength who have been unable to pass the examination repeatedly.

However, for Huang Yueli, these can only be regarded as basic knowledge, and it is easy to answer them.

She wrote like flying, and kept writing, and answered more than half of the answers in a short time.

Seeing her posture, the eyes of the craftsmen on the side were about to pop out!

For such a complicated deduction process, she didn't even have a draft, and she didn't even need time to think carefully, so she wrote and wrote without stopping...

Isn't she really just scribbling?

Is she really asking questions?

Everyone's eyes widened, trying to see clearly what she had written on the test paper, but unfortunately, most of the people present were not at the level of a fourth-level craftsman, so they couldn't understand Huang Yueli at all. Write down the answers.

They had no choice but to turn their attention to Elder Sun and the examiner.

Looking at it, everyone realized that Elder Sun's face had turned into a liver-colored face, and the other examiners also had expressions of surprise.

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