Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1715 Surprised four seats (5)

But practice is the real big test, because next Huang Yueli will publicly refine in front of so many people.

When a refiner refines a profound weapon, what he is most afraid of is the interference from the outside world, and the lack of concentration of the refiner himself.

In the case of public refining, even experienced senior refiners are prone to various problems due to being too nervous, resulting in the failure of the refiner.

And this little girl is only at this age, she must not have much experience in refining weapons, and there are still so many people staring at her every move.

Under such circumstances... Ninety-nine out of ten will fail!

Thinking of this, Elder Sun finally breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly put the test paper back on the table.

"I really can't find any mistakes in Miss Bai's test paper... let's hurry up and proceed to the next practical test!" He said lightly, trying to quickly shift everyone's attention to the practical test.

Huang Yueli sneered, without saying much, she turned her gaze to the original examiner.

The examiner nodded hastily and said, "Congratulations, Miss Bai, for passing the theory test. Are you going to take the practical test right away?"


"Then please ask Miss Bai to choose one of the three scrolls in front of you. It will record the profound weapon that needs to be refined in your practice assessment."

The examiner pushed the three scrolls in front of Huang Yueli.

She can watch the content of these three scrolls at will, because it is impossible for most of the refining masters to master all the refining methods of profound weapons. Therefore, as long as she chooses the one she is best at and can successfully complete the refining, You will be able to obtain the certification of the fourth-level refining master.

And the difference in difficulty of the assessment between the General Assembly and the sub-guilds of the Artifact Masters Guild is also reflected here.

In general, in order to increase the pass rate, the branches in various places will set the practical examination questions as simple as possible. As long as they can complete any one of the most basic profound weapon refining, they will be able to obtain the certification of the corresponding level.

However, in the Artifact Refiner Association, the formulas of the mysterious weapons recorded in these three scrolls have been carefully selected.

Each piece of refining is very difficult, requiring the comprehensive use of various refining techniques, and it is also necessary to constantly adjust the refining plan through deduction during the refining process.

What is even more troublesome is that in the general meeting, sometimes a mysterious weapon is successfully refined, but it may not necessarily pass the assessment, it depends on the quality of the mysterious weapon after it is formed.

If the examiner decides that the quality of the finished product is too poor to be used as a fourth-order profound weapon for a long time, it will also be judged as unqualified.

In this way, the possibility of any opportunism is eliminated to the greatest extent.

Any craftsman who has passed the certification of the Craftsman Association is truly outstanding and well-deserved, so it's no wonder that they look down on their counterparts who have been certified by various branch associations!

Everyone stared at Huang Yueli and the scroll in her hand, waiting to see what she would choose.

But who knows, Huang Yueli didn't even open the scroll to look at it, but randomly picked one from the middle, waved it in the air, and said casually: "Okay, I'll just choose this one!"

The examiner was stunned again, staring at her like a ghost.

"Miss Bai, let me remind you that the test questions in these three scrolls are all different! You can choose what you are good at to refine, so that it is easier to get a high score!"

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