Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1720 Deja vu (1)

The voice sounded familiar, and the refiners all turned their heads to look at the person coming.

From the appearance, the visitor was only about thirty years old, tall and tall, with handsome features, but looked a little thin.

Wearing a dark blue robe of a refiner, he walked slowly from the other side of the street with a calm demeanor.

As soon as he appeared, the whole street fell silent instantly, and the eyes of all the passers-by were fixed on him.

Some low-level refiners looked very dazed, looked around, and asked in a low voice: "What's going on? Why is everyone silent??"

"Isn't it? You don't even know him?" The person next to him gave him a strange look.

"This... I think it looks familiar, but..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Elder Sun with an extremely shocked expression on his face. He quickly squeezed out from the crowd, walked up to the craftsman, and immediately bowed in salute.

"President Ye, you... you actually have time to come to the Artifact Refiner's Guild for inspection today..."

The person who came was Ye Xinghua, the president of the Artifact Refiner Association. He frowned slightly, glanced around the chaotic crowd, and said, "Today is the day when the Artifact Refiner Association will hold a certification assessment. Come over and have a look. What's going on with you guys? Why don't you wait for the assessment in the reception hall, what are you all running out for?"

The low-level refiners were all dumbfounded.

"No...isn't it? Didn't President Ye be fifty or sixty years old this year?"

"That's right, it looks too young! I thought the portrait hanging on the wall of the Artisan Association was painted by him when he was young! Isn't this President Ye's son?"

One of the examiners couldn't listen anymore, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he explained in a low voice: "President Ye looks young because his martial arts talent is also very good. Generally, after a warrior breaks through the seventh level, the speed of aging will be faster It becomes very slow, and after breaking through the ninth level, there will be almost no change in appearance. President Ye has reached the seventh level of cultivation before the age of thirty."

"I see……"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that they looked at Ye Xinghua excitedly and began to discuss secretly.

"Great, I didn't expect to be so lucky today to meet President Ye himself! I heard that he is a dragon who never sees the end, and he will only appear once in the Artifact Master's Association in several months!"

"President Ye is an idol I admire. It is said that he was Master Huang's direct disciple and inherited her mantle. After Master Huang died, he became the most powerful refiner in Tianling Continent!"

"That's right, many of Master Huang's unique crafting techniques back then were too complicated, and no one could learn them after recruiting many disciples. Only President Ye studied hard for more than ten years and learned 80% or 90% of them!"

"It's amazing. I heard that President Ye is now able to refine eighth-grade top-grade profound weapons, and he alone has the ability to repair many ninth-level profound weapons left by Master Huang. As a ninth-level warrior, Ye Hui Chang is still very, very young, and in his lifetime, he must be able to hit the realm of a ninth-level craftsman, right?"

The young craftsman geniuses were all very happy, and they were thinking in their hearts that it was rare for President Ye to appear in the Craftsman Guild. They must perform well later on. Just fly to the top!

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